She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Promoting Science In The World Of Supernatural (5)

Shen Shu also recognized Lin Xiaotang.

Her eyes swept across Lin Xiaotang, full of suspicion.

Lin Xiaotang’s body was too ghostly, as Priest He had mentioned, which was clearly a sign of evil spirits.

Ordinary people will not survive for seven days under normal circumstances and will perish at the hands of ghosts.

Lin Xiaotang, on the other hand, did not die.

Even if she didn’t die, the Yin Qi in her body was slowly fading away.

It was speculated that she was being assisted by a high-level expert, and she was considered extremely fortunate.

Shen Shu pondered lightly.

She was unconcerned about what the experts behind Lin Xiaotang might discover.

Although Shen Shu’s face was indifferent the last time she went to the Lin family to break off the marriage, she was a little angry in her heart after being scolded as a liar by the Lin family.

She should’ve let a group of arrogant people who didn’t know the heights of the sky get hit by evil and admit their mistakes to her.

Shen Shu, however, was proud of herself as a feng shui master of several generations of the Shen family and was unable to do things like harming people behind their backs and using feng shui for harm.

So she casually asked her boyfriend Xiao Chen what Lin Xiaotang’s birth date was after passing by a witch who was collecting the birth dates of unmarried women in order to match her son with a ghost marriage.

Lin Xiaotang, the eldest lady of the Lin family, had a good appearance and luck. Her birth date was naturally more appealing than that of ordinary women.

Shen Shu noticed the witch’s eyes flickering and knew in her heart that the witch would attack Lin Xiaotang.

But how did this relate to her?

This witch eavesdropped on her, and it was she who went to attack Lin Xiaotang.

Even if the witch was later discovered and confessed about her, the Lin family was powerless to convict her.

Yes, she can get rid of this witch ahead of time by removing the other party’s cultivation, preventing this person from attacking Lin Xiaotang.

But why would she do such a thing?

Lin Xiaotang’s parents had previously called her a liar, only to turn around and ask her to save their daughter without hesitation. Wasn’t this a case of moral kidnapping?

Shen Shu felt much better about what had happened to Lin Xiaotang after thinking about this.

In any case, she just wanted to teach the Lin’s a lesson.

What Shen Shu did not expect was Priest He to reject Father and Mother Lin’s request, and for Lin Xiaotang to die.

Lin Xiaotang, on the other hand, was probably fated to have such a disaster.

Furthermore, it was not a bad thing for her to use her life to educate the world’s ignorant people.

Shen Shu had no other thoughts than the accident now that Lin Xiaotang was alive.

She was a practitioner; she should stay focused on her original goal and avoid dwelling on the past. These insignificant details should not pique her interest.

Lin Xiaotang had no idea what Shen Shu was contemplating.

She only had a slight headache after seeing the heroine and hero.

Shen Shu returned this time, bringing two people with her.

The male protagonist, Xiao Chen, was one, and the other was a gentle and attractive young man dressed in white.

Shen Shu was fine; the heroine had always been cold and arrogant, but Xiao Chen, the original owner’s ex-fiancee, was already lloking at her with disgust.

If it hadn’t been for the other people, Xiao Chen would have walked over and told Lin Xiaotang to stop bothering him.

Lin Xiaotang finds these emotional disagreements to be the most vexing.

She took out her phone and resolved to complete this commission and leave as soon as possible.

“Master Shen, you’ve arrived!”

When Chu’s father and mother saw Shen Shu and others approaching, they ran over and respectfully led them into the house.

Lin Xiaotang and the others who her daughter Chu Xiaoxiao was looking for were despised by Chu’s father and mother.

When they saw Shen Shu’s dissatisfied expression, they lost their cool with Chu Xiaoxiao: “What happened to these people? I warned you earlier not to invite anyone here for fear of upsetting the master!”

“They’re not extraordinary!”

Chu Xiaoxiao was so enraged when he heard what Chu’s father and mother said that she jumped up: “You’ve found three liars in the last few days, and you still want to look for more? You spent three million dollars to invite Master Shen. I invited two scientific researchers but spent no money!”

Chu Xiaoxiao despised the fact that Chu’s father and mother had spent a lot of money looking for a liar some time ago.


Chu’s father and mother’s expressions changed instantly when they saw her pointing at Shen Shu and scolding her.

They spent a lot of money and begged a lot of feng shui masters hired by friends. Their family would be destroyed if they offended her!

They hurriedly pleaded with Shen Shu and others, “Master, our daughter is not sober, please don’t bother with her.”

“It’s fine.”

Shen Shu shook her head, unconcerned.

“Let these two so-called ‘scientific researchers’ open their eyes,” the cold woman said, her gaze passing over Lin Xiaotang and the others.

Hearing what she said, Chu’s father and mother’s complexion improved a little.

Chu Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, smiled and sneered from the side, clearly disapproving.

“Three million dollars…”

Lin Xiaotang’s eyes shifted slightly as she noticed this amount.

She was aware that in the original plot, the heroine could make a lot of money as soon as she made a move, but she had no idea she’d get so much.

After more than a month, the black figure in the Chu family’s dream could not cause significant damage to the Chu family, but could only harm the surrounding plants, indicating that its level of danger was low.

It was no surprise that the masters of metaphysics in this world have their eyes above the top with such simple tasks and the potential for them to be sought after by countless wealthy businessmen (of their heads).

Chu’s father and mother were too lazy to care about Chu Xiaoxiao and Lin Xiaotang, so they said, “Master Shen, please.”

They took Shen Shu and others to their room after seeing that Shen Shu didn’t mind and saying, “If you see any problem, please tell me directly.”

Shen Shu nodded slightly when she heard this.

Her gaze swept across the Chu family’s home, following the strong yin within.

Shen Shu, the heroine, was born with rare yin yang eyes, which allow her to see ghosts that ordinary people cannot, as well as the feng shui in the house.

Shen Shu said lightly, “There is indeed a problem in your house, and the yin is concentrated in the main house,” after noticing the feng shui in Chu’s house was disordered and the pressure was black.

She made a light motion with her finger, pointing to a Buddha statue in Chu’s main house: “Something is wrong with this thing. It should be a ming utensil if it is not unexpected.”

Ming utensils, also known as underworld utensils, are utensils that ancient people would bury when dead people were buried.

This Buddha statue is surrounded by almost all of the yin in the room. It had been dug out of the ground by tomb robbers, and there was still a tinge of bloody energy running through its body.

Chu’s father and mother’s eyes lit up when they heard what Shen Shu said.

They considered it, and this Buddha statue was delivered by someone else exactly half a month ago!

Because it was a Buddha statue, Chu’s father and mother had no idea and even offered it up.

Calculating it now, the arrival of the Buddha statue at their home and the onset of nightmares coincided.

This Master Shen was a true artist!

Furthermore, Shen Shu’s ability to casually state the problem demonstrated her confidence in her ability to resolve the Chu family’s problems!

Chu’s father and mother were overjoyed when they realised this.

Chu Xiaoxiao, not to be outdone, drew Lin Xiaotang and Liu Yi into the room as well.

“How are you going to settle our family’s business?” Chu Xiaoxiao inquired sharply, “Given that the name of your forum is Approaching Science, what scientific method should you employ? rather than simply looking at it with your eyes.”

Her words “simply looking with eyes” were clearly aimed at Shen Shu.

What does science mean?

When they heard what Chu Xiaoxiao said, whether it was Chu’s father, Chu’s mother, or Shen Shu and others, their hearts were filled with sarcasm.

What they didn’t expect was for Lin Xiaotang to nod and say, “Yes, we do have scientific methods.”

She took out her phone, opened the ghost app, activated the camera, and displayed all of the scenes in the house to Chu Xiaoxiao.

“Look,” Lin Xiaotang said calmly, “The black qi in the camera is the so-called ‘yin qi’ in your mouth. Simply swipe the camera to see the distribution of yin qi in the room.”

The black energy within the Chu family was also wrapped around the Buddha statue as seen through her camera.

Yes, yin yang eyes are extremely rare, and finding one in a hundred years is difficult.

However, thanks to her APP, even the most ordinary people can have yin yang eyes.

———End of this chapter. 


  1. William K says:

    Wow she is a total psychopath

  2. Slay hard, a precious ability become as common as cabbage

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