She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Running Away With The Ball (7)

This screenshot is accompanied with a note from Lin Qingqing-

Mom: Baby, hurry up! If you still need money, tell your mother, and she will do everything she can to assist you!

Lin Xiaotang: ………

Lin Xiaotang fell silent as she read this message.

If she recalls correctly, after learning that Lin Qingqing was going to marry Leng Xiaohan, Mother Leng made a special journey over and wrote a 10 million check to allow Lin Qingqing to leave Leng Xiaohan.

Lin Qingqing, however, refused to consent because her daughter was still in the care of Leng Xiaohan.

When Mother Leng realised Lin Qingqing was hesitant to go, she humiliated her in every manner possible, including pouring a cup of coffee in her face.

Lin Xiaotang simply thought Lin Qingqing could work hard to make 10 million into 20 million when she sent a message to Lin Qingqing yesterday.

Lin Qingqing surprised her by asking for 60 million in one breath!

You should be aware that many companies claiming to have a market value of more than one billion yuan have just 70 to 80 million yuan in liquid funds with which to begin operations.

Nonetheless, neither Lin Qingqing nor Lin Xiaotang felt any psychological strain in the face of this money from Mother Leng.

After all, their goal has always been to avoid Leng Xiaohan.

Lin Xiaotang turned back after seeing the card’s balance and proceeded to the hacker squad recommended by Blue.

[Make every effort to remove Leng Xiaohan from his position as president.] [This is doable,] the other side responded swiftly, [But, there may be a funding shortage.] [Add another 30 million, said Lin Xiaotang.]

【Can. 】

Lin Xiaotang stopped the discussion and turned off the computer after ensuring that it was correct.

On the other side, the team she hired likewise completed their tasks quickly.

Certain members of the Leng Group progressively noticed that while they were conducting business recently, a new company would materialise out of nowhere, disrupting and sabotaging their actions.

They are constantly present, whether acquiring shares or investing in crucial technologies, as long as the Leng Group is interested in them.

When someone finally reacted after a loss of several hundred million yuan, they were sniped.

The opposite party is volatile, the funds are highly wealthy, and there is no disadvantage that can be overcome. It appears to be intended specifically at the Leng Group.

An emergency meeting was also held within their senior management to this goal.

“What the hell is going on? Have you offended anyone?”

Chairman Leng Jianguo was outraged during the meeting and slapped the report on the table: “There must be a reason why they attacked us. Have you discovered their origins?”

The Leng Group in Huaihai City is almost like a local snake.

They were used to the flawless flow, and they never imagined themselves in danger in front of such a team.

Someone lifted their head in this solemn and melancholy environment and cautiously stated, “We attempted to contact the managers of this company before and asked them why they were targeting our organisation…”

“What did they say?” said Leng Jianguo stiffly.

With such a chairperson in front of him, the man choked and his voice became weaker:

“They remarked, let’s see what nice things President Leng has recently done…”

“Xiaohan? What does that have to do with him?”

Surprisingly, this incident concerned his son, and Leng Jianguo’s expression changed instantaneously.

But at this same time, his secretary urgently pushed open the conference room door: “Something major has occurred, Mr. Chairman! There is a hot search on the Internet!”

The secretary handed over the phone while they were conversing.

Leng Jianguo looked down and discovered that the substance of the hot search was news concerning the financial difficulties at their company.

The Leng Group’s shares have continued to fall as a result of the recent series of events, many investors have begun to sell, and related remarks have arisen on the Internet.

The Leng Group’s competitors are even more ecstatic.

They spent a lot of money rapidly to find the navy and used the occasion to defame the Leng Group.

In a short period of time, the organisation has faced a massive public opinion problem.

And they are being watched by a team of hackers.

“What shall we do, Chairman?”

Many attendees in the meeting glanced at each other in disbelief when faced with such a predicament.

“Chairman, won’t Mr. Leng explain this problem to us?”

Some brave people even inquired directly.

Everybody can tell that someone is in control of everything, whether it is the deliberate price increase met during the acquisition or the news that suddenly spread on the Internet.

And the reason for doing so is because of Leng Xiaohan.

Leng Xiaohan’s fault accounts for more than half of the Leng Group’s current predicament.

And today, the perpetrator is still in the hospital, not carrying out the duties of the president but constantly holding the title of president.

Leng Jianguo had a grim expression on his face, as if he wanted to say something.

But before he could say anything, calls from shareholders began to pour in.

If things get to this point, their Leng Family will have to explain themselves to these people.

Leng Jianguo finally sighed and made a decision.

“First, the hot search item should be suppressed,” he continued quietly, “Revocation of Leng Xiaohan’s status as president, downgrade to vice president, and let Leng Yuan be on top.”

Leng Yuan, the eldest son of Leng Jianguo’s younger brother, has a calm disposition and good commercial abilities, and he has a large network of followers.

Having him take over as president of Leng Xiaohan is also a compromise for Leng Jianguo.

Leng Jianguo had no choice but to sacrifice Leng Xiaohan for the sake of the entire group, even though he was his son.

Everyone nodded and said nothing in response to Leng Jianguo’s choice.

What does it mean to them about Leng Xiaohan’s thoughts?

So, just like that, Leng Xiaohan lost his position as president.

Even if he is unwilling and wishes to continue causing trouble, after he is no longer president of the Leng Group, people who can work in his subordinates have long been replaced as his own by the new president.

“Xiao Han, just stay in the hospital and take care of your legs before you go, okay?”

Leng Mu calmly persuaded the angry son, “When you go out and work hard, your father will undoubtedly bring you back.”

“No, I don’t!”

“Can I still be president when I go back?” Leng Xiaohan asked, picking up the cup in his palm and going to smash it on the ground. How could that guy Leng Yuan give me the position of the president back?

He never imagined that after years of receiving special treatment, he would be abandoned by the corporation.

He, who has always been conceited, could not accept this outcome.


Mother Leng was speechless as she observed her son’s humiliated expression.

She realised she’d been duped by Lin Qingqing, the instant she heard the hacker team’s response.

What good has Leng Xiaohan recently done?

Isn’t the only thing he’s done recently getting involved with Lin Qingqing?

Additionally, how could someone who could teach a depressed daughter like Lin Xiaotang be the kind of money-hungry and scheming girl she imagined?

Mother Leng simply did not mention anything about the money she supplied to Lin Qingqing in order to avoid being implicated by her husband and son.

She didn’t dare to say anything.

If Leng Jianguo discovered that she provided the money for the hacker herself, he would divorce her.

And Leng Xiaohan, who had lost his presidential position, couldn’t forgive his mother.

However, come to think of it, it’s quite amusing.

They were a decent family, but a lonely mother and daughter had dragged them into this.

Compromise is a compromise, but Mother Leng couldn’t take this breath no matter what.

No, she had to figure out a method to make Lin Qingqing’s mother and daughter pay!

How much legal knowledge can a Leng mother with the ability to raise Leng Xiaohan’s temperament have?

No, in the face of Lin Qingqing’s mother and daughter, who have no money and no authority, they only need to move their lips softly twice, and that’s enough.

Mother Leng smiled fiercely after making a few phone calls to her confidante.

Is Lin Qingqing not interested in her daughter? Don’t you wish to fly away from Leng Xiaohan?

Then make her consider what will happen if she offends the Leng family.


Simultaneously, Lin Qingqing arrived outside the Leng family house and watched Lin Xiaotang being led away by the servant.

Recently, Leng Xiaohan’s mother decided to let her take her daughter and gave her custody of Lin Xiaotang.

But first, she had to sign a contract stating that neither she nor Xiaotang could ever return to Leng’s house again.

This type of request was ideal for Lin Qingqing’s heart.

She didn’t want to go to Leng’s house, and she certainly didn’t want to see this vile man, Leng Xiaohan!

She eventually saw her kid, whom she hadn’t seen in a month, despite her nervous anticipation.

Lin Qingqing ran over in front of everyone and tightly hugged the lost and found Lin Xiaotang.

She wanted to say something, but her tears came before she could.

“It’s fine, Mom.”

“You did a nice job,” the little girl said as she reached out her hand and gently touched Lin Qingqing’s head.

She was imprisoned in a frigid house as a little child, and it was inconvenient for her to do many things on her own.

Lin Qingqing has been filling her shoes for the past month, sprinting around outside for her and the team she invited.

She may be weak, or she may be stupid.

But at the same time, she also has tenacity and strength that ordinary people do not have.

“Let’s go, let’s go home.” Lin Xiaotang said softly.

Lin Qingqing wiped away his tears and said with a smile, “Okay, let’s go home.”

Their life will undoubtedly improve as long as they have their daughter at their side.

Lin Qingqing had faith in her heart.

Lin Qingqing’s work was taken away the day after Lin Xiaotang returned to her mother.

“It’s not that we have an opinion about you, Lin Qingqing; it’s simply that we can’t do anything about it.”

The boss sighed helplessly as he looked at the pale Lin Qingqing: “The person above your head has spoken; we can only fire you.”

Lin Qingqing was forced to resign as a result of the Leng family’s pressure.

When she went to apply elsewhere, she discovered that there were nearly no places that would accept her.

Even in the jobs of cleaners or waiters, managers would look embarrassed at her.

Even if she is hired, it won’t be long before other “accidents” occur in the unit, causing her to lose her job once more.

“I’m sorry, Ms Lin, but you might not be a good fit for our unit.”

The leader contacted her on the third day after she landed her fourth job with an uninterested tone: “You don’t have to go to work tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry; could you just give me another chance?”

Lin Qingqing hurriedly pleaded after hearing the other party’s statements.

But before she could finish, the other party abruptly hung up the phone.

What made her even more uneasy was that the kindergarten principal had also called.

The opposing party indicated vaguely that Lin Xiaotang had a disagreement with other children and was no longer appropriate for their kindergarten.

————End of this chapter. 


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