She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Modern Stallion Man Who Counterattacks (10)

When Lin Xiaotang was a Demon King, she was used to dealing with various affairs, and she also talked with many high-ranking beings.

After getting Gu Jing’s affirmation, she then discussed with him about the film and television adaptation rights of True Horror.

In the beginning, Gu Jing thought that Lin Xiaotang’s request to play the heroine was based on the unrealistic dream of a beautiful girl. However, after this discussion, his views on Lin Xiaotang changed greatly.

Although Lin Xiaotang didn’t talk much, most of the time she listened to him and his lawyer, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she would definitely be able to ask important questions.

Her mind was very clear, and she didn’t take the opportunity to open her mouth, but after finding out the theoretical price range of their company, she took the initiative to propose a suitable price.

Smart, courageous, rational… These characteristics were vividly displayed in Lin Xiaotang.

It can be said that, as expected of the person who wrote True Horror.

After this conversation, both the people on Gu Jing’s side and the people on the Yunxiao Novel Network’s side achieved a satisfactory result. At the same time, they were also conquered by Lin Xiaotang’s extraordinary negotiating ability.

If it wasn’t for the fact that she was only nineteen years old and hadn’t finished university, they might have thought that she was an old fox who had been in the business world for many years.

At the end, when the two parties parted, Gu Jing nodded at Lin Xiaotang and asked kindly, “Can you leave your contact information? I’d like to be friends.”

He had a hunch that the girl in front of him would surely shine in the future.

Making friends with the mission object?

Lin Xiaotang thought for a while and said, “Yes.”

After going through the first two worlds, she had realised that saving the villains was not just about guiding them out of the fate of failure.

Additionally, she also needed to help with their psychological problems.

Many times, when a person who is otherwise outstanding enough eventually becomes a “villain”, it will have been caused by many factors.

The ups and downs of fate and injustice were important, but they also had their own issues.

Although in this world, the male protagonist Li Fan felt indescribably bad, giving her the illusion that the protagonist was not as good as the villain.

But maybe Gu Jing himself more or less had some faults.

If she became friends with him, it would be convenient for her to inquire about the situation in the future. So, Lin Xiaotang agreed to Gu Jing’s request and exchanged contact information with him.

Next, Lin Xiaotang, who said goodbye to Gu Jing and others and left the author conference, hurried back to the university.

She still had class to attend tomorrow, so she couldn’t be delayed by these things.


Because the high-speed train departed late, it was already late when Lin Xiaotang returned.

The sky was completely dark. The surrounding street lights turned on one after another, and the pedestrians on the street gradually became scarce.

Lin Xiaotang took the last bus and got off the station near the university. Then, she walked towards the university gate on the path she usually walked.

However, what Lin Xiaotang didn’t expect was that before she could take a few steps, she was stopped by someone.

“Are you Lin Xiaotang?”

The person who stopped her was a sturdy man in black. Beside him, there were also a few accomplices with ropes and sticks.

Although these people are not very serious in dress, they were all quite fit. Some people still had knife scars on their arms and faces, and at first glance they were the kind of people who often got into fights.

Lin Xiaotang could feel that they were looking at her vaguely.

They seemed to have come prepared, and stayed at this late hour, waiting for her to get off the bus.

She could still feel that there was a person hiding behind these people.

The man was hiding in the dark, staring at her with incomparable malice, with a sticky and disgusting desire in his eyes.

“I am Lin Xiaotang.” Looking at them, Lin Xiaotang looked calm. “Why are you looking for me?”

“You offended someone,” the man at the beginning said in a cold and stern voice, “Go obediently with us and you can still suffer a little less. Otherwise don’t blame us for being harsh.”

Behind him, several men in black grinned at her, and some boldly looked at her chest and lower body, as if thinking about where to “start” later.

For some reason, facing this scene, Lin Xiaotang actually felt a little funny.

Did he say she offended someone? She, a person who only writes in the dormitory all day long, can actually offend others?

It may be that she has been in the dangerous world of self-cultivation for a long time, and she had forgotten that although the modern world was peaceful and stable, there were many crises lurking in it.

If she was an ordinary girl with no ability at all, she would have been “destroyed” easily after the night had passed.

“Hello? Why don’t you speak? Are you dumb?”

Looking at Lin Xiaotang, who was calm and not at all flustered, the men in black looked at each other.

One of them frowned, stretched out his hand and pushed her. “What’s the matter, do you want to obey only after suffering?”

After being pushed, Lin Xiaotang still did not speak. She just stood here, watching them silently.

Under the dim light, the girl’s dark eyes stared at them motionless.

Her pale and beautiful face, in such a quiet environment, instilled an indescribable sense of dread. Looking at such a girl, the battle-hardened men in black felt an abnormality keenly.

This person did not seem to be what the lady boss had said at all – a weak woman with no strength?

…She’s not right, she’s very wrong!

“—Hey, what are you guys doing?!”

However, at this moment, Li Fan moved.

As planned, when Chu Yaorao’s subordinates started to bully Lin Xiaotang, he ran out of the corner.

He directly stood in front of Lin Xiaotang, pointed at the man in black aggressively and scolded, “Isn’t it too much for you guys to bully a little girl? You have the ability to fight me, so don’t hurt her!”

After saying this, Li Fan was also a little proud. He believed that after this incident, Lin Xiaotang would definitely be moved by him and fall in love with him.

Sure enough, his efforts were effective.

After recognizing him, Lin Xiaotang, who had been ignoring him, looked at him for the first time.

“…Li Fan?” Looking at him, she slowly asked his name.

“Yes, it’s me!” Hearing what she said, Li Fan immediately admitted it.

After he finished speaking, he looked back at Lin Xiaotang and vowed, “Xiaotang, don’t worry, I will never let them bully you!”

“Very good,” Lin Xiaotang said. She looked at Li Fan’s secretly proud face, and the corner of her mouth twitched, revealing a faint smile. “Very well, it was always you.”

He was the one who deliberately or unintentionally indulged the rumors on the Internet and indirectly killed the original owner.

Now he was the one who was showing off with these men in black, and who deliberately approached her with strong malice.

Even if Lin Xiaotang had a good temper, she wouldn’t bear it any longer when these people jumped directly on her face.

For some things, even if she didn’t care, that did not mean they didn’t exist. In particular, the various injuries and insults Li Fan had committed against her.

Even if he was the protagonist of this world, so what? New hatred and old hatred, let’s just settle it tonight.

After staring at Li Fan for a few seconds, Lin Xiaotang took a few steps back.

Then, she turned around and suddenly ran towards the bus stop next to her!

She moved very fast, so neither Li Fan nor the men in black who were standing beside her had time to stop her.

After they reacted, Lin Xiaotang had long since disappeared.

This…how is this possible?! 

This woman actually threw him down and ran away by herself?!

It seems that Li Fan didn’t expect her to do this, and Li Fan’s smirk was almost unbearable.

He was shocked and angry, his eyes widened, and he watched Lin Xiaotang run all the way to the bus stop.

Unfortunately, at this moment, a bus happened to drive over and stopped near the platform.

If no one stopped her, she would definitely go up that bus!

There was no other way, Li Fan, who didn’t want to miss this opportunity, could only glare at the dazed men in black.

Then, he turned around quickly and ran towards the bus stop.

No matter what, he must try his best to stay with Lin Xiaotang a little longer today.

At the very least, he had to leave a good impression on her so that he could keep in touch in the future!

Lin Xiaotang was stopped near the bus stop, so when Li Fan ran to the edge of the platform, it didn’t take much effort.

The bus hadn’t left yet, and continued to park there quietly, with the front and rear doors open like two black mouths, waiting for someone to be swallowed in.

Li Fan didn’t think too much about it and went in directly through the open front door. Then, he casually took two dollars from his pocket and stuffed it into the collection box of the bus.

It’s just – he didn’t know if it was his illusion, but – the moment he entered the bus compartment, Li Fan felt an indescribable chill that brushed over his head.

Could it be that the temperature of the air conditioner inside is too low?

Also, it should be very late now, right? At this time, there actually were still buses that didn’t get off work..?

Feeling that something was wrong with this environment, many doubts flashed in Li Fan’s heart.

However, when he saw Lin Xiaotang in the carriage, these doubts were completely put to the back of his mind.

“Xiaotang, why don’t you wait for me?” As he questioned her helplessly, he walked towards Lin Xiaotang.

Lin Xiaotang ignored him, and walked to the innermost row of the carriage and picked the most remote seat to sit in.

Seeing this, Li Fan had no choice but to follow her and take a seat next to her.

On the way over, he glanced at random and found that in addition to him and Lin Xiaotang, there were seven or eight scattered passengers in the bus.

He didn’t know if it was because it was too late, but they sat in their seats silently, with their heads lowered and their eyes closed, and none of them spoke.

No, not only did they not talk, they didn’t even play with their phones.

The whole car was dark, both quiet and eerie.

After Li Fan sat down, there was a sharp, slightly harsh mechanical female voice at the very front of the bus—

[Hello, passengers, welcome to bus No. 444. 】

[Please take a seat and hold yourself steady. The next stop is the Huangjiang Broken Bridge. Passengers who are getting off, please be prepared.】

———End of this chapter. 


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