She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Modern Stallion Man Who Counterattacks (9)

“That’s not good…”

After listening to Chu Yaorao’s words, Li Fan was overjoyed at first, but then felt apprehensive.

The abilities of Chu Yaorao’s subordinates, weren’t they abundantly clear?

Although he already hated Lin Xiaotang a lot in his heart, Li Fan had to say that he still coveted her. It would be a pity if she was taken advantage of by those gangsters.

“What’s the matter? Are you reluctant?”

Hearing what he said, Chu Yaorao raised her eyebrows and glared at Li Fan. “Since you still like her, why are you still staying by my side?”

Seeing that she was unhappy, Li Fan quickly raised his hand and said helplessly, “No, no, I just think there should be a better solution to this matter…”

Li Fan’s idea was very simple. Lin Xiaotang definitely did not write the text by herself, but had it written by someone else for her.

In short, she paid for a ghostwriter.

If that was the case, why didn’t he get the ghostwriter that Lin Xiaotang was using?

Anyway, there were countless cool essays in his mind, and he lacked a hard-working ghostwriter who could help him write it.

Yes, under the circumstance of serious loss of readers, Li Fan was already ready to drop “Breaking The World”.

A book that can’t make money – why continue to write it?

As for whether readers will be happy or not… It was none of his business.

He’s the author, so of course he can decide to write if he wants to, and he can decide not to write if he doesn’t want to.

Li Fan had already thought about what to write in the next new book, and all he was missing was putting it down in words.

In addition, in Li Fan’s heart, there was still the idea of ​​”collecting” Lin Xiaotang. In his opinion, there was no woman in this world that he couldn’t have.

Previously when Lin Xiaotang ignored him, she was just throwing a tantrum. After spending more time with Lin Xiaotang, she will definitely fall in love with him again.

At that moment, as long as Lin Xiaotang helped generate a wave of publicity for his new book, and recommended her readers to read his novel, wouldn’t he be able to make a comeback again?

However, in front of Chu Yaorao, he definitely couldn’t say that. After thinking about it, he was going to use another reason to convince her.

“If you hurt others, you will be imprisoned. If that happened, it wouldn’t be good for your subordinates,” Li Fan said after thinking for a while. “Compared to that, it would be better for us to use schemes.”

“Schemes?” Chu Yaorao asked in confusion.

“Yeah,” Li Fan said. “You first let your subordinates pretend to bully her, then I show up, save her, and slowly gain her trust. And when she finally believes in me, after using her, I will abandon her again; wouldn’t that be more satisfying?”

This plan was also motivated by Li Fan’s own insidious desires. After all, the hero saving beauty or something had been a great weapon to gain the favor of women since ancient times.

Although Chu Yaorao had a proud and unreasonable temperament, she listened to Li Fan’s words very well. After being persuaded by Li Fan, she reluctantly agreed to the plan.

“Okay, I’ll call my followers and let them follow your instructions.” Chu Yaorao glanced at him and continued with displeasure, “I’ll also instruct them to watch you, so I hope you don’t mess around with that girl or attempt rekindling your old love.”

“How could this be? It’s not like you don’t know how much I hated her back then.” In the face of his girlfriend’s doubts, Li Fan vowed again and again.

In this way, under the arrangement of Chu Yaorao, Li Fan finally got the result he wanted.

Considering that after Lin Xiaotang attended the author conference, she might take a leave of absence and come back tomorrow to continue class. So, he inquired about Lin Xiaotang’s itinerary in advance, and planned to intercept her outside the university the next day.

Everything was ready, and after confirming that everything was in place, Li Fan – who was in a happy mood – hugged Chu Yaorao, and the two became intimate for a while.

When the takeaway they ordered arrived, he reluctantly walked out of the room at the urging of the delivery boy downstairs.

Because he was afraid of being pointed out by his classmates, Li Fan rented a house outside the school early. As time went on, he didn’t even like taking class very much. He basically missed it all, and he fooled around with Chu Yaorao outside on weekdays instead.

As the eldest young lady, Chu Yaorao naturally didn’t know how to cook, so the two usually had takeout meals.

When the take-out was delivered, Li Fan usually picked it up. However, what Li Fan didn’t expect at all was that when he got the takeaway box and was about to go upstairs, was the person he saw at the entrance of the stairs—

It was An Qingyu.

After not seeing each other for many days, the former daughter of the An family looked extremely downcast now.

She had no makeup, her skin was pale, her hair was disheveled, and she was wearing only a thin dress. She lost a lot of weight; her cheeks were sunken, her eyes were slightly darkened, and she looked like she was out of energy.

After being forced to drop out of school, have an abortion, and get engaged to another man, she hadn’t come to see Li Fan for a long time.

Li Fan had almost forgotten about her, but he didn’t expect that she would come to look for him today.

“Brother Fan…”

Looking at the two takeaway boxes in Li Fan’s hand, An Qingyu moved her lips, her voice slightly hoarse: “Are you living with your new girlfriend?”

“Yeah, what’s the matter? What business is it of yours?”

Li Fan felt uncomfortable with her gaze, and couldn’t help but snap back at her, “You are a woman with a fiancé, so can you save yourself some face by not looking for me. I have nothing to do with you anymore!”

From Li Fan’s point of view, it was An Qingyu and Lin Xiaotang’s problem that he was berated by readers some time ago, otherwise the revenue of his work “Breaking the World” wouldn’t have plummeted.

If An Qingyu hadn’t let people smear Lin Xiaotang online, would he have ended up like this?

Coupled with the bony appearance of An Qingyu, where the gentleness and attractiveness of the past had long been lost, he naturally didn’t have a good attitude towards her.

“Brother Fan, I.. I just wanted to see you…”

It seemed that she didn’t expect Li Fan to become so heartless, An Qingyu’s body swayed slightly, and there was a hint of crying in her voice. 

“I’ve been under their watch all the time, and I couldn’t come to find you…”

“What are you looking for? You still have the audacity to look for me?” Before An Qingyu could finish speaking, Li Fan interrupted her directly. Looking at the crying An Qingyu, he sneered, “The person I love now is Chu Yaorao, so please don’t pester me. I don’t want my girlfriend to misunderstand, do you understand?”

“Brother Fan, why…”

After listening to Li Fan’s words, and looking at Li Fan’s disgusted expression, An Qingyu was stunned.

On the one hand, it was because of Li Fan’s indifference, and on the other hand, it was also because this scene was so familiar.

In her memory, half a year ago, when Lin Xiaotang went to find Li Fan, this was how he talked to Lin Xiaotang. At that time, he held her hand and told Lin Xiaotang that the person he really loved was her, An Qingyu.

He told Lin Xiaotang not to pester him again.

And now?

Those same words, he said them to her.

After such a dramatic scene, An Qingyu was stunned, but felt that she was really absurd and ridiculous. Is it this kind of man that she liked before?

She betrayed her fiance, the son of the Gu family, and the man she desperately wanted to protect… was such a person?

“Why are you laughing?” 

Seeing that An Qingyu laughed again after crying, Li Fan felt even more disgusted. ‘What’s going on with this woman, was she crazy, was her brain faulty?’

‘Forget it.’ 

He decided he should leave quickly– it would be over if he got entangled with her.

Thinking like this, he was too lazy to continue talking to An Qingyu.

After sending a text message to Chu Yaorao, Li Fan passed by An Qingyu and went upstairs with the takeout.

Downstairs, An Qingyu was still standing there, staring at Li Fan’s back.

In the darkness, her thin body was motionless, like a silent ghost.


On the other hand, Lin Xiaotang was just getting off the podium after finishing her speech.

As the winner of the Best Newcomer of the Year Award, she went up to give a good start, and then felt that she had completed her task of the day.

However, not long after she went down, she saw her editor running over with a happy face and beckoning her to go over.

“Great Demon King, come here,” he said excitedly, “someone wants to contact you to ask about the film and television rights of your book.”

Did someone want to buy it so soon?

Lin Xiaotang walked over and asked curiously, “Who wants to talk to me?”

“It’s the eldest young master of the Gu family, Gu Jing, who came here to find you today,” the editor babbled excitedly, unable to hide his delight. “Do you know about the Gu family? Their Xingyue Film and Television Company has been established for 40 years. Being able to be seen by them is simply great luck!”

Lin Xiaotang, of course, knew about the Gu family. Even the original owner had heard of them.

It’s just… Gu Jing… Wasn’t this her task object?

With such doubts, she was taken by the editor to a private room and saw Gu Jing.

What she saw was no different from the photos circulating on the Internet. He wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, his skin was very fair, and his expression was quite cold, giving people a handsome and serene feeling.

“Hello, Great Demon King,” he nodded to Lin Xiaotang and said, “I appreciate your work True Horror, and I want to ask you if I may acquire its film and television adaptation rights.”

Although his expression was always indifferent, Lin Xiaotang could feel that Gu Jing’s face was obviously genuinely interested when he said the book title.

It seemed that he was indeed her reader, and he might actually like her writing.

After realizing this, Lin Xiaotang was a little emotional. The fate of people is so strange.

Obviously, in this world, she did not intend to contact the task object, but somehow, they were still dragged together by fate.

“I can sell the film and television rights to you, and the price can be negotiated, but I have a request.”

Perhaps it was out of a favorable impression of the target of the mission, or perhaps it was because she felt that it was time for her to prepare for leaving this world, Lin Xiaotang thought for a moment, and then said, “If one day, True Horror is made into a TV series or movie, I want to play the heroine.”

Considering that the audience of horror themes is quite male, the gender of the protagonist in the book “True Horror” was set as male by Lin Xiaotang.

There was also a heroine in this book.

It’s just that, unlike ordinary heroines, the heroine in “True Horror” was not the hero’s partner, but his enemy, a thousand-year-old female ghost with a lot of drama.

Whenever she appeared, something extremely horrific was bound to happen.

There was not much fear that could be obtained by writing a novel. To leave this world, Lin Xiaotang also had to conquer it with another aspect, such as acting, which she was very good at.

Anyway, when this book eventually gets adapted, it could be estimated that those acting opportunities would be several years later, and she still had time to play.

“The heroine?” Gu Jing didn’t seem to expect that Lin Xiaotang would make this request, and Gu Jing was slightly taken aback.

But after he looked at Lin Xiaotang, for some reason, he suddenly smiled and said, “Yes.”

——End of this chapter. 


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