She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Running Away With The Ball (2)

The reason Lin Xiaotang asked Lin Qingqing was to seek her opinion.

No matter what, Lin Qingqing is her mother and the person who loves her the most and cares about her the most in this world.

If Lin Qingqing wanted to have a husband and wanted to be with Leng Xiaohan, then Lin Xiaotang would fulfil her wish.

It’s just that, at the same time as the completion, in order to facilitate the completion of the task, she will make some “transformations” of Leng Xiaohan.

But if Lin Qingqing herself is not happy, then there is no need for the fate between her and Leng Xiaohan.

After confirming that Lin Qingqing didn’t want to get married yet, Lin Xiaotang nodded, indicating that she understood. After that, she did not continue to ask questions.

Lin Qingqing also didn’t pay much attention to Lin Xiaotang’s questions. As a child, it was normal to be curious about the role of a father.

However, Lin Qingqing’s answer was indeed sincere. She never thought of dismissing Lin Xiaotang.

In Lin Qingqing’s opinion, her Tangtang has been very smart since she was a child.

Lin Xiaotang often asked about things in her company, and after she asked, she would give her some solutions. She didn’t look like a five-year-old child at all.

Lin Qingqing had lived for so long, and she has never seen anyone more powerful than her daughter.

She knew that Lin Xiaotang was a real genius.

To have such a daughter, Lin Qingqing was very happy for her baby, so how could she be willing to let another man who she never met take her away?

Even if she was going to get married in the future, the man must treat Lin Xiaotang well.

After the mother and daughter finished talking, Lin Qingqing took Lin Xiaotang to eat ice cream.

After that, she went home with Lin Xiaotang.

And when she went to work in the company early the next morning, she learned an unexpected news from her colleague—

Leng Xiaohan was hospitalized.

“Just yesterday afternoon, President Leng fell down the stairs on the thirteenth floor,” colleagues said, “It is said that he broke both legs and could not walk at all, so he had to go to the hospital. “

“Is it that serious?”

After hearing this news, Lin Qingqing was shocked, but also a little curious: “How did he fall?”

“It seems like he was frightened by something.”

Another colleague gloated and said: “It is said that when he was discovered, Mr. Leng was still lying on the ground, shouting that there was a ghost, hahahahaha, sure enough, rich people are very superstitious.”

Many of Lin Qingqing’s colleagues disliked Leng Xiaohan, a domineering and arrogant man.

When they heard that he broke his leg and would not come to the company again, everyone was very happy.

Lin Qingqing didn’t have much resistance towards Leng Xiaohan.

However, after hearing the news that he would not come to the company again, for some reason, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It may be that Leng Xiaohan usually acted too fiercely, which gave her too much pressure.

While thinking about it, Lin Qingqing threw herself into a new round of work.


On the other hand, Lin Xiaotang had taken action to deal with Leng Xiaohan, and after confirming that Lin Qingqing would not meet him again, she felt relieved.

In her opinion, as long as Lin Qingqing and Leng Xiaohan didn’t meet, their subsequent stories will naturally not exist.

Although her identity is always a hidden danger.

Moreover, driven by the consciousness of the world, Lin Qingqing, the heroine, may still meet the hero Leng Xiaohan later, and something will happen to her.

But at least now, when Leng Xiaohan has to lie in the hospital for at least half a year, she and Lin Qingqing were temporarily safe.

Next, she just needed to find a way to complete the rescue mission as soon as possible.

In this world, perhaps the difficulty has increased, and the tasks given to her by the system were different from the previous tasks.

In the previous mission, she only needed to help them get out of the predicament and help them get back everything they should have.

But in this world, Lin Xiaotang didn’t need to do anything.

The task given by the system is to “help Qin Yue and let him live the life he wants to live”.

But what kind of life does he want?

Looking at this, Lin Xiaotang felt for the first time that she had no idea what to do.

She had this feeling not only because she didn’t know Qin Yue, but also because in the original plot, Qin Yue’s behavior was very strange.

In other words, he was not a normal person.

Qin Yao came from a scholarly family. Although the Qin family was not as wealthy as the Leng family, it was still a little notable family.

In Qin Yao’s generation, the Qin family has a total of three children, the eldest young lady Qin Yao, the second young master Qin Yu, and the young master Qin Yue.

Qin Yue was the child of father Qin and mother Qin in their middle ages. When he was born, Qin Yao, the eldest daughter of the Qin family, was already sixteen years old.

It may be because the age difference was too great, Qin Yue had not been favored by his elder brothers and sisters since he was a child, and Qin’s father and Qin’s mother also value the other two adolescent children more.

Before Qin Yue was born, Qin Yao had already gone abroad, and the only family left at home were father Qin and mother Qin, who went out early and returned late, and Qin Yu, an older brother who went out every day to fool around.

So, it wasn’t until he was eight years old that the Qin family found out that he was being abused by the nanny.

Not giving him food, letting him starve and freeze – these were considered trivial matters.

The babysitter would even beat him, stab him with needles, or deliberately lock him in a dark cupboard.

Growing up in such an environment, Qin Yue’s psychology gradually became distorted.

When the Qin family reacted, he was completely different from normal people in terms of thinking and moral views.

Because of his young age and his long-term stay at home, Qin Yue appeared very little in the original plot, and most of them only existed in Qin Yao’s mouth.

The only time he appeared was in a plot after Lin Qingqing was pregnant.

At that time, out of jealousy, Qin Yao sent someone to kidnap Lin Qingqing and bring her back to House Qin, where she was locked in the basement.

While the guards were not paying attention, Lin Qingqing sneaked away from the basement.

On the way to escape, she met Qin Yue. When she saw Qin Yue, Lin Qingqing was anxious, thinking that he would ask someone to take her back.

However, after seeing the scars on her body, Qin Yue didn’t make any noise; instead he raised a finger at her and said, “shhh”.

“Don’t be afraid,” he said softly, “I’ll take you out.”

Under the cover of Qin Yue, Lin Qingqing successfully escaped from the Qin family.

After that, he also gave Lin Qingqing some pocket money and let her go home by herself by taking a taxi. 

However, at that time, Lin Qingqing no longer had a home. And that indifferent Leng family, she didn’t want to go back for the time being.

After Lin Qingqing’s pleas, Qin Yue finally took her to one of his residences.

Out of curiosity about her, after settling Lin Qingqing down, he asked, “Who are you and why did you appear in the Qin family?”

“I’m Lin Qingqing, Leng Xiaohan’s wife…”

Faced with his question, Lin Qingqing didn’t think too much about it, so she simply stated the conflict between himself and Qin Yao.

It may be that pregnant people were sensitive, or it may be that she had been tortured too much recently. As she spoke, Lin Qingqing’s tears fell.

After listening to her words, Qin Yue suddenly said: “So, you and Qin Yao both like Leng Xiaohan?”

Lin Qingqing hesitated for a while, but nodded and admitted, “Yes.”

Qin Yue asked again, “Then why do you like him? I don’t think he treats you well.”

“…It’s because of the child,” Lin Qingqing said after being silent for a few seconds. “He is the child’s father. I– I can only love him; I can’t be sorry towards my child.”

“So, even if you are not happy, you want to be with him?” Qin Yue asked in surprise.

Lin Qingqing nodded.

“That’s it.”

I don’t know where her words amused the other party. After listening to her, Qin Yue actually laughed.

“Anyway, you’re not happy, so I’ll just remove the child for you.”

After laughing, the handsome young man blinked and said kindly, “In this way, you won’t fall in love with him, and you won’t be sad.”

The reason why Qin Yue was judged as a villain by the system was because of this plot.

Even if he looked like he really wanted to help Lin Qingqing. But because of his abnormal thinking pattern, he made Lin Qingqing lose her second child.

Later, when he knew that even if Lin Qingqing had a miscarriage, she still wanted to stay by Leng Xiaohan’s side, Qin Yue didn’t show anything strange.

He just made an “oh” and said, “It looks like she’s going to suffer for a long time again.”

After that, the plot about Qin Yue was completely over.

In the end, in the episode of the bankruptcy of the Qin family, he never appeared. It is said that he did not know where he went and has been missing for a long time.

Lin Xiaotang: “..…”

The thought of saving such a person gave Lin Xiaotang a headache.

For Qin Yue, she had only one word to evaluate him—


She didn’t understand what Qin Yue liked or what he hated.

She also didn’t know what the life he wanted was like.

However, maybe even Qin Yue himself doesn’t know what kind of life he wants to live…..

Lin Xiaotang can be said to have no clue about saving Qin Yue.

Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why the task of this world can be rated as “high difficulty”.

Moreover, even if she has a clue, what can she do? She is now just a five-year-old child.

Under the supervision of the kindergarten teacher and Lin Qingqing, it was difficult for her to get in touch with Qin Yue.

Not to mention, because of his personality, Qin Yue stayed at home for a long time and hardly went out.

At present, the best way Lin Xiaotang can think of is to approach Qin Yue through online social software.

It’s just, how can she get Qin Yue’s contact information?

Lin Xiaotang fell into deep thought.

The little girl in a pink dress sat on the floor with a serious “I’m thinking” look on her face. She had a straight face and pursed lips, looking quite serious.

But such a look, coupled with her big round eyes and the baby fat on both sides of her cheeks, not only did not give her an air of deterrence, but made her even more cute.

“Tangtang, are you still sitting there? Come and see Peppa Pig.”

At this moment, a teacher next to her stuck his head out and called her.

Hearing what the teacher said, Lin Xiaotang wanted to reply indifferently, “I don’t want to see it.”

However, due to the nature of a child, she could feel that her heart was stirring.

She tried to recover her attention and continued to think, but her eyes couldn’t help glancing at those brightly colored cartoons.

At this moment, those few simple pink pig heads seemed to have a huge attraction, which made Lin Xiaotang unable to hold on to her heart. She was rendered completely uninterested in doing other things.

And…and to be honest, these cartoons are actually pretty good…

Lin Xiaotang: “..…”

The ridiculous mind of this absurd little child.

…forget it, just watch it for five minutes.

After the episode ended, she’d stop watching.

As she moved the small bench in front of the TV, Lin Xiaotang thought silently in her heart.


Before knowing it, the time in kindergarten had passed little by little.

Soon, it was time for the parents to come and take their children home.

Under the instructions of the teachers, Lin Xiaotang walked out of the gate of the kindergarten and saw Lin Qingqing.

Perhaps it was because she was in a good mood today, and Lin Qingqing had a clear smile on her face.

However, what caught Lin Xiaotang’s attention was not Lin Qingqing’s good mood, but the bag in Lin Qingqing’s hand.

“This is the painting book I bought for you,” Lin Qingqing said softly, noticing her gaze, “Whether it’s SpongeBob SquarePants, Tom and Jerry, or Peppa Pig, it’s all there.”

These are Lin Xiaotang’s favorite cartoons to watch on weekdays.

When Lin Qingqing chose picture books, she carefully selected them.

“Anything else?” Lin Xiaotang looked at the heavy bag and asked again.

“There are also books sent by the bookstore for activities,” Lin Qingqing said helplessly, “If you spend 100 yuan, you will get one book.”

Books sent?

Lin Xiaotang glanced curiously and found that the book was very thick, and its title was “CPrimerPlus”.

Programming book…

Speaking of which, she seems to have a lot of books like this at home.

Lin Xiaotang had always been confused. As a liberal arts student, why did Lin Qingqing have so many programming books at home?

Even Lin Qingqing herself did not know when these books were brought home.

Looking at these thick, boring and useless books, Lin Qingqing did not throw them away.

But when Lin Xiaotang grew up, when Lin Qingqing went to the bookstore to buy fairy tale books, the bookstore owner gave her a lot of programming tutorials for activities.

So, by the time Lin Xiaotang was five years old, she already had more than ten programming-related books at home.

Inappropriate words, as if fate arranged the same.

…of course, it could also be because these books were too unpopular to sell at all.

Lin Xiaotang did not object to this.

She just looked at the books with a thoughtful look on her face.


———End of this chapter. 


  1. Tangtang as a child is so cute☺️

  2. Pain says:

    Finally! An appropriate take on the accidental rape-pregnancy trope.
    Yeah! Why would a woman wanna marry her rapist!
    And Tangtang as a little girl is so cute. I’m glad the author make her an actual kid lol. I love this story so much

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