She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Running Away With The Ball (1)

【Congratulations to the host! Your quest rating this time is still S! 】

After returning to the lord god’s space, Lin Xiaotang saw the extremely excited villain rescue system.

The little ball of light went crazy with joy and kept jumping up and down.

The system was obviously very satisfied with her S-rank rating, but Lin Xiaotang herself was already a little bored.

These tasks are too simple for her to be proud of.

Not wanting to stay here too much, Lin Xiaotang said directly, “Send me straight to the next world.” 

【Okay, okay,】 The system said graciously, 【Excuse me, host, do you have any requirements for the mission world? 】


Lin Xiaotang thought for a while and said, “Let’s continue to choose the modern world.”

【The modern world? Ok!】

After listening to her words, the system began to rummage.

After a while, the system suddenly said: 【Host, there is a mission in the modern world that is very difficult and dangerous. Do you want to take it? 】

It’s difficult and dangerous? What’s notable about this?

In this regard, Lin Xiaotang did not hesitate at all. 

“Yes.” After speaking, she asked again, “What is my mission?”

【Save the villain Qin Yue, help him out of the predicament, and help him live the life he wants to live. 】


Five years later.

Huaihai City, in Little Sun Kindergarten.

“Throw, throw, throw the handkerchief,

put it gently behind the child,

don’t tell him

hurry hurry catch him

Hurry up and catch him…”

Amid the singing, the children waved their handkerchiefs and ran around happily.

Behind them, several young female teachers were watching them play with smiles on their faces.

Little Sun Kindergarten was a public kindergarten in the nearby urban area. Many parents who live nearby will send their children here.

On weekdays, the main task of teachers was to teach children to read Pinyin, recognize numbers, and then play games with them.

However, whether it was the teachers or other children, what they paid most attention to was the little girl in the corner in the pink dress.

She was very beautiful and fragile looking, with fair skin, and black, wet eyes like those of a deer.

She sat quietly in the corner, not speaking or moving, like a small mushroom.

This was a child of the Little Tiger Class. Her name was Lin Xiaotang, and her nickname was Tangtang.

She entered the school last year. Because of her beautiful appearance and well-behaved personality, she had always been loved by the people around her.

It’s just that, for some unknown reason, the little girl’s character was much more withdrawn than her peers.

Even when playing games, she always hid in the corner alone.

“Tangtang, do you want to eat an apple?”

At this moment, a chubby little boy, holding an apple, ran over.

As if asking for credit, he held the apple and handed it to the little girl beside him, saying, “I’ll give you the apple, so will you be my girlfriend?”

Looking at the little apple that had been eaten several times, Lin Xiaotang was silent for a few seconds before responding, “No.”

Hearing her say that, the little boy pursed his lips, and tears rolled in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Xiaotang’s eyes twitched, and she said quickly, “Don’t cry!”

Once these children started crying, it was almost endless, and the noise made her scalp tingle. Even more frightening was that the crying of children was contagious. When a child cries, the other children cry with them.

With her being so fierce to him, the little boy was extremely aggrieved.

He covered his eyes and tried to hold back the tears: “But, but I can’t help it…”

Lin Xiaotang said indifferently, “Then I’ll ignore you.”

He didn’t seem to have thought that Lin Xiaotang would be so heartless, the little boy stayed for two seconds, then burst into tears with a “waa”.

When he was crying, he didn’t forget his learned lines from a TV series, and scolded inarticulately, “Scumbag, do you even have a heart!”

Lin Xiaotang, who suddenly became a “scumbag”: “…..”

Seeing this scene, the kindergarten teachers next to them all laughed.

“Hahahahaha, is this the first boy to confess to Tangtang?”

“The seventh one, right? The last one was Kaikai from the Little Sheep Class next door.”

“Our Tangtang is really popular, but she’s too shy, and she doesn’t know what kind of little boy she likes.”

“It’s not a crybaby like Yangyang anyway.”

“I saw Tangtang’s expression changed. She was even more afraid of children crying than we were.”

While talking and laughing, the teachers came over and took the crying little boy away.

Before leaving, they didn’t forget to touch Lin Xiaotang’s head, or pinch her face to appease her.

Lin Xiaotang: “…..”

The little girl who had long been used to being treated like this had no expression on her face and her heart was ashes.

She regretted it. She really regretted it.

If she had known this that day, she would not have taken this task.

Before coming here, from the mouth of the system, Lin Xiaotang only knew that this world is very difficult and dangerous.

But she never imagined that her identity turned out to be a newborn baby! From 1 to 5 years old, Lin Xiaotang was forced to grow up again.

Even though there is a huge amount of energy in her body, most of her terrifying abilities can only be used to attack others, and there was absolutely no way to bring any benefits to herself.

If it’s just that, that’s fine.

At most, it’s just to stay in this world for a few more decades, and it’s not that she can’t wait.

But the problem was that this time the villain rescue mission was indeed a bit tricky for her.

Because she was the child of the heroine, Lin Qingqing.

The plot of this world is a rather indescribable love story.

Six years ago, the heroine Lin Qingqing worked as a waiter in a luxury hotel. One night, she accidentally walked through the wrong door, and was taken by the hero Leng Xiaohan as a woman sent by someone else.

…then, Lin Qingqing was forced upon by Leng Xiaohan.

After the night, Lin Qingqing fled the hotel out of fear.

The experience of this night has become a secret in her heart, and she has not told anyone. If things end here, then this is at most a story of a poor girl being raped.

However, two months later, Lin Qingqing found out that she was pregnant. Faced with this sudden child, Lin Qingqing was at a loss and didn’t know what to do at all.

She also thought about killing the child, but when she got to the door of the hospital, she was reluctant to go in.

She stroked her belly, and she knew that there was a little life in it. This was her child, her flesh and blood, and a treasure given to her by God.

How could she be so cruel as to kill her child?

Under such thinking, Lin Qingqing did not abort the child, but gave birth to the child.

This child was Lin Xiaotang.

According to the follow-up development of the plot, when Lin Xiaotang is five years old, Lin Qingqing will meet Leng Xiaohan again in the company where she works.

For this woman, Leng Xiaohan always felt a little familiar, as if he had met her somewhere.

From there, Lin Qingqing’s diligent, pure and kind temperament inadvertently attracted him.

As the number of encounters between the two increased, Leng Xiaohan noticed that although Lin Qingqing declared that she was married, her husband had never appeared.

Even when the kindergarten held a parent meeting, Lin Qingqing has always been alone.

Because of curiosity, he sent someone to investigate Lin Qingqing and got photos of Lin Qingqing and her daughter Lin Xiaotang.

And that child looks very similar to him, especially the cold thin lips, which are exactly the same as him!

Out of intuition, he took Lin Xiaotang’s hair and did a paternity test, confirming that Lin Xiaotang was his own daughter.

After that, he took the identification certificate and slapped it in front of Lin Qingqing.

“My Leng family’s children must not be left out.”

Looking at Lin Qingqing who was in a panic, Leng Xiaohan said in a cold and arrogant tone, “Either accept 10 million and give me your daughter, or I’ll see you in court. Or, I will give you one other choice.”

Lin Qingqing couldn’t help but ask, “What choice?”

“Contract a marriage with me.”

Lin Qingqing was a typical little, pale, fancy heroine. She was soft and weak, submissive and without assertiveness.

Facing Leng Xiaohan’s compulsory request, in order not to separate from her daughter, she had no choice but to accept the last choice.

She signed the contract given by Leng Xiaohan and married him.

But at this moment, Leng Xiaohan’s white moonlight, Qin Yao, the eldest lady of the Qin Group who had gone abroad ten years ago, came back.

Because she disliked Lin Qingqing’s humble background and looked down on Lin Xiaotang for being a girl, Leng Xiaohan’s mother disapproved of this marriage very much.

For Mother Leng, the only agreeable daughter-in-law was Qin Yao.

After Qin Yao came back from abroad, Mother Leng began to squeeze and suppress Lin Qingqing, and tried her best to bring Qin Yao and Leng Xiaohan together.

And what about Leng Xiaohan?

The person he liked in his heart was actually Lin Qingqing, otherwise he would not have proposed to marry her.

But he never found this out, and he stupidly thought he loved Qin Yao.

In the face of Lin Qingqing, who came from a humble background, he was also somewhat disdainful in his heart.

Not wanting her to go out and embarrass him, he put pressure on Lin Qingqing’s company, so that Lin Qingqing lost her job and could only stay in the cold house.

Externally, he never claimed that Lin Qingqing was his wife.

Leng’s mother made all kinds of difficulties for Lin Qingqing, and he acted as if he had not seen it.

After spending three years in such torture, Lin Qingqing was in unbearable pain.

She wanted to leave the place with her daughter, however, the night before she left, she found out she was pregnant.

Facing his child in her womb again, Lin Qingqing softened again.

At the same time, she also felt extremely at a loss.

Her whole life was related to Leng Xiaohan. If she left him, where would she go? What was she going to do?

Besides him, can she still like others and be with others?

In this way, Lin Qingqing struggled for a long time, and finally chose to stay.

Fortunately, Lin Qingqing is the heroine after all, and also the fateful half of the hero Leng Xiaohan.

After various misunderstandings, disputes, miscarriages, car accidents, amnesia and other sadomasochistic plots, Leng Xiaohan finally recognized his love for Lin Qingqing.

They overcome all odds and work together to a happy ending.

As for the Qin family?

Because Qin Yao shot and framed Lin Qingqing and her daughter again and again, Leng Xiaohan couldn’t bear it anymore, and finally took action, bankrupting the Qin family.

Lin Xiaotang: “..…”

In the face of this plot, Lin Xiaotang was silent for a long time, feeling that her IQ was insulted.

Whether it’s the heroine Lin Qingqing, or the hero Leng Xiaohan, or Mother Leng and Qin Yao, they all made people speechless.

To put it inappropriately, the minds of these people were not like independent adults at all.

A typical example is the heroine Lin Qingqing.

Lin Xiaotang couldn’t understand why Lin Qingqing didn’t call the police after that night had passed.

Even if she doesn’t call the police, why is she still in love with a man who raped her and then tortured her in every possible way?

Facing mother Leng and Qin Yao’s many difficulties, she silently endured it without arguing and swallowed all the grievances.

Facing the misunderstanding and cynicism of the male protagonist Leng Xiaohan, she had no complaints and no regrets, and was always by his side.

What was even more incomprehensible is that Lin Qingqing did not leave! It was so painful and hard to live in that cold family, but she stayed.

She had missed so many opportunities to leave.

If all this was done willingly by Lin Qingqing, Lin Xiaotang couldn’t actually say anything. After all, this is Lin Qingqing’s own personal affairs, and it is difficult for outsiders to lay blame.

However, the object of Lin Xiaotang’s rescue was Qin Yao’s younger brother, Qin Yue.

Her mission was to save the villain Qin Yue, help him out of his predicament, and help him live the life he wants to live.

Therefore, in order to facilitate the completion of the task in the future, she must intervene in the affairs of Lin Qingqing and Leng Xiaohan.


In Lin Xiaotang’s daze, a day passed.

Soon, it was time for Little Sun Kindergarten to dismiss.

Under the instructions of the teachers, Lin Xiaotang came to the gate of the kindergarten with her small school bag on her back.

Outside the door, a woman in her twenties with a pure and gentle appearance was smiling at her.

This is her mother, Lin Qingqing.

Seeing Lin Xiaotang coming out, Lin Qingqing hurried over.

Holding her daughter’s hand, she smiled at the kindergarten teacher beside her and asked, “Mr. Wang, how is Xiaotang doing today? Was she disobedient?”

“No, no, Xiaotang is the most sensible girl in the Little Tiger Class.”

Hearing Lin Qingqing’s question, the teacher beside her quickly waved his hand.

This was not the teacher’s exaggerated compliment, but the true statement that Lin Xiaotang as a child was indeed very obedient.

In other words, she was much smarter than the noisy children of the same age.No matter what she was taught, Lin Xiaotang knew it as soon as she learned it.

Even with the math problems of elementary school difficulty, she could do them with ease.

Apart from being a little withdrawn, Lin Xiaotang had almost no shortcomings.

However, being a quieter little girl, what’s the problem with that?

Hearing the kindergarten teachers praise Lin Xiaotang so much, Lin Qingqing was very happy.

She lowered her head, rubbed her daughter’s head, and said softly, “Tangtang is so good, how about mom taking you to eat ice cream tonight?”

Lin Xiaotang’s current favorite thing is ice cream.

Just because she was still young, Lin Qingqing always refused to let her eat because she was afraid that she would eat badly.

Hearing that her mother said that she could eat ice cream, Lin Xiaotang nodded and replied happily, “Okay.”

Although in the original plot, Lin Qingqing seemed to have no brains, and all kinds of resignations made Lin Xiaotang not know what to say.

To say the least, in the past five years, Lin Qingqing had treated her meticulously.

She really loves Lin Xiaotang.

Even when life was the most difficult, Lin Qingqing never thought of leaving Lin Xiaotang behind.

…After all, if it were someone else, she might have already accepted Leng Xiaohan’s 10 million yuan and flew away.

Looking at the baby girl who nodded obediently, Lin Qingqing only felt that her heart was melting. In her eyes, her own baby is the best.

It’s a pity that she is really useless.

Not only did she fail to give Xiaotang a better life, but she also failed to give her a complete home.

Thinking of the cruel man she accidentally met in the company this morning, Lin Qingqing’s heart skipped a beat.

For some reason, she always felt that the man was a little familiar.

An uneasy mood occupied her heart, causing her to make several mistakes that shouldn’t be made all day long…

At this moment, Lin Xiaotang, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up.

“Mom,” she asked, “do you want to get married?”


Why was Xiaotang asking this?

Not knowing what to think, Lin Qingqing’s expression changed.

She squatted down, hugged Lin Xiaotang quickly, and asked cautiously, “Tangtang, what’s wrong? Did someone in the kindergarten speak ill of you?”

Pregnancy before marriage had always been a scar in Lin Qingqing’s heart.

She has always been afraid that Lin Xiaotang will be hurt after hearing some rumors.

“No,” Lin Xiaotang shook her head and said, “I just want to know, Mom, if Dad appeared, would you want to be with him?”

Xiaotang’s father? The man who raped her?

Lin Qingqing subconsciously wanted to refuse, but looking at her innocent daughter, she hesitated again.

What if, if Xiaotang wanted a complete home…

After a few seconds of silence, Lin Qingqing hugged Lin Xiaotang tighter. Looking at her daughter in her arms, she asked in a low voice, “Does Tangtang want a Dad?”

“I don’t want it,” Lin Xiaotang shook her head again and said, “I only need a mother.”

These are indeed Lin Xiaotang’s true thoughts. With Leng Xiaohan as the father, even if you wanted it, it was better not to bother.

Hearing what Lin Xiaotang said, Lin Qingqing’s heart softened to a mess.

In this regard, she said without hesitation: “Then mother will not marry either.”

Like Xiaotang, she only needs Xiaotang. Even if Xiaotang’s biological father appears, he shouldn’t even think about taking the child away from her!

After listening to her mother’s answer, Lin Xiaotang blinked.

After a long time, she said softly, “Okay.”

———End of this chapter. 


  1. these kind of novel are the worst to read

    1. Meo says:

      Absolutely. That’s why I always read review before reading a novel. Just a side character with background like this makes my heart boil, I’ll probably die reading this kind of novel 🤣

  2. Baldingère says:

    Awww, cutie! She’s becoming more human.
    Thanks for the translation!

  3. Mimi says:

    Base from their interactions here. I think the OGFL thought her children has to have a complete family thats why she didn’t leave even though she was bullied and humiliated in the ogbook

  4. Mimi says:

    Base on their interactions, i think ogfl just want her to be with her children and want her children to have complete family thats why she stayed and endured bullying and humiliation.

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