She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Modern Stallion Man Who Counterattacks (12)

After talking to the old man, he was afraid of being noticed by other ghosts. For the rest of the time, Li Fan kept his mouth shut.

And the old man beside him seemed to realise something, and stopped saying those rambling words.

The atmosphere in the carriage became dull and depressing again, and darkness enveloped the entire No. 444 bus once more.

He didn’t know how long it took, but after half of Li Fan’s body was almost numb, there was another change in the quiet carriage.

Li Fan looked up and found that it was a young couple and a middle-aged man who was full of alcohol.

“What are you doing? Don’t touch me!”

The little girl in the couple seemed to be touched by the middle-aged man. She let out a scream and hid behind her boyfriend again and again.

Her boyfriend also glared at the drunk man and shouted, “Don’t touch her – we will call the police if you touch her again!”

It’s just that although the little girl’s boyfriend looks fierce, he wasn’t tall, and was scrawny, too, so he was no deterrence for the burly middle-aged man.

Even though he kept his girlfriend behind him, the drunk man didn’t flinch at all, instead he smiled “hehe” and continued to stare at the girl with obscene eyes.

After hearing that the boy said he was going to call the police, the drunk man sneered and retorted inarticulately, “I…I’ll just see, call the police if you can… the police manage…”

Facing the harassment of drunken men, both girls’ and boys’ faces became quite ugly.

On the other side, the other passengers in the carriage remained silent.

As if they hadn’t seen this scene, they sat on their seats with their heads lowered, as quiet as statues.

At this moment, Li Fan, who was shrunk in the corner, was quietly watching all this.

Whether it was the drunken man and the couple who suddenly made a fuss, or the other passengers who were silent, they all gave him an indescribable sense of weirdness.

To put it inappropriately, this place seems to be divided into two spaces.

In one space was playing out what happened in this bus, while in the other space, were the ghosts waiting for the next stop.

Such a bizarre scene was absurd and scary. Li Fan’s heart was pounding, and his desire to escape from here had become extremely strong.

【Ding dong! We have arrived at Renxin Hospital, please take your luggage and get off in order. 】

Soon, the speed of the bus dropped significantly, and the warning sound in the car rang again.

The second stop was Renxin Hospital.

After hearing the announcement, the couple quickly stood up and hurried to the back door, ready to get off here.

Behind them, the drunk middle-aged man followed unsteadily.

The drunk man’s eyes still fell on the beautiful girl, his flushed face full of desire.

It seemed that he was about to follow the two of them out of the car.

Li Fan walked to the back door of the carriage with the old man beside him when the alarm sounded.

Because of his fear, he leaned tightly beside the old man and did not dare to approach the three.

He could see the dark red streak on the girl’s neck, and he could also see a large piece of coagulated blood on the boyfriend’s chest.

Although they looked like they were not as scary as the ghosts who got off the bus at the first stop, Li Fan knew very well that they were also ghosts.

Fortunately, this time, there was another living person by his side. If something really happened, he still had a chance to run away.

After the bus stopped, with a sound of steam, the rear door of the carriage was slowly opened.

Maybe because it was late, the street outside was eerily quiet.

The couple got out of the car first, followed by the drunken man.

The last ones to get off were Li Fan and the old man.

However, at the moment of stepping out of the car door, for some reason, Li Fan glanced at the place where Lin Xiaotang was sitting.

Maybe because he was about to escape, but Li Fan felt a little regretful when he thought of his unfinished plan.

It would be a pity not to get such a beautiful woman.

However, what Li Fan never expected was that the seat where Lin Xiaotang was sitting was now empty.

—Lin Xiaotang is gone!

What’s going on? Why was she gone?!

A few minutes ago, she was still sitting there obediently!

After discovering this, Li Fan’s mind suddenly became confused.

“Young man, come down quickly! It’s too late!”

Maybe Li Fan’s hesitation was too obvious, the old man saw this and quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed him.

Before Li Fan could react, he was pulled out of the carriage by the old man. And after he staggered out of the car, the bus door closed.

The No. 444 bus restarted and headed for the next stop.

It wasn’t until the bus disappeared into the darkness that the old man sighed and turned to Li Fan and said, “Young man, don’t blame this old man for pulling you – it’s a ghost car! If you stay, you will die!”

It seemed that, like Li Fan, the old man also discovered the problem of the bus. Otherwise, when he got out of the car, he wouldn’t have dragged Li Fan down so anxiously.

“Old man, thank you.”

After being rescued from the car by the old man, Li Fan was too grateful. How dare he complain?

Anyway, surviving was the most important thing.

Whether Lin Xiaotang was alive or dead had nothing to do with him.

“Thank you, thank you, I saw that you were a living person, so I saved your life.” The old man waved his hand and replied nonchalantly.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Fan a few more times and said with emotion, “It’s getting late, and this place is too weird. Since you could be rescued by me, it can be considered that we share some affinity. If you don’t mind, you might as well go to this old man’s house to sit for a while and ask your friend to take you back.”

Hearing what the old man said, Li Fan was immediately moved.

The three ghosts who just got off the bus disappeared after getting off, and he didn’t know where they went.

However, the lights on this platform were broken again; there was no light at all, and it was pitch black so he couldn’t see anything clearly.

If he stayed here, he might encounter something, so he might as well continue to follow this old man!

Thinking of this, Li Fan’s whole body lightened, and he replied repeatedly, “Okay, okay, then I will trouble you, old man.”

“No trouble, no trouble.”

Hearing what Li Fan said, the old man cracked his mouth into a smile and said with satisfaction, “How can there be trouble if there is a living person to follow me home?”

A living person to follow him home?

What did it mean…?

After noticing the old man’s words, Li Fan’s heart skipped a beat!

A chill climbed up his back, and the emotion of fear flooded over like a tide, making his hands and feet cold.

He turned his face stiffly, only to see the old man beside him, looking at him with an extremely greedy gaze.

The old man’s wrinkled face had already been covered with purple-red corpse spots.


“So, that night, the reason why you boarded this bus was just because you were afraid and wanted to run away quickly?”

Lin Xiaotang nodded and said, “Yes.”

“After you went up, did you notice anything wrong, such as no one in the carriage, or the wrong route of the bus?”

“I didn’t pay attention,” Lin Xiaotang said lightly, “I just thought that the farther away from them the better. I didn’t care how the bus drove, and isn’t it normal for the last bus to be less crowded?”

“Then did you notice the problem with Li Fan? Did he say anything to you at the time?”

“No,” Lin Xiaotang said, “he fell asleep as soon as he went up. I tried to wake him up, but it didn’t work.”

“How did he get off the station? Did he behave strangely when he got off?”

“I don’t know,” Lin Xiaotang said finally, “I got off the bus at the first stop, and I don’t know anything about what happened next.”

After listening to Lin Xiaotang’s words, the two policemen across the table looked at each other and stopped asking questions.

According to Lin Xiaotang’s answer, they have basically confirmed that Lin Xiaotang was innocent.

From any point of view, Lin Xiaotang’s reaction and behaviour that night were all right.

The only thing she did wrong was getting on the No. 444 bus in a panic that night, causing the victim Li Fan to follow.

However, in that case, in the face of five or six gangsters, who would stand still?

Moreover, who would have thought that there was a problem with the bus she boarded?

Besides, the motive of the victim Li Fan was not simple either.

The chat records between him and those gangsters have long been deciphered by the police.

“Excuse me, is there anything else?”

Seeing that the two policemen kept silent, Lin Xiaotang asked after waiting for a few minutes.

“It’s nothing, you go back first,” said one of the policemen. “After that, if you remember anything, remember to contact us in time.”

Lin Xiaotang nodded, indicating that she knew.

She did not show any resistance to the suspicions and questions from the police, because she was well aware of their pressure.

This morning, when grave sweepers in the Yongshou Mausoleum Park were going to work, they found bus No. 444 parked at the station entrance.

They don’t know what happened. The bus that was supposed to stay at the bus station suddenly left the station late at night, and followed the route bus No. 444 would normally take during the day.

According to the dash cam on the bus, the car was driving completely “autonomously”, with no driver and no passengers on board.

There were only two people who got into this car on the way—Lin Xiaotang and Li Fan.

The two of them got on the bus at the same time. After that, Lin Xiaotang got off at the first stop, and Li Fan got off at the second stop.

During this period, Lin Xiaotang looked normal and was playing with her mobile phone all the time, but Li Fan fell asleep immediately after getting in the car, and he couldn’t wake up no matter how much he was called.

But when the bus arrived at the “Renxin Hospital” stop, Li Fan suddenly woke up and staggered to the stop.

By the time the police found him following the footprints, he was lying dead in a solitary grave by the side of the road.

What was even more disturbing was that when Li Fan died, his eyes were wide open and his expression was extremely frightened, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

After such a horrific incident, it shocked the whole city.

Due to the pressure of public opinion, the police had no choice but to contact people from various departments to conduct an investigation.

…..However, according to the current information, this case can only become an unsolved case in the end.

Fortunately, Li Fan’s house was nothing but bare walls, his parents were dead, and he had no friends. After his passing, no one else will come to the police station to create trouble because of his death.

Moreover, through this incident, the police also discovered the remaining underworld forces in the urban area.

The Chu family’s gang of local snakes had always done a lot of evil, robbing and collecting protection fees etc. Not to mention, the very few high-level executives of the family even sold drugs.

This group of people had always been a headache for the local police station, but because they couldn’t catch their tails, the police couldn’t do anything to them.

Now, from the body of the deceased Li Fan, they not only confirmed the specific identities of the gang of gangsters, but also caught Chu Yaorao, the eldest young lady of the Chu family.

After they hurriedly closed the case of bus No. 444, it was time for them, the police, to make great contributions!

Under such circumstances, Lin Xiaotang filled in some information and went through the formalities, then left the police station and returned to the university.

For the next few days, she also kept acting normal, as if she really didn’t know anything about bus No. 444.

In order to protect her, in order to keep her from being crowded out by the people around her, the police had long since announced the “plan” of Li Fan and the underworld.

Soon, everyone knew that Lin Xiaotang was a complete victim, and the person who died had mistreated her.

Out of sympathy, even among other students in the school, she did not have any rumours circulating about her.

As for Li Fan?

This kind of scum was dead, it’s really heartwarming!

Even An Qingyu, who used to be very close to Li Fan, felt light and happy after learning of Li Fan’s death.

After meeting Li Fan that time, An Qingyu recalled the pain of her days and couldn’t help but buy a knife.

She thought that since she couldn’t get Li Fan, she would just destroy him.

Anyway, she was pretty much ruined by him now, wasn’t she?

But at the moment when Li Fan died, An Qingyu vaguely felt that something invisible had been stripped out of her.

Now An Qingyu, recalling all the things she had done in the past, couldn’t believe that the person who went crazy for love was herself.

She suffered for so long, and she ruined more than half of her life, just for such a shallow and ordinary man???

Was she crazy?!

Out of guilt, she even found Lin Xiaotang specially and said “thank you” and “sorry” to her.

To compensate, she gave Lin Xiaotang a card, but Lin Xiaotang didn’t accept it.

In Lin Xiaotang’s opinion, An Qingyu’s punishment was almost enough.

An Qingyu, who was abandoned by her loved one after her infamous reputation, had long since experienced the original owner’s feelings, and it could be regarded as a clean slate, as far as emotional debt and grievance went.

The source of all these things was always just Li Fan.

In contrast, Lin Xiaotang’s idea was quite simple.

Since Li Fan occupied the body of the real “Li Fan” and used someone else’s identity to do immoral things in this world…

Letting him return the body, wouldn’t that be fine?

———End of this chapter. 


  1. Cat says:

    Spooky. Were they real ghosts, or all an illusion? Idk man, Lin Xiaotang has never killed someone in her illusions so far. So…

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