She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Promoting Science In The World Of Supernatural (1)

Lin Xiaotang didn’t want to stay in that world after Lin Qingqing died, so she chose to leave.

She returned to the Lord God’s domain and received the third S grade.

Lin Xiaotang, who had always been calm, felt a sense of loss in her heart for the first time as she recalled her previous world’s various experiences.

The little ball of light (system) continued to revolve around her after she was seen.

Instead of congratulating her, it maintained a rare silence.

Lin Xiaotang always had the impression that he had something to say to herself.

After a few moments of silence, the system spoke.

[Host,] [Are you happy in the last world?] it inquired, hesitantly.

Lin Xiaotang paused for a moment before nodding and saying, “I’m quite happy.”

Do you want someone to accompany you?

Will you be less lonely if you have someone with you, the system asked again?


Lin Xiaotang was taken aback and asked, “Did you choose the last world specifically for me?”

In previous worlds, she assumed the identity of the original owner in the middle.

But in the previous world, she directly became the plot’s “Lin Xiaotang” and lived her entire life.

[Yes,] the system said, [I heard the conversation between you and the task object Gu Jing before…]

You can only live in other people’s stories for as long as you are constantly travelling in different worlds. A life as a passer-by is indeed too lonely.

Perhaps it was Lin Xiaotang’s sentence “I’m walking a lonely path” that triggered the system. When Lin Xiaotang was chosen for the mission world, it subconsciously chose an identity for her that would make her feel loved and be accompanied by others.

“I see.”

Lin Xiaotang was both amused and helpless after hearing the system’s words.

“Thank you, but you weren’t required to,” she explained. “I’ve never been alone, and I’m not afraid of being alone.”

She is doomed to face countless goodbyes due to her long life.

She’d gotten used to it while working as a boss in an escape game.

Perhaps she is naturally cold, and she isn’t bothered by such a life.

Furthermore, each time she passed through a world, she could live a different life and meet new people.

She was always accompanied on her journey forward.

She was never by herself.

“I like these colourful worlds,” Lin Xiaotang said, “and you don’t have to indulge me; just choose the next world.”

OK, said the system.

“What exactly is my mission?”

[Change the villain Xu Junran’s fate, help him out of his predicament, and grant his wish.]


Lin Xiaotang opened her eyes again to find herself in an unusual location.

Her surroundings were a vast white fog, not the familiar modern environment.

The sky was dim, and there were shadows in the distance behind the thick fog, but she couldn’t see their faces.

She lowered her head and discovered herself in a bright red wedding gown.

What exactly is this location?

“The auspicious moment has arrived—”

Someone said in a hoarse and sharp call, Lin Xiaotang looked up and found a paper sedan chair not far away.

Some thin white paper figures carried the sedan chair, their faces painted with simple facial features, two dark eyes, and crooked smiles that looked indescribably strange.

They dragged Lin Xiaotang to the sedan chair and grabbed her.

They carried her outside a desolate old house to the sound of gongs and drums.

At the gate of the ancient house, a man whose face could not be seen appeared.

He was also dressed in a red wedding gown, as if he were the groom at the wedding.

He strode over to Lin Xiaotang, grabbed her hand, and pulled it in.

His hands were extremely cold, with no trace of warmth, and his skin was pale and stiff, with a hint of indescribable coldness.

“Who are you?” Lin Xiaotang asked.

She had already realised that the groom was a ghost who had long since passed away.

When he realised he couldn’t pull her any further, he let go.

Looking at the lovely young bride and her dark round eyes, he smiled and said, “I am your groom, you are my bride, and I am going to marry you today.”

Lin Xiaotang abruptly nodded and said, “That’s it.”

This ghost was going to marry her, it turned out.

“Don’t be afraid to go in; your in-laws are still waiting for you inside.”

Lin Xiaotang, who had been struggling frantically a few days ago with a face full of reluctance, had suddenly became so docile, the man was extremely satisfied.

He stretched out his hand, ready to continue dragging her into the house.

…Then, he was taken aback by Lin Xiaotang.


On the other side, in a Huaihai City Hospital ward, lay a pale, slender, and frail girl.

She dozed off, her brows slightly wrinkled, and her lovely face revealed a look of pain and fear, as if she had witnessed something truly terrifying in her dreams.

The girl’s family members were worried outside the ward.

Their voices could be heard occasionally through the door.

“It’s been an entire day, and the doctor still hasn’t determined what’s wrong…”

“Why haven’t you gotten out of bed yet? Is it true that she was abducted by an evil spirit?”

“Are you going to beg that woman, but we offended her just a few days ago?”

Mother Lin felt uneasy when she thought of Xiaotang’s fiance Xiao Chen and the woman who had come to break off the marriage.

Lin Xiaotang, the eldest daughter of the Lin family, and Xiao Chen, the eldest young master of the Xiao family, made a marriage contract a year ago after consulting both parties.

In the end, Xiao Chen, who had vowed to marry Lin Xiaotang, was captivated by a woman who appeared out of nowhere!

What made matters worse was that the woman claimed to be a metaphysical master.

The woman arrived at Lin’s house and stated that the feng shui of Lin’s house was not good, that their house was too yin and qi was too heavy and could attract ghosts.

Master, Taoist, Feng Shui masters, and the like are all liars who deceive people in the eyes of the science-loving Lin family.

And it’s clear that this woman’s words are cursing them!

Lin’s mother used harsh language to fight for her daughter when she ended the marriage.

Who would have guessed that just one day after the Lin Xiao family called off their engagement, their daughter would be involved in an accident?

Lin Xiaotang began to have frequent nightmares after that.

When she awoke from the dream, she would cry and cause a scene, claiming that she had a dream that a deceased person wanted to marry her.

At first, the Lin family did not take Lin Xiaotang’s words seriously.

They simply assumed she was having a nightmare and was terrified by the contents of the dream.

However, Lin Xiaotang’s mental condition deteriorated over time.

She got thinner and thinner, and she got quieter and quieter.

She also fell asleep unexpectedly a day ago.

There is no way to wake Lin up from her coma, no matter what method her parents use.

Doctors were unable to detect her symptoms when she was taken to the hospital.

According to the test results, Lin Xiaotang did not have any illness and simply fell asleep.

Lin Xiaotang’s physical condition deteriorated at a visible rate after being lethargic for a day like this.

Lin’s father and mother also realised that their daughter was not sick, but had been abducted by an evil spirit.

But, of all the people they knew, only that woman was familiar with ghosts and knew how to exorcise evil spirits…

“Forget it; simply wait and see.”

Father Lin finally sighed and said, “If Xiaotang still can’t wake up, go find that person.”

What is the face, and how does it relate to my daughter’s life?

They are willing to pay whatever price it takes to save their daughter.

Mother Lin had to nod her head and agree, “OK,” when she heard what her husband said.

Lin’s father and mother turned around and left the hospital after one last look at their daughter.

After they had left, the pale girl lying on the hospital bed abruptly opened her eyes.

She struggled to get out of bed and move her weak body.

The girl’s deep black eyes were dazed as she looked around.

Was she just… dreaming?

Lin Xiaotang didn’t even think about it when confronted with the ghost of the bridegroom, who kept saying that he was going to marry her.

After that, she felt an invisible pull pulling her outside.

And when she opened her eyes again, she appeared here.

She woke up.

Lin Xiaotang felt relieved after testing the surroundings and confirming that this is the real world.

She activated her body’s energy and began to repair her frail body.

At the same time, she closed her eyes and went over the world’s plot.

According to her, the plot this time is still a typical love story with male and female protagonists.

But, unlike other worlds, this world has metaphysics that science cannot explain, as well as various ghostly events.

Shen Shu is the heroine of this world.

During the Republic of China period, Shen Shu’s ancestor was a well-known Feng Shui master.

To keep these exquisite Taoisms from being lost, the Shen family passed down feng shui techniques from generation to generation.

Shen Shu inherited the family business and naturally became a master of Feng Shui.

With the advancement of science, many metaphysics have been labelled as “feudal superstition,” and most young people dismiss it.

Furthermore, there are far too many liars in the feng shui industry, and their reputation has suffered as a result.

As a result, Shen Shu’s path to becoming a Feng Shui master was not easy at first.

Fortunately, she soon rescued Xiao Chen, the eldest son of the Xiao family, from Li Gui by chance.

And Xiao Chen is the world’s male protagonist.

Seeing Shen Shu’s superb ghost hunting technique, Xiao Chen had no doubts about Shen Shu’s ability.

And Shen Shu’s cold temper, which set her apart from other women, piqued his interest.

Shen Shu entered the upper class on the recommendation of Xiao Chen and solved problems for many wealthy businessmen and political families.

As time passed, Shen Shu’s reputation grew louder and louder, and so did the charges.

At the same time, Shen Shu and Xiao Chen’s relationship grew more intimate.

They both developed feelings for each other and confessed their feelings to each other.

The male and female protagonists who love each other successfully entered the palace of marriage after overcoming many difficulties.

The Xiao family also met more top people in the upper class thanks to Shen Shu’s efforts, which greatly raised the family’s overall status.

The only problem is that Xiao Chen had a fiancée before meeting Shen Shu.

And this fiance is Lin Xiaotang’s identity in this world, Lin Xiaotang, the Lin family’s eldest young lady.

The original owner’s fate is naturally not much better as a villain in the plot.

Because her parents insisted on believing in science and not in the metaphysical ability of the heroine Shen Shu, they missed the best opportunity to save their daughter, and she died in the hospital for no apparent reason.

Lin’s father and mother’s behaviour has also become a negative teaching material in the upper class circle, and has been mocked by a large number of people.

Lin Xiaotang: “…….”

She, who had recently left the world of science, was left speechless in the face of such a plot.

When family members are ill, normal people will not consider seeking out taoist monks to exorcise evil spirits…

Are there, however, ghosts in this world?

Lin Xiaotang’s eyes flashed with interest as she remembered what had happened in her dream just now.

She had not been to such a place full of horror and supernatural power in a long time as the boss of a horror game.

This world really suits her too much.

———End of this chapter. 


  1. A person who has no qualm to do evil against innocent is a romance protagonist? Despicable

  2. Peplum says:

    Somehow, I am already feeling sorry for this heroine feng shui master

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