She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Running Away With The Ball (4)

Who is this girl?

Looking at this strange girl, Qin Yue was confused.

He thought about it, moved his finger, and passed the friend request of the other party.

With the emergence of the WeChat dialogue interface, this strange girl suddenly sent a message.

[Jiajia: I’m sorry, I seem to have added the wrong person #cry.] [Jiajia: I feel that being able to join you is also a kind of fate. If you don’t mind, let’s just make friends!]

It turned out to be the wrong person.

However, the fact that she was able to add him to him showed that they really had a good relationship.

It was the first time that Qin Yue encountered such a situation, and he didn’t think much about “Jia Jia’s” words.

Seeing that Jiajia wanted to make a friend, he had no objection, and quickly agreed: [Okay.] [Jiajia: That’s great #Turn around.] [Jiajia: I haven’t added anyone online yet. Looking at it this way, you are the first netizen I made.] [Jiajia: Hello.] [Qin Yue: Hello.]

Under the aggressive offensive of the other party, Qin Yue naturally chatted with her. Jiajia was a very cheerful girl, and even if Qin Yue’s reaction was a little slow, she didn’t mind at all.

Knowing that Qin Yue was still young, she didn’t dislike it, but reacted happily, saying that Qin Yue could call her “Sister Jiajia” in the future.

However, Jiajia might be a little busy. After five minutes of chatting, she asked to leave.

[Jiajia: Sweetie, I’m sorry, I still have something to do.] [Jiajia: I’ll withdraw first, and I will talk to you later.]

Seeing this, Qin Yue replied with some regret: [Okay.]

On the other hand, after looking at the chat records of the two and confirming whether Qin Yue would not delete “Jia jia” for a while, Lin Xiaotang’s goal today could be considered to have been achieved.

She turned off the computer and picked up a piece of paper next to the desk.

On this piece of paper, Lin Xiaotang’s chat plan was recorded in detail.

From the specific date to the specific chat content, it was clearly planned——

Day 1: Getting to know each other.

Day 2: Don’t speak.

Day 3: Quarrel with best friend and seek comfort.

Day 4: Reconcile with best friend.

Day 5: Don’t speak.

Day 6: I was left out by my boyfriend who was studying abroad.


Day 30: Go back to Grandpa’s house in Wuling Mountain to relax.

Day 35: I quarrelled with my stepmother, crying that I didn’t want my grandfather’s tea house to fall into my stepmother’s hands.

Day 40: Bet with stepmother to sell tea.

Day 41: Re-edit according to the situation.

Looking at this form, Lin Xiaotang picked up a pen and ticked a √ at the back of the “first day” entry.

As someone terrible with chatting, of course Lin Xiaotang couldn’t chat with Qin Yue according to her personality.

She didn’t know what to say to him at all, and she didn’t think that Qin Yue would be a particularly active person.

Therefore, she must have a suitable “character” and a “script” for her and Qin Yue to communicate for a long time.

And what kind of script can be better than the script of “Wechat Tea Girl”, which was once very popular and deceived people out of nearly 300 million yuan in just one year?

Looking at the form in front of her, Lin Xiaotang slowly revealed a smile.

The network society is so cruel.

Qin Yue may never have imagined that behind the warm, cheerful, gentle and considerate sister Jiajia in his eyes, it was actually just a five-year-old girl.


At the same time, Lin Qingqing ran out of the city hospital in a hurry with a pale face.

Recalling what happened just now, she pursed her lips and became more and more uneasy.

Today was Saturday, and the kindergarten’s off day. It stood to reason that she should stay at home with Xiaotang.

However, the colleague with whom she had the best relationship usually had just suffered from a stomach problem. Considering the care of her colleagues, Lin Qingqing specially accompanied her colleague to the city hospital to see a doctor.

In this way, she could take care of her colleague.

However, what Lin Qingqing did not expect was that Leng Xiaohan was also in the city hospital.

Moreover, she also met him!

At that time, she saw her colleague clutching her stomach and sweating profusely, so she picked up the water glass and prepared to help her colleague get some hot water.

As a result, at the moment when she finished pouring the water and turned around, her foot slipped, and her whole body fell forward!

After opening his eyes again, Lin Qingqing was surprised to find that he did not fall to the ground, but was lying in another person’s arms.

All the water in her water glass spilled out, soaking a large chunk of the man’s clothes.

“Sorry, sorry!”

After discovering this, Lin Qingqing quickly stood up and apologised to the person in front of him.

But when she looked up, the person who was thrown down by her turned out to be Leng Xiaohan!

At this moment, the former proud president of the Leng Group was sitting in a wheelchair, staring at her in displeasure.

He was wearing blue and white hospital clothes, both legs were cast in casts, and his clothes were soaked with water, and he looked quite embarrassed.

Like Lin Qingqing, Leng Xiaohan also recognized this little clerk who he had met once.

He sneered and said, “Woman, what tricks do you want to play? Huh?”

Falling on purpose? Pretending to be weak? Wanting to get his attention?

He was tired of seeing these wishful thinking and the routines of the women who wanted to climb up to him.

“No….I am not……”

Seeing Leng Xiaohan looking over, Lin Qingqing panicked and couldn’t say anything.

For some reason, she was particularly afraid of the man in front of her. As soon as she saw him, her body would feel weak involuntarily.

However, it may be that Leng Xiaohan’s legs are in plaster casts, which was too funny, or it may be that he was sitting in a wheelchair, and his threatening aura felt much lowered.

After Lin Qingqing passed the initial nervousness, she quickly reacted.

“…Sorry, Mr. Leng, I didn’t mean to.”

Thinking of the other party’s identity, she bit her lip and said in a low voice, “I’m really sorry for causing you trouble.”

Seeing Lin Qingqing’s low eyebrows pleasing to the eye, Leng Xiaohan sneered and said nothing.

He knew that next, this woman would definitely offer to “compensate” him.

Maybe give him money, maybe wash his clothes, but always find some way to keep in touch with him.

Wonder what she will ask for?

However, this woman still looked a little pleasing to the eye. If she came to the hospital to serve him for a month, it was not entirely impossible.

However, what Leng Xiaohan didn’t expect at all was that after Lin Qingqing glanced at him, she picked up the water glass on the ground.

Holding the water glass, she took a few steps back and whispered, “I.. I have some urgent matters over there, so I will go first.”

After speaking, she didn’t even dare to look at Leng Xiaohan, turned around and hurriedly fled here.

…In this way, Lin Qingqing hurriedly ran away from Leng Xiaohan before Leng Xiaohan could react.

Out of fear for this man, Lin Qingqing didn’t want to stay by his side for a moment!

After that, because she was worried that Leng Xiaohan would come over, she didn’t stay to take care of her colleague. After making a random excuse, she said goodbye to her colleague and left the hospital in a hurry.

On the way back, she recalled everything just now, with lingering fears.

“It should be fine…”

As a president, Mr. Leng should not hate her because of this. The more Lin Qingqing thought about it, the more uneasy she felt in his heart.

It was obvious that the other party was just a stranger who had met once, but she always felt that he would hurt her.

She had never been so eager to go home and be with her daughter Xiaotang like she was now.


On the other side, in the city hospital, looking at the figure of the woman fleeing in a panic, Leng Xiaohan’s face instantly turned black.

He did not expect that Lin Qingqing actually ran away!

After soaking his clothes, she said nothing and slipped away from his eyes!

He subconsciously wanted to chase her, but both of his legs were broken, and even with a wheelchair, he couldn’t catch up with her at all.

Thinking of his speculation just now, Leng Xiaohan only felt that his face was hot, and a sense of humiliation rose in his heart in vain.

At this moment, Leng Xiaohan noticed that there was something under his wheelchair.

He looked down and saw that it was a cell phone.

If he guessed correctly, the phone should have been accidentally dropped when the woman fell on him just now.

Looking at the mobile phone on the ground, Leng Xiao laughed coldly, feeling confident in his heart.

Sure enough, she just deliberately left her phone here, trying to play hard-to-play with him.

Thinking of this, Leng Xiaohan bent down and picked up the phone with difficulty.

In the process of picking up the phone, his finger seemed to press the home button, and the screen of the phone, which was originally dim, suddenly lit up.

Leng Xiaohan glanced casually, and found that the background of Lin Qingqing’s mobile phone screensaver was a photo of her and a little girl.

In the photo, Lin Qingqing smiled and kissed the white and tender face of the little girl in her arms.

And the little girl in her arms was beautiful and cute.

When she was kissed by her mother, she still had a straight face, trying to maintain a serious look.

But her fair face was about to turn red.

Leng Xiaohan originally just glanced at it casually, and after seeing what it was, he didn’t bother to care.

But somehow, after seeing the little girl in the photo, he couldn’t look away.

So familiar…

How could this little girl look like him?!

Whether it was those thin lips or a small red mole at the corner of her eye, it was exactly the same as when he was a child.

For some unknown reason, Leng Xiaohan’s heart beat faster and faster.

After a few minutes of silence, out of some intuition, he took out his mobile phone and called the secretary.

———End of this chapter. 


  1. ugh why cant he stay obedient on hospital bed, we dont need you

  2. the way she catfishing him, seems a professional🤣

  3. Otaku me says:


  4. Sword says:


  5. Erania says:

    UGH! I can’t believe he picked out their resemblance just from that photo!

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