She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Promoting Science In The World Of Supernatural (6)

“What? Is it still possible to watch it on my phone?”

Even Chu Xiaoxiao, who couldn’t stand Shen Shu and others, was taken aback when she heard what Lin Xiaotang said.

She approached Lin Xiaotang and saw the thick black mist that shrouded her living room, as well as the ominous red light that appeared and disappeared on the Buddha statue, through Lin Xiaotang’s mobile phone screen.

What was even more surprising was that the black mists continued to flow and changed slowly in response to the movement of people in the room.

Chu Xiaoxiao’s eyes widened as she witnessed such a shocking scene: “It’s true…”

“What exactly?”

Chu’s father, Chu’s mother, and others shifted their focus after hearing the movement on Lin Xiaotang’s side.

They didn’t believe Lin Xiaotang at first because they suspected them of cheating.

Shen Shu and others, in particular, scoffed.

How enigmatic, mysterious, and perplexing metaphysics was. Lin Xiaotang desired to solve metaphysics through science? This was simply insane!

However, their expressions changed abruptly after seeing the contents of Lin Xiaotang’s mobile phone screen.

Shen Shu’s eyes narrowed, and a worried expression appeared on her always cold face.

“How so……”

The image captured by this camera was identical to what her yin yang eyes could see!

“Master Shen, this… This appears to be the same as what you said?”

Seeing this, Chu’s father and Chu’s mother couldn’t help but ask.

Chu’s father and mother, both businessmen, naturally place a higher value on evidence.

Furthermore, even if they already believed in ghosts, the deterrent power of metaphysics was slightly weaker than that of science.

After all, they couldn’t see the situation in their own room and lacked Shen Shu’s yin yang eyes.

As Chu Xiaoxiao pointed out, what happened to their family was entirely dependent on what Shen Shu said. How could Lin Xiaotang’s app be so simple?

How come Shen Shu couldn’t hear what they were saying?

It was only to clearly see the yin in the house. She can do it with nothing more than a talisman.

Shen Shu returned her gaze to the Buddha statue in the living room, taking her gaze away from Lin Xiaotang’s phone.

Although this Buddha statue is a ming instrument, it is also a good instrument.

She could use it as long as the evil spirits were removed from it.

Shen Shu came to Chu’s house to assist because she believed there would be a magical weapon suitable for her here.

They should not reject her as long as she solves the problem for the Chu family and requests it from them.

Shen Shu took out a piece of talisman paper and dipped her other hand in cinnabar, intending to draw on the talisman paper.

When the tail of her brush landed on the yellow paper, it emptied into the air without any external force. Shen Shu’s brush was as terrifying as a dragon, penetrating the paper wall and drawing a few characters faintly in a dark golden light.

The pen falls, completing the talisman.

“This is the Breaking Evil Talisman,” Shen Shu said indifferently, looking at surprised Chu’s father and mother. Attach it to the Buddha statue to remove the evil spirit in the Buddha statue.”

A talisman can be made with a small amount of aura. Shen Shu, as a metaphysical genius, doesn’t need to set up an incense table or pray to the gods when she draws a talisman.

This was what Shen Shu was most proud of, and it was also one of the reasons why she was able to quickly integrate into and become famous in Huaihai City’s metaphysics circle.

“Thank you Master Shen for helping us!”

Chu’s father and mother were convinced after witnessing such a miraculous scene of drawing talismans.

All of the tremors and doubts that had arisen in their hearts had vanished at this point.

Even Chu Xiaoxiao, who had the most contradictory attitude, was stunned to the side.

Could it be that this so-called Master Shen was a true master of metaphysics rather than a liar?

She actually just offended them…

——However, Liu Yi, who was standing beside her, abruptly spoke up.

“Breaking Evil Talisman?”

He casually looked at the talisman paper in Shen Shu’s hand and said, “This talisman is also available in our APP, you don’t need to draw it by hand, just click it and it can come out, and our talisman is not a one-time use, this talisman can be used indefinitely as long as there is battery in your mobile phone.”

Yes, the Ghost APP has initially formed a set of spell functions as a result of Lin Xiaotang’s diligent research during this time period.

Lin Xiaotang took advantage of the country to obtain the source of these spells.

After reaching an agreement with the relevant departments, the members of those special departments sent Lin Xiaotang all of the common spells they knew for her to study.

When people cast spells, the magical effect that results is a special energy body similar to ghosts.

Lin Xiaotang entered the patterns of these spells into the APP and added the “Charms” function after studying them.

Special converters were used to process these patterns. They will show a specific wavelength of light after being displayed on the mobile phone screen, which cannot harm humans but is lethal to ghosts.

Through the use of a few talisman papers stored in their mobile phones, even ordinary people can gain the ability to protect themselves from ghosts.

“In addition to the breaking evil talisman, the common healing talisman, house-soothing talisman, and insect repelling talisman are all available here, and they can all be used by ordinary people. It’s very simple.” Liu Yi added.

“How can it be?”

Shen Shu sneered and immediately refuted after hearing Liu Yi’s words: “It’s just that the pattern is the same, can this also count as a talisman?”

When their practitioners draw talismans, they must not only draw fixed characters, but also use their cultivation in their bodies and inject it into talisman paper to form a talisman.

Do these so-called scientific researchers believe that if they copy the patterns of these spells, they will be able to create real spells?

This was an affront to metaphysics!

Shen Shu thought it was ridiculous to hear Liu Yi introduce the functions of their APP there.

When Xiao Chen next to her noticed this, he sneered directly at her.

He cast a lazy glance at Lin Xiaotang, his tone tinged with boredom: “Miss Lin, I know you don’t like Ah Shu because of me, but you can’t be so messy, right?”

“?” Lin Xiaotang.

Everyone was talking about the APP, but why did Xiao Chen suddenly involve her when he was talking about it?

“The person I really love is Ah Shu, she is the person I want to spend my life with in the future, I hope you can have some more self knowledge in the future, and don’t make me look down on you,” Xiao Chen said, raising his eyebrows.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the cold woman beside him with loving eyes.

“Oh,” says Lin Xiaotang.

She wasn’t sure if it was the global consciousness at work. As the antagonist, she is always in conflict with the hero and heroine.

She, on the other hand, was too lazy to pay attention to them.

Shen Shu and Xiao Chen didn’t believe in the APP’s spell function, so she let them see it for themselves.

Lin Xiaotang stretched out her finger in front of everyone and lightly tapped the word “Charms” in the lower right corner of the Ghost APP, selecting “Breaking Evil Charm” from a dozen other types of spells.

Soon, a pattern of a broken evil talisman appeared on the screen of her mobile phone.

Lin Xiaotang then moved her wrist and pointed the Talisman on her phone’s screen at the Buddha statue in Chu’s living room, drawing everyone’s attention.

A shrill scream came from inside the Buddha statue as the golden light flashed on the spell on the phone screen!

The living room was filled with a strong wind, and the Buddha statue began to tremble violently.

A layer of indescribable black mist and dirt gradually emerged on its originally clean and holy appearance.

But, thanks to the Evil Shattering Spell on Lin Xiaotang’s phone, the black mist appeared for only two seconds before dissipating in the blink of an eye.

Everyone noticed that the temperature inside the Chu house had risen by two or three degrees, and the previously cold room had become warmer.

“It’s finished.”

Lin Xiaotang calmly said, “Your home is safe,” after inspecting the Buddha statue and confirming that the evil spirit on it had vanished.

When her voice faded, the entire Chu household fell silent.

Their expressions were different, whether it was the anxious Chu family or Shen Shu and the others who spoke wildly.

As a Feng Shui master, Shen Shu could sense that the spell in Lin Xiaotang’s phone was having an effect.

Furthermore, its effect was superior to the talisman she drew herself.

Shen Shu bit her lower lip in embarrassment as she faced this fact and remembered what she had just said.

Xiao Chen appeared to be about to say something, but after looking at Shen Shu and then Lin Xiaotang, he closed his mouth sullenly.

At the same time, he felt a little uneasy in his chest.

The powerful and indifferent Shen Shu, it turns out, will be frustrated and annoyed as well…

On the other hand, Father and Mother Chu, who had dismissed Lin Xiaotang and even said she couldn’t be compared to a master, smiled at her, slightly embarrassed.

Father Chu, in particular, felt uneasy when he realised that these two people had been found for free by his daughter Chu Xiaoxiao.

They spent the entire three million to invite Shen Shu.

Furthermore, in order not to offend Master Shen, he had no way of requesting the money back.

Chu Xiaoxiao was the only person who felt proud at the time.

“I just said they’re very powerful,” she exclaimed cheerfully, “this is much better than those Taoist priests you found!”

“I apologise it was due to a lack of a broad horizon,” Father Chu nodded repeatedly and said, “If you don’t mind, I’ll give you two million later; please treat it as an apology…”

“It’s all right, we don’t need the money.”

Liu Yi was taken aback when he heard what Father Chu said.

He quickly waved his hand and said, “We are members of the Approach Science Forum, a non-profit organisation that works with the government. The government will help us out. They can ask for free assistance as long as they are citizens of our country.”

Lin Xiaotang and Liu Yi paid little attention to Chu’s father and mother’s initial remarks.

Chu’s father and mother had not seen the scientific methods and were sceptical of them. This was far too typical. What was the source of your rage?

Many people have scolded Liu Yi by pointing his nose as a liar, and his client has even kicked him out of the house. He’d gotten used to it.

Chu’s father and mother secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Liu Yi and Lin Xiaotang being so friendly.

At the same time, their support for the Approach Science Forum and the country skyrocketed in an instant.

Who wants to spend a lot of money and humbly ask a master to come over if you can?

Of course, they would never say such a thing in front of Shen Shu.

“How should I use this Buddha statue?”

Mother Chu paused for a moment before asking, her face pale.

Mother Chu’s expression changed after she realised the Buddha statue was a ming weapon.

Even if there was no evil spirit on it, she didn’t dare to keep things used by the dead at home.

Shen Shu’s eyes shifted slightly as she heard Mother Chu’s words.

Lin Xiaotang and the others should not require magical tools because they are scientific researchers.

Shen Shu simply lacked an instrument, and the Buddha statue was very important to her.

Although she did not remove the evil spirit, the Chu family will not refuse her request as long as she requests it…

“Of course, it will be turned over to the state.” Lin Xiaotang spoke up abruptly.

She looked at the Buddha statue indifferently and said: “Its suffocating energy has not vanished. It is believed that it was only recently discovered. There is an 80% chance that the Buddha statue was dug up by tomb robbers and delivered to your hands.”

In this case, turning it over to the police for investigation is the best option.

It wasn’t a bad idea to put it in the museum, and it can also help Father and Mother Chu’s reputation.

“Well said,” Father Chu agreed as soon as he heard Lin Xiaotang’s words, “let’s go to the police now!”

Chu Xiaoxiao, who was standing next to him, even took out his phone and began dialling 911.

“…” Shen Shu says.

How could such a magical weapon be placed in a museum and burn to ashes?

She wanted to stop the Chu family, but Chu Xiaoxiao had already called the cops.

A cold light flashed in Shen Shu’s eyes as she looked at the Buddha statue and then at Lin Xiaotang.

Even though she appeared here, this person who should have died had repeatedly targeted her.

Even though she has always been apathetic, it was unavoidable that she would become angry.

“Let’s go!”

Shen Shu’s face sank, and she said coldly.

Glancing at the Chu family coldly, Shen Shu pulled Xiao Chen together, turned around and left.

As a well-known Feng Shui master, Shen Shu also has her own pride.

Since she was not welcome here, there was no need for her to stay as a thorn in their eyes!

Chu family: “…..”

Chu family: ? ? ?

Why was Master Shen so angry?

The others in the room were perplexed by Shen Shu’s abrupt departure.

Chu’s father and mother couldn’t figure out how they had offended Shen Shu.

Could it be because they haven’t spoken to Shen Shu recently?

But it wasn’t them who assisted them in driving away their evil spirits.

To be honest, Chu’s father and mother were respectful when Shen Shu came all the way here.

But what exactly did she do?

She didn’t appear to have done anything other than draw a talisman in front of them, did she?

The talisman was also taken away by herself.

Chu’s father and mother were puzzled by the backs of Shen Shu and others, and gradually became dissatisfied.

Lin Xiaotang, on the other hand, completely ignored Shen Shu and the others.

What were they thinking, and what did it matter to her?

She hoped that Shen Shu and the others would never come to bother her.

The only thing that piqued Lin Xiaotang’s interest was the man with long hair and white clothes standing next to Shen Shu.

I’m not sure if it was an illusion, but he seemed to give her one more look before leaving.

Furthermore, this person had a very low sense of self. Lin Xiaotang considered it carefully, but she couldn’t recall his appearance.

However, he was just a stranger, so she didn’t pay much attention to it.

Lin Xiaotang and Liu Yi left the Chu house after chatting with them for a while and telling them that they could download the ghost app directly from the software mall.

She then followed these people and solved several commissions under the supervision of the special department.

Except for the two cases in which the victims were innocent, the victims in the remaining cases had some issues with themselves.

In communicating with the ghosts, they inadvertently discovered a case of intentional homicide, revealing the deceased’s grievances.

If you don’t do bad things, you won’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door, according to this proverb.

Lin Xiaotang thought about this for a while, and removed some particularly lethal spells from the APP, leaving only some spells that were sufficient to protect oneself.

During these actual battles, members of the special department confirmed through repeated reviews that the APP had no major flaws and had no sequels or side effects, and the country finally began to promote the APP.

Soon, advertisements about the ghost app quickly appeared in front of the public.

———End of this chapter. 


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