She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Running Away With The Ball (5)

Secretary Leng Xiaohan’s movements were fast.

In almost one night, all Lin Qingqing’s information was presented to Leng Xiaohan.

Parents passed away, pregnant out of wedlock, currently single parent, taking care of the child alone.

She used to work in a hotel chain owned by the Leng Group, but resigned on July 20, six years ago.

Looking at this date of birth, that night six years ago, vaguely flashed through his mind.

Oh, that night, he did seem to have slept with a woman.

Later, Leng Xiaohan also found out that this woman didn’t seem to have been sent by someone else.

However, how can this be?

But now, the face of the crying woman in his memory gradually matched up with Lin Qingqing.

Without any hesitation, he immediately asked his secretary to find a way to get Lin Xiaotang’s hair and do a paternity test with him!

Two days later, after seeing the results of the paternity test, Leng Xiaohan didn’t even think about it, and immediately said, “Right now, send two people over to bring the child to Leng’s house for me.”

His children, of course, belong to him.

How could she be reduced to be left outside and be raised by a woman who didn’t know where she came from?

“But, President, now the old lady is still at home…”

After hearing Leng Xiaohan’s order, the secretary showed hesitation.

Since Leng Xiaohan broke both legs, most of his affairs in the company have been handled by others. The Leng family wss now managed by Mrs. Leng, and all the servants in the family listened to her alone.

Can the old lady really take care of this illegitimate granddaughter who suddenly appeared?

In response, Leng Xiaohan waved his hand and said nonchalantly, “It’s okay, my mother won’t mind.”

How could his mother be disgusted with his child?

Besides, with so many servants in the Leng family, Lin Xiaotang was only a five-year-old child, so what can happen to her?

After speaking, Leng Xiaohan thought of something again, showing a very interesting look.

“Return the phone to Lin Qingqing, and call her here for me by the way,” he said. “Tell her, if you want to see her daughter again, come and find me.”

Seeing that Leng Xiaohan was going his own way, the secretary couldn’t say anything, so he hurriedly obeyed his orders to do things.

After a while, Lin Qingqing came to the hospital. Needless to say, Leng Xiaohan’s words were very lethal.

Lin Xiaotang was Lin Qingqing’s most vital weakness. As soon as she heard that someone was threatening her with her daughter, she couldn’t care less and hurried over.

But when Leng Xiaohan photographed the paternity test in front of her, Lin Qingqing’s face instantly turned pale.

It’s over…. 

No wonder she used to be so afraid of Leng Xiaohan; it turned out that he was the man who had raped her.

And now, he wants to take away her Xiaotang!

But what can she do?

She was just an ordinary person, but this man was the president of a Leng Group and the ruler of a business empire!

Looking at Leng Xiaohan in a wheelchair, she pursed her lips and said, “You…what are you going to do?”

“My Leng family’s children must not be left outside.”

Seeing Lin Qingqing’s pale and weak expression, Leng Xiaohan raised his chin in satisfaction, and said arrogantly, “Woman, either accept ten million and give me the child, or I’ll see you in court—or, I’ll give you another choice.”

Lin Qingqing couldn’t help but ask, “What choice?”

“Contract a marriage with me.”

After hearing these words, Lin Qingqing clenched her fists and her body trembled slightly. It was undoubtedly a humiliation to listen to such a request from the man who had raped her.

She would never forget that after that day, after returning home, she did not dare to go out for three or four days, and collapsed into the quilt and cried. For a while, she was terrified whenever a man appeared around her. 

If Xiaotang hadn’t come, she might really have committed suicide in the long-term depression and despair.

When she learned from the doctor that she had a child in her belly, her reaction was fierce and contradictory at first. But as time passed, and after the fetus shifted her attention, her depressed mood unexpectedly improved a lot.

It may be that her character was too weak, her parents were dead, and she had no friends or partners. The lonely Lin Qingqing yearned for someone to accompany her, support her, and let her rely on them.

And the appearance of the child just made up for the vacancy in her heart.

Especially now, whenever she looked at Xiaotang’s smart and cute appearance, she felt that this was a treasure given to her by God, and it was also a compensation from God.

As long as Xiaotang was there, all the suffering and pain she had experienced will not be in vain. But now, Xiaotang could fall into Leng Xiaohan’s hands.

If there was no Xiaotang, what can she do, how can she live?

After hesitating for a long time, finally, Lin Qingqing lowered her head.

She closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and said, “I…”

At this moment, there was a sudden vibration in Lin Qingqing’s pocket!

Someone messaged her.

Lin Qingqing took out her mobile phone, looked down, and found an unfamiliar number had sent her a text message——

[Mom, choose ten million. 】


On the other side, after sending the text message, Lin Xiaotang calmly returned the phone to the bodyguard beside her.

“Okay, let’s go,” she said.

Seeing the girl’s unusually calm performance, the two bodyguards in black looked at each other.

Before coming here, they were ready to try their best to keep her from crying. Unexpectedly, she was so calm.

Seeing that Lin Xiaotang offered to leave, they opened the car door and carried her in.

Then, Lin Xiaotang was taken to Leng’s house.

Along the way, Lin Xiaotang looked at the scenery outside the car window and fell into deep thought.

She did not expect that the power of the plot was so great. 

She originally thought that after Leng Xiaohan broke both legs, he and Lin Qingqing should not continue to develop.

Who would have guessed that in the past month or so, they, the male and female protagonists, met through various coincidences.

After being called out by the kindergarten teacher and seeing the bodyguards of the Leng family, Lin Xiaotang knew that the plot of her being taken back to the Leng family was coming.

Without hesitation, she immediately borrowed the phone from the bodyguard and sent a message to Lin Qingqing, asking her not to make the wrong choice.

As for whether to go to house Leng?

Lin Xiaotang thought for a while and decided to go.

In fact, as long as she was willing, she can easily escape from these two bodyguards, so that Leng Xiaohan will never find her in his life.

However, escaping blindly will not solve the problem, but will bring more trouble.

Instead of leaving this big problem here, she might as well go up to it and solve the problem fundamentally.

After arriving at Leng’s house, Lin Xiaotang got out of the car and was grabbed by the waiting servant and led into the house.

The opponent’s hands were very strong, and his movements were rude. He didn’t care that she was still a child, and dragged her into it directly.

And when they got to the cold house, a graceful and luxurious lady who looked to be around forty years old was standing on the stairs, looking down at them condescendingly.

She glanced at Lin Xiaotang, frowned, and said coldly, “Is this that bitch’s child?”

Since knowing that Leng Xiaohan had an illegitimate daughter, Leng’s mother’s mood had never been worse.

In her opinion, this was clearly a scheming girl with ulterior motives, who wants to use the child to force herself into the position as her daughter-in-law!

In the past few decades, Mother Leng did not know how many times she had dealt with such a vixen.

She can say that she knew all the twists and turns in these women’s hearts. If the woman had given birth to a son, she could take care of it with reluctance.

But what was born was a useless little girl.

The thought of her son having someone bring the child back made Mother Leng panic.

Not to mention raising this girl! She couldn’t wait for this girl to die outside, lest her mother continue to pester her son!

Looking at the little girl in front of her, Mother Leng had a look of disgust on her face.

But at this moment, the little girl who had been silent for a while suddenly raised her head.

“I’m not the child of a bitch,” the little girl said lightly, “I’m the child of a rapist.”

“What did you say?!”

After Lin Xiaotang said this, Mother Leng was furious.

She opened her mouth and was about to scold. But in the next second, Mother Leng’s eyes met Lin Xiaotang’s.

Her eyes were deep black, thick like a cloud of ink, with a hint of serenity in the faintness, making people feel terrified.

She stood there quietly, like a ghost, her eyes cold and indifferent.

It was obvious that the other party was only a five-year-old child, but in this short moment, an unprecedented chill rose in Leng’s body.

The gloomy feeling creeped all over her body, and she couldn’t help shivering, and she could hardly breathe normally.

“…I don’t want to see her again.”

After a long while, Mother Leng swallowed a mouthful of water, barely recovering. She took a step back, turned her face away, and said with difficulty, “Bring her down to me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

After hearing her words, the servant hurriedly took Lin Xiaotang down.

Lin Xiaotang also took advantage of the situation to withdraw his gaze, and no longer showed any strangeness.

The attitude of Leng mother represents the attitude of most of the servants of the Leng family.

Although after the dispute just now, many servants were muttering in their hearts, on the bright side, everyone still had to listen to the master’s words.

Afraid that Lin Xiaotang lived too well and obstructed Mother Leng’s eyes, the servant randomly found a remote room and threw Lin Xiaotang into it.

Afraid that she would run around, the servant locked the door before leaving. Lin Xiaotang didn’t have much resistance to this.

After all, all she wanted was for these people to ignore her.

For the next time, Lin Xiaotang stayed in the room quietly, neither crying nor making trouble, as quiet as if she didn’t exist.

But at night, she used her abilities to unlock the room and walked to a room with a computer in house Leng.

After easily cracking the power-on password, Lin Xiaotang opened the webpage and skillfully entered the URL of the Polar Night Forum.

After a while, the forum page popped up.

For this secret forum, Lin Xiaotang was still in a state of observation.

With vigilance and vigilance against it, she did not publish any posts or replies, but just learned techniques in obscurity.

In addition, Lin Qingqing’s supervision was relatively strict, and she didn’t have much time to touch the computer every day.

Therefore, Lin Xiaotang was not too anxious to understand it.

But now, she really needed it.

Looking at the densely packed trading posts, Lin Xiaotang looked very calm.

The reason why Leng Xiaohan can be so arrogant was that he was the president of the Leng Group.

If the Leng Group ceased to exist, what could he do with Lin Qingqing?


At the same time, the hackers in the hacker group were going crazy.

If it wasn’t for the rule that “you can’t use hacking techniques to invade the forum” in the Polar Night Forum, they would all be eager to take action on the user information of the Polar Night Forum.

[PHP is the best language: have you found it, who have you found?] [Blue: Not yet.] [So bald: I didn’t find it either. It seems that after he registered for the forum, he disappeared completely and was completely invisible.] [PHP is the best language: …isn’t it? This is the Polar Night Forum!?]

The Polar Night Forum had always been a place of pilgrimage for countless hackers in the country.

Although there were only around 200 members in the forum, these people almost encompassed the top hackers in every country in the world.

If you can enter the Polar Night Forum, who wouldn’t be excited to post a post to show your sense of existence?

Even a hacker with a low-key personality, facing so many great gods and technical posts, can’t be unmoved, right?

But it’s been almost three days since this person came in, and he didn’t even reply to a post?!

He worked so hard to do 99 questions, so it couldn’t be that he simply wanted to come in and watch??

Faced with this situation, several people in the group were a little depressed.

It was obvious that when singled out, each of them was a great god who can cause a huge sensation on the Internet.

But in front of this person, they always had a subtle sense of being ignored.

More importantly, in the face of this disregard, they had no way to refute it.

Because that person was awesome.

[Blue: I checked, there was only one newly registered ID some time ago, and it was called The Great Demon King.] [Blue: You should pay more attention to this ID in the future.]

When the others saw it, they quickly said: [Okay.]

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared.

[Xiaoxi: God B, are you sure it’s called The Great Demon King?] [Xiaoxi: I saw his new post in the forum!]

———End of this chapter. 


  1. “i’m not the child of a bitch, i’m the child of a rapist”

    This line is too powerful and fact, make me feel so cold

    Thank you for update🏖️

    1. Blessed_Berries says:

      *mic drop* I am speechless too

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