She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Modern Stallion Man Who Counterattacks (11)

No. 444?

The moment he heard the name, Li Fan’s expression changed greatly. This bus No. 444 has a “prominent reputation” in the city.

He didn’t expect that it was this bus that he got on!

The route of bus No. 444 was very remote, with only three stops in total.

The first stop was in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. There had been a large-scale collapse of the Huangjiang River Broken Bridge with countless casualties, and the last stop was the city’s largest Yongshou Mausoleum area.

All kinds of rumors about it were everywhere on the Internet, and even a traveler like him had heard of it.

If those rumors were just ghost stories similar to the “cat-faced old lady” made up by netizens, that’s fine. But this bus was just like being struck by evil. Car accidents happened frequently. If you go to the Internet, you can find more than ten news reports.

No matter how the driver changes, there will always be various accidents on the bus no. 444.

What’s even more frightening was that 80% of these accidents happened on the last bus there.

One night ten years ago, the driver of the last bus of the No. 444 bus drove the car into the Huangjiang River for personal reasons, resulting in the death of more than 20 passengers in the carriage, none of whom survived, causing a national sensation.

After that, in order to quell the various comments on the Internet and to appease the panicked citizens, the relevant departments simply canceled the last bus route of No. 444, making the last bus of No. 444 completely a thing of the past.

According to normal circumstances, the No. 444 bus should not appear again after 6:30 pm.

So… what happened to the car he got in?

Li Fan’s face turned pale, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and wanted to send a message to Chu Yaorao.

But at this moment, his mobile phone had no signal.

What happened? Why was there no signal?!

Li Fan’s heart became more and more panicked, and an inexplicable fear gripped his heart tightly, causing his breathing to become more and more rapid.

He could already feel that there was absolutely something wrong with this bus!

Whether it was the icy air, the extremely quiet environment, or the passengers who bowed their heads and didn’t speak…

And Lin Xiaotang, who was beside him, didn’t know what was going on. She had been sitting there silently, as silent as a statue.

He was the only one in the whole carriage that was still alive. No, he must get down, he must find a way to get down!

At this moment, Lin Xiaotang and Yunxiao Novel Network were all left behind by Li Fan.

He just wanted to survive; he just wanted to get out of this ghostly place!

Out of fear of ghosts, Li Fan opened his mouth several times, but did not dare to make a sound, to tell the driver directly to stop the bus.

Who knew if the driver of this weird bus was alive, or something else…

Li Fan swallowed and finally sat back to his seat silently.

He thought silently in his heart that when the next stop came, he would run down quickly, and he would not, under any circumstances, sit till the final stop, Cemetery Station.

With this thought in mind, he followed the example of other passengers, not speaking, not moving, and lowering his head.

The dark carriage fell into complete silence, and even the sound of breathing became inaudible.

Not knowing how long it took, a passenger sitting in the third row of the car suddenly raised his head.

She was a pale-skinned young woman who looked rather haggard.

In the late autumn season, she was wearing a thin nightdress, which was covered with dark red smudges, and was stained with blood at a glance.

The woman in the nightdress took out her mobile phone, and dialed a call to someone.

The “beep beep” button sound was particularly obvious in the quiet compartment.

After about a few seconds, an intermittent noise came from her mobile phone: “Xiao Jing… Zizi… Is that you…”

“It’s me, A Qiang.”

In the darkness, the woman’s voice was faint, with a hint of indescribable coldness. “I saw it all. That night, you and my sister rolled in the same bed.”

“Xiao Jing… Zizi… You misunderstood, it’s her… ziZi… seduced me…”

On the other end of the phone, the man was still trying to quibble.

In this extremely silent carriage, his voice mixed with the “Zizi” noise became distorted and weird.

“You have always been in my heart… zizi… only you…”

In the face of the man’s excuse, the woman in nightclothes did not show any emotion.

She smiled softly, and her tone suddenly became very gentle: “A Qiang, do you still live near Huangjiang Community?”

“What are you going to do… ziZi… what do you want to do?!”

On the other end of the phone, the man’s voice suddenly became extremely frightened. “You don’t… zi zi… don’t come to me!”

In response, the woman just continued to chuckle and said nothing.

At this time, the speed of bus No. 444 dropped significantly.

【Ding dong! The Huangjiang Broken Bridge is here, please take your luggage and get off in order. 】

The reminder sounded in the car, and the bus had arrived at Huangjiang Broken Bridge.

The moment he heard the broadcast, Li Fan, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation between the woman and her husband, immediately stood up and was about to run towards the back door.

Unfortunately, the woman in the night dress who called just now also stood up.

As the woman got up, the thick smell of blood spread throughout the bus.

This time, Li Fan saw that there was a dark ghost baby lying on this woman’s stomach!

“Baby, don’t worry, we’ll go see Daddy right away…”

Touching the deformed child on her stomach, the woman’s pale face showed an extremely gentle look.

A large amount of blood flowed out from where the woman and the baby’s umbilical cord joined, and tickly fell to the ground, staining the floor of the bus with an ominous bloodstain.

This– this woman was a ghost!

Watching this scene, Li Fan’s legs became weak, and the cold sweat couldn’t stop flowing down.

What? He actually wanted to get off at the same stop as a female ghost!?

No, he can’t go down, or he might die at the hands of this female ghost!

Without going any further, Li Fan swallowed and stood there stiffly.

And the woman in her thin dress, holding the child, walked slowly past him as if she didn’t see him.

She brushed past Li Fan, her hair brushing over his body, bringing a bit of chill.

After she got out of the back door of the carriage, Li Fan seemed to have come back to life. He quickly took a few steps back and returned to his seat with trembling legs.

The experience of being in close contact with ghosts made him tremble with fear, and he could hardly breathe normally.

At this time, at the front door of the bus compartment, several people came up one after another.

The three passengers in front were wearing white shrouds, their faces were pale, their eyes were numb, and they didn’t look very alive.

They got into the car with expressionless faces and stood in the aisle in unison, like ghosts floating around.

But the fourth passenger was an old man with a ruddy complexion.

He was wearing a plain gray coat and was carrying a bag containing some eggs and vegetables.

After he got up, he looked around and said in surprise, “There’s still a bus so late? It’s a good thing, I’m so confused, I can’t remember the shift. Fortunately, I don’t have to walk back on these two old legs.”

This person was a living person, a living person like him!

Great, he’s not alone anymore!

After hearing the old man’s rambling words, Li Fan only felt relieved, and the heart that he had been holding also instantly fell back.

No matter what, it made Li Fan feel much better to have another living person get in the car and be his company.

As for Lin Xiaotang?

This woman looked more like a ghost than a ghost, and Li Fan didn’t expect to gain a sense of security from her at all.

Besides, if it wasn’t for her, would he have gotten in this car?

Li Fan had completely forgotten that Lin Xiaotang ran into the car because there were some black-clothed gangsters blocking her.

And these people were the ones he asked Chu Yaorao to send over.

[Please take a seat and hold yourself steady. The next stop is Renxin Hospital. Passengers who will be getting off the bus, please be prepared. 】

In the sound of the announcement, the four new people who got on the bus all found their seats and took their seats.

The bus restarted and started heading towards the next stop.

What made Li Fan even more reassured was that the old man with the vegetables looked around and sat beside him.

After sitting down, the old man tugged at his clothes and wondered, “Why is it so cold in the car? Is the bus still running the air conditioner in autumn?”

Seeing that the old man didn’t seem to notice the strangeness of car No. 444, Li Fan’s heart moved, and he quickly asked, “Old man, where are you planning to get off?”

“Just at the next stop, at Renxin Hospital.”

The old man had a good temperament. Facing the question from Li Fan, he was not angry, but answered Li Fan seriously.

Li Fan’s heart became more and more excited after knowing that this other living person was also getting off at the next stop.

Li Fan had been worried about the possibility of ghosts getting off the bus at the next stop, but as long as he went down with the old man, it meant that he was accompanied by someone.

It was definitely safer to have someone with you than to go down alone.

If those ghosts really wanted to harm them, he could throw the old man down.

Compared with the old man who was old and weak, he was a young man in his prime, and he was more likely to survive, naturally!

“Old man, I don’t think your legs are very convenient, so I’ll accompany you back later.”

Thinking of this, Li Fan immediately said: “And it’s not very early anymore. It’s not safe for you to be outside alone.”

“Send me back? That’s fine.”

Hearing what Li Fan said, a smile appeared on the wrinkled face of the old man. “Just right, my house is quite far from the station entrance; it’s hard to walk there.”

Listening to the old man’s agreement, Li Fan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did he suddenly realize that his back was soaked with cold sweat. After wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Li Fan’s heartbeat gradually slowed back down.

He leaned against the back seat like he was relieved, trying to hold his breath, not letting the old man beside him notice the difference.

As the conversation between Li Fan and the old man ended, the whole carriage fell into silence again.

The No. 444 bus was driving slowly on the road, as if it was about to be completely swallowed up by the thick black mist around it.

———End of this chapter. 


  1. Ugh, Li Fan really makes me want to punch him all the time.
    Thanks for the translation!

  2. MiracleFactory says:

    This actually makes me feel scared.

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