She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Running Away With The Ball (3)

“Why are you missing, where did you go…”

At this time, in a bookstore in downtown Huaihai, a young store manager wearing glasses was frantically flipping through the books in the store.

After searching for a long time, he found nothing. He was sitting on the chair, showing an annoyed look, muttering, “Was it caught in the gift?”

If that’s the case, he might have to do it all over again.

Thinking of this, the store manager showed a pained expression.

What the store manager was looking for was actually very simple, just a piece of paper. On the paper, was written a forum URL he noted down in the morning. If it’d just be an ordinary forum URL, that’d be fine to lose.

But the problem was, this was the website of an extremely secret hacker forum in China, “Polar Night”.

Compared to ordinary hacker forums, Polar Night’s security and privacy was much higher.

In the forum, there were not only great gods from all walks of life, but also a large number of inconveniently exposed trading posts.

Therefore, if you want to become a member of Polar Night, you can basically only go through internal recommendation and register an account through an invitation code.

It was only this morning that the store manager passed its many tests and obtained Polar Night’s website from the master.

Of course, for the sake of confidentiality, the master did not send him the link directly, but gave him a question and asked him to use an algorithm to decipher the numbers and letters inside to obtain the corresponding website information.

During the calculation process, the store manager recorded the converted letters and numbers on the scratch paper in order.

Later, when a guest came, he inserted the piece of paper into the book beside him.

As a result, when he remembered to “destroy the corpse and destroy the traces”, the piece of paper disappeared.

“But, it should be fine…”

The shopkeeper muttered to himself.

His store was not big, and most of the people who come to buy books on weekdays were old people and children.

The one who took the gift today was a young mother who came to buy a drawing book for her daughter.

The mother he knew, whose name was Lin Qingqing, lived nearby and worked as a clerk.

When the programming book he gave her fell into her hands, 80% of it was about to fall into ashes.

It couldn’t be that her children will be free enough to read programming books?

Besides, in order to prevent unidentified people from breaking in, a pure newcomer will be tested heavily before entering the forum.

Those questions were not something ordinary people can answer.

Thinking like this, the shopkeeper felt relieved.


On the other side, Lin Xiaotang, who was sitting in front of the computer at home, had no idea what the shopkeeper was thinking.

When she got home, she turned over all the programming books and taught herself by comparison.

Because of many years of study experience, learning programming languages ​​and programming was not a problem for Lin Xiaotang.

It only took about a month for her to master these contents proficiently.

It’s just that these things are just the foundation after all. Next, she needed to learn something more esoteric.

At this time, Lin Xiaotang, who was flipping through the book, found a yellowed scratch paper from the “CPrimerPlus”.

On it was a line of crooked letters that looked like a link to a website.

Lin Xiaotang didn’t know where this piece of paper came from.

However, considering that it appeared in the programming book, Lin Xiaotang still opened the webpage and entered the URL.

However, to her surprise, after she pressed the Enter key, what popped up on the computer screen was not a web page, but a pop-up window.

On the pop-up window, there was a question recorded——

“Please give the form of motion of a spinning magnetic gyroscope at the fourteenth second when it passes through the magnetic field space of the instrument under the Gaclot formula.”

Below the title, is a 30-second countdown.

Obviously, she must give the answer to this question within 30 seconds.

As the question popped up, her computer seemed to freeze, the mouse couldn’t shake at all, and the shutdown button didn’t work.

The only thing she can do is press the keyboard and enter the correct answer.

After confirming that there was no way to quit, Lin Xiaotang’s eyes fell on this question.

This problem, which seemed to be a physics problem, was actually a mathematical problem that required a lot of calculations.

This may be a bit difficult for an ordinary person, but Lin Xiaotang can easily give the result by mental arithmetic.

What does this topic mean here?

Does she want to try it?

Lin Xiaotang looked at the pop-up window and hesitated.

However, before the countdown was about to end, she moved her fingers and entered the correct answer.

When she typed the last number, soon, another question appeared in front of her——

“Assuming that the Shirbo conjecture is true, the plane is arbitrarily subdivided into non-overlapping regions, with 0 and 1 as opposites, how many distributions will there be?”

This also came with a 30-second countdown, and was also essentially a math problem.

This question was slightly more difficult than the previous question.

Intrigued by this reappearing topic, Lin Xiaotang put down the book in her hand and began to immerse herself in computational thinking.

After 3 seconds, she gave the final result.

As she typed the answer, the previous question disappeared and the next question appeared again.

“According to the expansion of the wooden tower, a spherical body is divided…”

In this way, as long as Lin Xiaotang finished one question, the next question appeared.

At the same time, the difficulty of these questions was also increasing.

However, the countdown given in the pop-up window was always only 30 seconds.

In the face of such increasing difficulty, Lin Xiaotang’s mentality, from the very beginning of interest, gradually turned into full concentration.

“It’s still a little difficult…”

Lin Xiaotang herself was a program created by the lord god of terror, a special life form built on numbers.

Therefore, she was far more sensitive to mathematics than ordinary humans.

But even so, when faced with these questions, she still felt a little challenged.

At the same time, Lin Xiaotang gradually realized that these questions should have been made by several programmers.

The previous topics were still reluctantly based on mathematics and calculations.

But later, the core of most of the questions revolved around programming and operations.

Her only doubt was, what are these programmers creating so many problems for?

Is it difficult? Did they just want to test the newcomers who would learn programming?

Lin Xiaotang hadn’t been learning programming for a long time, so she didn’t feel discouraged by such a difficult test.

On the contrary, the more difficult the existence, the easier it is to arouse her sense of challenge.

Therefore, in the face of these difficulties, not only did she not back down, but she became more and more courageous.

At the same time, she was also deeply curious about the intentions of the few questioners.

After she completed the 99th question, Lin Xiaotang already felt a little sense of difficulty.

Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight… three, two, one.

It was almost in the last few seconds that Lin Xiaotang calculated the final result.

After entering the numbers, Lin Xiaotang sighed heavily and leaned on the chair behind her.

At this time, the pop-up window that had remained unchanged for thousands of years suddenly changed! No more new topics appeared, and the pop-up window completely disappeared.

In its place was an all black website page.

Countless codes flashed in a hurry, and finally turned into two white Chinese characters composed of countless “1” and “0”——

Polar night.

What the hell was this?

Seeing this, Lin Xiaotang was stunned for a moment.

She thought for a while, shook the mouse, and tentatively clicked the word “polar night” in the centre of the screen.

Soon the web page disappeared, replaced by a fairly neatly styled forum. To enter the forum, you need to register a forum account first.

Seeing this, Lin Xiaotang quickly registered as a member, changed her ID to “The Great Demon King”, and logged in.

She had done the questions for so long, not just out of competition. She also wanted to know what was behind these topics.

After successful registration, the page jumped. After a while, Lin Xiaotang saw the full picture of this Polar Night Forum.

There were many posts on the forum, but the number of registered members was only around 200.

Lin Xiaotang hurriedly looked over and found that the posts here were either discussing some programming issues or playing dumb puzzles with each other, as if they were doing some kind of transaction.

[Help me complete a set of C7 tasks, old rules] [Who can do the red domain design and management of A9?] [Does anyone know about the S area?]

It can be seen that these people speak very carefully.

Many professional words have been referred to by them with other words.

Perhaps out of intuition, Lin Xiaotang thought about the questions she had done before, and then looked at the titles of the posts in the forum, and gradually came up with a guess in her heart.


Under normal circumstances, a secret forum with a small number of people is either a “Dark net” or a place where a very small number of special groups gather and communicate.

For some reason, their identities may still not be visible.

Considering that the people here were all programmers, and definitely not ordinary programmers, Lin Xiaotang easily thought of hackers.

She really didn’t expect that she would come to such a place.

Still, that’s not a bad thing.


At the same time, in a certain group in the country.

[Blue: Someone solved our problem.]

There are only 7 people in this group, and most of them didn’t usually speak. Their avatars were black for a long time, and they looked quite low-key.

But with the appearance of this sentence, many members of the group appeared instantly.

[PHP is the best language: wait, are you talking about those questions you answer when you enter the forum?] [Blue: Hmm.] [PHP is the best language: … how many unlocked?] [Blue: All.]

After seeing this news from Blue, everyone was silent.

A few seconds later, the group members sent a new message.

[So bald: No way… Those questions, can someone really do it? ? ?]

No wonder they were so excited.

Because these questions were really too sadistic!

You know, those questions were basically thought of by the top domestic hackers.

And when they designed this test, they didn’t even think about letting others pass the test!

Each of the questions here had a very large span and was quite difficult, requiring the answerer to have a huge knowledge reserve.

That’s fine, but these questions must be given within 30 seconds.

Even a senior math expert can’t solve 99 questions in one go at such a high frequency!

In order to prevent the answerer from “cheating” by searching for software and calculators, they also set up a program to cancel most of the functions of the computer when answering the question.

The person answering the question can only answer the question by entering numbers and letters, and nothing else can be done.

With these 99 top-difficulty questions, even if the website of their forum were accidentally leaked, it would be difficult for anyone to successfully break in.

But who would have thought that just today, someone actually answered all these questions in one go!

This kind of situation made them feel both aggrieved and inexplicable admiration.

Such people, let alone in their hacking world, were rare geniuses even in the world.

But who was this person? !

In the exclamations of everyone, the administrator came out and gave the final order.

[Dog Manager: No matter what, this person must be found out.] [Dog Manager: Since he can solve our problem, it means that his level should be about the same as ours. We have to find a way to pull him into the group!]


How shocked the people in the group were, Lin Xiaotang didn’t know for the time being.

She also thought that the 99 questions to be answered when entering the forum were the tests that all members of the forum had to go through.

After confirming that this forum was a hacker forum, she did not hesitate at all, and immediately began to learn the knowledge inside.

Needless to say, as the most private and top hacker forum, there were a lot of related technical posts on Jiye.

These great gods did not have much idea of ​​hiding their secrets, and they have published a lot of programming experience and insights.

Lin Xiaotang browsed all the way, and slowly learned a lot.

Before entering here, she will only have the most basic programming.

More esoteric technical content, she found it difficult to learn from books.

However, now it seems that this was not a big problem.

Hackers’ techniques fall into two main categories: red domain (offensive) and blue domain (defensive).

Red domain hackers mainly invade other people’s computers, and are good at making computer viruses and cracking coding programs, while blue domain hackers are mainly defensive, and are good at making firewalls and patching loopholes.

Lin Xiaotang took a cursory look, imitating the practices of other Blue Domain hackers, and installed several firewalls on her home computer.

After that, she devoted herself to learning how to hack other people’s computers.

Based on a solid programming foundation, Lin Xiaotang did not struggle at all when learning these things.

Three hours later, she quickly mastered a rough directional tracking technique.

Lin Xiaotang still remembers that her most important purpose in this world is to get close to Qin Yue and complete the rescue mission.

Qin Yue should be only 12 years old and withdrawn. For psychological reasons, he did not go to school, but hired a tutor.

In Lin Xiaotang’s view, such a child can easily spend most of his time and energy online.

However, as the third young master of the Qin family, Qin Yue’s network will naturally be heavily protected.

With Lin Xiaotang’s current technological skills, it may be difficult to investigate his traces on the Internet for a while.

But it was not difficult to approach him through the Internet.

It just so happened that before she knew him as a five-year-old child with her real identity, she also needed a chance to chat with Qin Yue normally and observe him.

Thinking back a little bit in the plot, when Qin Yue appeared, Lin Xiaotang noticed that although Qin Yue caused Lin Qingqing to have a miscarriage, his purpose had always been to help Lin Qingqing and make her happy.

Including before, when Lin Qingqing escaped from the Qin family, it was also due to his favor.


Thinking of this, Lin Xiaotang raised her hand and quickly wrote a small program according to a popular routine in previous lives.

Then, through the directional tracking technology, she locked the specific location of the Qin family and sent the applet to it.


On the other side, in Qin’s house, Qin Yue found that someone had applied to add him as a friend on WeChat.

He glanced at it and found that the person who wanted to add him was a stranger.

This person’s name is “Jia Jia”, and the head is a girl wearing a straw hat, holding tea leaves in her hands, and smiling very fresh and lovely.

———End of this chapter. 


  1. as expected of our mc🤩

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