She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Modern Stallion Man Who Counterattacks (13)

The original Li Fan had already drowned in the water when he fell into the water.

Then “Li Fan” from another world occupied his body and continued to live with his identity.

Lin Xiaotang’s so-called “returning the body” meant to let Li Fan from another world leave the body of Li Fan from this world. At the same time, Li Fan’s identity in this world should really die.

Once she had decided to make a move, she naturally did not delay.

That night, in the face of Li Fan and the men in black, she used her energy to summon a bus with horrible rumors, thereby deceiving Li Fan. But from the moment Li Fan got into the car, he was completely under Lin Xiaotang’s control.

All his horrific experiences in the car were nothing but a nightmare woven by her.

So, in the video of the dash cam, after Li Fan got into the car, he fell directly on the floor and fell asleep. After that, all the deeds that happened to him had nothing to do with Lin Xiaotang, who got off the bus at the first stop.

Even if some people still doubt Lin Xiaotang, thinking she had something to do with the problem, or that Li Fan fainted because she hypnotized him, how could they explain the appearance of this bus?

A nineteen-year-old girl, no matter how powerful she is, she can’t “drive” a bus out of thin air, right?!

In this way, Lin Xiaotang successfully cleared away people’s suspicions.

Because both of Li Fan’s parents died, he had no other relatives or friends.

When the matter was over, it was not An Qingyu or Chu Yaorao (who was in prison) who collected Li Fan’s body, but Lin Xiaotang’s original parents.

In order to take care of Li Fan easily, they went through the adoption procedures and became his guardians.

The police contacted Mr. and Mrs. Lin and told them about Li Fan’s situation.

The Lins had long known what Li Fan had done in school, and they were not too sad about it. After a bit of emotion, they took Li Fan’s body back to his hometown and found a place to bury it in a hurry.

The only good thing was that the hundreds of thousands left in Li Fan’s bank card were handed over to Mr Lin and Mrs Lin as his inheritance. 

In this way, it can be regarded as a settlement of the kindness that the Lin parents had given him in the past few years.


Without the male protagonist, the earth was still spinning, and life naturally had to go on.

In the days that followed, Lin Xiaotang returned to a busy and fulfilling coding career.

After participating in the author conference, Lin Xiaotang managed to get into the circle once by virtue of her appearance.

Fortunately for readers, she was not confused by the false popularity on the Internet, but maintained a consistent low-key style, steadfastly coding words, and writing seriously.

Such a diligent and simple style not only makes other authors of the website admire her, but also got Lin Xiaotang more and more die-hard fans.

[Today’s update is still 10,000 characters, so happy.】

[I like such a diligent and practical author! I have been fattened by the daily updates of The Great Demon King.】

[It is obvious that she can take shortcuts by relying on her face, but she still relies on her own strength.】

[It feels like with the great demon king’s face, as long as she hype it casually, she can easily become famous. 】

[Yeah, to be honest, sometimes I’m anxious for the great demon king, and I can’t wait to help her contact the marketing account. 】

[Hate that iron can’t be steel +1] [Hate that iron can’t be steel +10086]

(T/N: 恨铁不成钢 – Hate that iron can’t be steel – This is a Chinese saying that if iron can be made into steel, it will be much stronger. Used to reference the hate towards people with great abilities not living up to their utmost potential)

[…However, it’s good that she can stick to her heart. 】

Maybe Lin Xiaotang was too young. Many readers subconsciously regarded her as their own child or junior.

Some female fans gave her a very cute nickname – Little Mushroom.

On normal days, they call themselves “mother of little mushroom”.

If someone asks them curiously why they call the “Great Demon King” a “Little Mushroom”, they will proudly say, because the “Great Demon King” has a low-key and withdrawn personality, and always writes letters in the corners in obscurity, like a little mushroom.


She never expected to have such a nickname.

But what happened had already happened, and Lin Xiaotang didn’t want to reject the fans’ behavior.

It was interesting to watch in the comments section, as they chattered about the plot, or got freaked out by her new chapter.

Lin Xiaotang really liked modern women more than women from ancient backgrounds.

They were lively, comfortable and agile, and dared to express their likes and dislikes freely on the Internet, revealing full of vigor between the lines.

Under the care of readers, Lin Xiaotang continued to write novels.

A year later, her novel was finally finished, and after three or four years, her second novel would also be finished.

In the past few years, she had continued to grow, the number of readers had increased steadily, and the value of her fear harvest had become greater and greater.

After graduating from college, she became a full-time novelist.

At the same time, she had also become one of the most prestigious resident authors of Yunxiao

In the sixth year, Lin Xiaotang’s True Horror was finally made into a TV series.

The development of the film and television industry in this world was particularly comprehensive, and there were no restrictions on subject matter. In this case, it was extremely easy for True Horror to pass the trial, and it was not difficult to shoot.

According to the previous agreement, Lin Xiaotang got the role of the heroine in True Horror through Gu Jing’s relationship.

She had a hunch that after the filming of this TV series, the energy accumulated in her body will peak again, and it would be time for her to leave this world.

As for her mission to save the villain?

From the moment Li Fan died, her mission was almost complete.

After that, Gu Jing also encountered several more dangerous situations. But with Lin Xiaotang’s reminders and help, he survived these crises without any risk.

The two gradually became good friends, and they would chat a few words from time to time on WeChat.

After Lin Xiaotang participated in True Horror, which was invested in and filmed by Gu’s Group, the interactions between the two gradually increased, and Lin Xiaotang saw Gu Jing more and more frequently.

Three months later, on a brightly lit night, Gu Jing invited Lin Xiaotang to have a meal and expressed his goodwill towards her.

“I’ve always admired you. I’ve had a crush on you since the first time we met,” Gu Jing said. “If you don’t mind, would you like to try to get along with me?”

Was this… a confession to her?

After listening to Gu Jing’s words, Lin Xiaotang, who had never had such an experience, was slightly startled, not knowing how to react.

In the past, she was either a world-famous movie star, or a demon king in the demon world. No man dared to covet her, and not many people would express their affection for her.

In this world, in order to easily integrate into this world, Lin Xiaotang had been deliberately restraining her powers and becoming an ordinary person.

So, in the eyes of outsiders, after losing that “terrifying aura”, she was a pretty girl with a calm and very good personality.

And such talented and beautiful women will never lack the love of the opposite sex.

However, while understanding is understanding, Lin Xiaotang was still a little overwhelmed when faced with this situation.

“Why do you like me?” After a few seconds of silence, Lin Xiaotang addedd, “There should be no shortage of good-looking women by your side.”

This was what Lin Xiaotang couldn’t understand.

As the eldest young master of the Gu family, what kind of woman would Gu Jing not have?

Even An Qingyu, who was divorced, had a prominent family background, and a figure and appearance that was not inferior to that of celebrities.

Compared with her indifferent and rigid personality, shouldn’t those gentle and finessed women be more attractive?

“Maybe it’s because you make people care for you.”

After listening to Lin Xiaotang’s question, Gu Jing thought about it and gave an unexpected reply.

Lin Xiaotang was slightly startled: “I make people care for me?”

“Yeah,” Gu Jing said, “Xiaotang, you give off a very lonely feeling.”

No matter when or where, Lin Xiaotang always seems to be alone.

She had relatives, she also had friends, but her relationship with everyone was flat and distant.

Even though she lived in a social world, she seemed to have closed herself off, keeping a layer of isolation from everyone around her, preventing outsiders from coming in and not letting herself go out.

Sometimes, Gu Jing even felt that Lin Xiaotang’s connection with the world was extremely tenuous. She was like a fish drifting to a different place, waving her tail fins gently, leaving a wave.

But as long as she wanted to leave, she could easily leave this area of the sea and swim to a farther place.


Lin Xiaotang didn’t expect Gu Jing to answer like this. After she understood what Gu Jing meant by “loneliness”, she didn’t know what to reply.

She did have a very dull relationship with the original owner’s parents and friends, and she had always been alone. She never thought that in the eyes of others, this turned out to be a very uncomfortable thing.

Seeing that Lin Xiaotang didn’t speak, Gu Jing paused for a few seconds before continuing to ask, “Will you give me a chance to approach you?”

A chance to get close to her?

After Lin Xiaotang was silent for a while, she shook her head and said, “I’m sorry.”

This world, she will leave sooner or later. Instead of leaving anything behind, she might as well just leave without any regrets and regrets.

“It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize.” After listening to Lin Xiaotang’s reply, Gu Jing smiled and didn’t look surprised at all.

However, after laughing, he looked at Lin Xiaotang and asked very seriously, “If I may ask, why did you reject me?”

Why refuse?

Faced with this question, Lin Xiaotang thought for a long time before answering softly, “It may be because I am walking a path destined to be lonely.”


Five months later, the series ‘True Horror’, adapted from the online novel of the same name, was released on major video sites.

As the first domestic horror-themed TV series, ‘True Horror’ broke several records after its release and became the most popular phenomenon-level TV series of the year.

Among them, the heroine played by the original author Lin Xiaotang had become a dark horse in the entertainment circle because of her outstanding performance and excellent acting skills, and has won unanimous praise from audiences at home and abroad.

They couldn’t imagine how such a person could exist.

Not to mention the achievements in writing, the acting was still so good!

In response to Lin Xiaotang’s stunning performance in the play, a large number of people flooded into her Weibo and became her fans.

However, the good times did not last long. In the second year of the TV series, the author Lin Xiaotang disappeared unexpectedly and her whereabouts were unknown.

Some thought she was definitely dead after being missing for so long.

But there are more people who firmly believe that she was still alive and living well in a certain corner of the world.

Her life was like a shooting star: short, dazzling, and fleeting, but leaving behind an extremely splendid brilliance.

Since then, no matter in the entertainment circle or the online literature circle, there has never been a person who could be comparable to her.

———End of this chapter. 


  1. Holly says:

    Thanks for the chapters!

    Lets hope our poor heroine gets to settle somewhere eventually. 🙁

  2. Paxloria says:

    I’m just loving this story!
    Thank you for the releases!

  3. idle yet filling, this novel is great

  4. Cat says:

    Disregard my comment in the previous chapter, lol.

  5. Pain says:

    I just love how unconventional this novel and the MC is. A typical villainess novel would definitely put the MC and her target together romantically, but Lin Xiaotang just complete her missions in the simplest way.

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