She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Promoting Science In The World Of Supernatural (7)

The final version of the Ghost APP has several new capabilities, including Feng Shui monitoring.

It may give consumers sensible renovation advice to change the feng shui in the house while monitoring the feng shui in the house.

Of course, this feng shui function was extremely basic, and it could only make ordinary people’s homes more comfortable, such as keeping them warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

If you want to create more complex Feng Shui arrays, you’ll need to hire a metaphysical master.

There were only three sorts of talismans in the final version of the APP, including the talisman records: personal amulet, house talisman, and Breaking Evil talisman.

For a higher-level charm, you still have to ask the priests for it.

Lin Xiaotang was unaccustomed to the appearance of those masters of metaphysics being aloof in this world, yet she never considered exterminating them all.

This design will keep them from losing all of their financial assets.

A quick alarm option was also available in the APP’s lower left corner.

This tool can assist customers in contacting the nearest public security bureau as soon as feasible in order to dispatch special police to come and settle the ghost issue.

The state secretly trained these special police officers two months ago.

Their number was small because there were few supernatural cases.

As ordinary citizens, they will download a more comprehensive official internal version of the ghost APP on their mobile phones, which will include everything, and the feng shui monitoring function will also be more sophisticated, allowing them to deal with various dangerous situations more easily.

From that point forward, the safety of more than one billion people across the country will be ensured.

However, due to national circumstances, the country has energetically promoted scientific civilization while firmly opposing feudal superstition.

Taking this into account, the state, with the agreement of Lin Xiaotang, altered the name of the ghost app to “radiation scanner” rather than directly announcing the existence of ghosts in this realm.

At the same time, the propaganda slogan about the APP was also quite positive-

“Life only comes once, and safety follows you for the rest of your life.”Download the radiation scanner to prevent new sorts of hazardous radiation out of our life.”

Netizens: “…..”

However, why does the icon for this application called “Radiation Scanner” contain the word “Ghost”? 

Nobody knew why the official folks altered the APP’s name, but the symbol remained unchanged.

This minor oversight, along with the overwhelming state promotion, propelled this APP to viral status on the Internet.

Thousands of netizens hurried to their mobile phones to download the so-called “radiation scanner” APP.

They were astonished by the APP’s simple and rough functions after downloading it and entering to watch it.

What is the purpose of the dialogue function? Could it be that the government and producers believe we can communicate with Radiation?

[What exactly does the spell function imply? Are the old priests on the street selling the “computer radiation protection charm” liars? (Pupil Earthquake)] [If nothing else, why does this radiation resemble my late grandfather? [Picture][Picture][Picture]] [What a coincidence upstairs, the radiation in our house also has my grandmother’s face, and it scolds me and tells me not to stay up late…] [This could be a “new type of harmful radiation.” Funny.jpg]

To make the general public aware of the importance of the APP, officials did not conceal it, but rather emphasised its differences of the APP in a subtle and euphemistic way.

Fortunately, once they grasped the value of this APP, most individuals did not oppose it, and even mocked the official behaviour.

Living in a ghostly world, most people have heard certain urban legends or have personally experienced certain occurrences, which is why they are more superstitious.

As a result, their comments were all positive, and some were even relieved that their safety was ensured.

For those who are adamantly opposed to the possibility of ghosts, the app’s name is “radiation scanner.”

Those black objects they scanned had to be radiation!

Even if there were folks who believed there was something wrong with this app and that the government was attempting to mislead them.

However, the country has done a good job in the follow-up publicity of the APP.

“After twenty-five years of unsolved cases, the truth was revealed by radiation scanners!”

“Our city discovered a large human trafficking organisation, nearly 100 people were apprehended, and the radiation scanner “registered first-class merit”!”

“The husband murdered his wife, hid her body, and kept the truth hidden for 14 years. He was captured.


Seven or eight frightening large examples were published on the Internet only a week after the APP was introduced.

People would not dare mock them again in light of the recent wave of high-profile news.

Yes, obsession is the main reason why a person will become a ghost after death and leave it in the world.

The most persistent of these obsessions was hatred.

Everyone enjoys watching dramas about taking retribution, redressing injustice, and letting the wicked get what they deserve.

This APP can give those innocent people a chance to rehabilitate, which was both the deceased’s and the general public’s luck.

Because they know that if they die unexpectedly one day, they will also not be forgotten.

They can also avenge themselves in another way.

As a result, downloads of Lin Xiaotang’s APP swiftly surpassed 100 million under multiple thrusts.

With the passage of time, everyone gradually accepted its existence, and it became one of the must-have applications for every mobile phone.

The state has withheld Lin Xiaotang’s identify and personal information as a major contributor to the creation of the APP for a variety of reasons.

In normal life, however, in order to compensate her, the government provided the Lin Group with numerous benefits while leaving no trace.

Father and Mother Lin’s business was thriving, and it eventually overtook the Xiao family. They were on the verge of becoming the richest family in Huaihai City.

Those around who like to talk about them behind their backs and think they were “stubborn and ineffective” also shut up.

Indeed, the Lin family just believed in science, what did they do wrong?

And now, science can study metaphysics, and it seemed that there was no problem with believing in science.


It’s only that, while the rest of the world was celebrating, many people’s hearts were sad in the metaphysical circle.

In other words, their mood had not improved since the ghost app became popular.

Some masters had strong morals and a nice character.

They were both startled and grateful for the general public’s reaction to the birth of this APP.

As true metaphysicians, they despise liars who pose as priests in order to cheat and smear their metaphysics circle.

When this APP arrived, it was evident whether those liars had true skills or not.

Furthermore, with such software at their disposal, ordinary humans can easily survive in the hands of ghosts.

Those ghosts who died unjustly can also have their grievances heard before doing evil.

However, another group of people did not cultivate themselves as well.

Killing someone’s fortune is akin to killing one’s parents, as the proverb goes.

The state’s action has entirely destroyed the “monopoly” behaviour of the country’s metaphysics circle.

Those who had the ability to become wealthy were not fools.

It was feasible that these wealthy individuals would no longer pay hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to locate them in order to banish demonic spirits.

Among these people, Shen Shu was the most anxious one.

Shen Shu had just been in Huaihai City for two years and had little time to do anything significant.

As a result, despite her sudden celebrity and spotlight, her rank in the local metaphysical circle was still middle-class, and she lacked power.

She used to be able to conquer everyone with her innate Yin-Yang eyes and talisman skills.

However, with the introduction of Lin Xiaotang’s APP, these two advantages of hers can be considered to be fully eliminated.

Shen Shu had seen the APP in the hands of Lin Xiaotang at Chu’s house two months before.

However, she did not take this APP seriously. After all, the APP can only glimpse at ghosts or utilise talismans at most. She can do such a thing.

Want to use a mobile app to compare with her? This was so ridiculous.

These folks, in Shen Shu’s opinion, were nothing more than clowns who thought they were capable but didn’t know the limit of the sky.

But she had no idea Lin Xiaotang and the others would be so unselfish as to hand over this APP to the country!

Shouldn’t they profit from it, and why should it be shared with everyone?

Do they have to annoy her like this?

They were so merciless in their pursuit of her that they dragged the entire metaphysics circle into the ocean!

Looking at her WeChat, which had received no new friend requests in over a month, she realised that customers’ previous attitudes towards her were becoming increasingly perfunctory.

She wanted to get out of this situation, but after much thought, she couldn’t figure out what to do.

Shen Shu never went to school and stayed at home all the time because she wanted to inherit the Shen family’s philosophies and knowledge. She was cared after by an old servant.

She emerged from the mountain when she was twenty-two years old to live in the mortal world.

She was supposed to become a Feng Shui expert in this life, it can be stated.

She had no other options besides the road of metaphysics.

In order to get to know more people and gain fame at the same time, Shen Shu has been down the mountain for two years, and most of the time she was chasing ghosts and exorcising evil spirits.

Now that the road was blocked, how could she not be angry?

Shen Shu would get a headache if she was asked to return to her previous profession and set up a Feng Shui bureau.

There have always been a few wealthy individuals and a large number of impoverished individuals in the globe. How can there be so many wealthy people who want the services of a Feng Shui Bureau?

Even if there were, Shen Shu would find it difficult to wait her turn.

She appeared to be too young to have any experience, and she was absolutely incomparable to other long-established Feng Shui masters.

The genuine wealthy family loathed her, and she despised those families who came over and asked her to do something.

Shen Shu’s finger gripping the pen was somewhat firm, and her fingertips grew white, as she recalled her numerous experiences in these days, as well as the rumours from the Chu family.

Lin Xiaotang and others felt betrayed by her constantly aloof and tranquil heart.

What a pity…

Why did she work so hard for almost 10 years when others could obtain it for free with only an APP?

Those mediocre people have never worked hard, so why should they be rewarded?

There was also the question of whether they should sacrifice their feng shui gurus for the sake of the so-called safety of regular people.

Looking at the scrapped talisman in her hand, Shen Shu pursed her lips, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it away.

At this moment, her phone suddenly rang.

Shen Shu picked up her phone and saw that it was her boyfriend Xiao Chen on the other end of the line.

Speaking of which, she was desperate to become famous in order to marry Xiao Chen.

Despite her exceptional talent and large earnings, she was unable to join a wealthy family.

Xiao Chen’s attitude changed slightly since the last time he encountered Lin Xiaotang at the Chu home.

He didn’t stop loving her; he was still kind to her, but he wasn’t as excited as before.

The relationship between the two dropped to a freezing point after Lin Xiaotang’s APP surfaced.

They had a fight yesterday, and Xiao Chen even commented, “I thought Feng Shui masters were so special, but I didn’t expect them to be no different than ordinary women.”

Shen Shu had no idea what had happened to him, but she refused to let Xiao Chen insult her like this.

The two had an unhappy breakup, and Xiao Chen never came back to find her.

But why did he call her today?

Shen Shu hesitated for a moment before answering the call.

“A-chen?” she asked.

“It’s me, I’m here to tell you something.”

 Not sure if it was because of the microphone, but Xiao Chen’s voice became exceedingly indifferent: “Shen Shu, the Lin family has found the witch who forced Lin Xiaotang into a ghost marriage… You should look out for yourself.”

———End of this chapter. 


  1. This man is a douchebag

  2. lilBirb says:

    It’s so funny when irl or in webnovels people love something or someone just because it’s unusual. Like, do they not understand that interacting with something unusual for a long time makes the thing usual and familiar to you?

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