She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Modern Stallion Man Who Counterattacks (8)

The Yunxiao Novel Network Authors’ Conference will be held in a special venue in X city.

After Lin Xiaotang verified the date and location, she requested for a few days of leave and prepared to her airplane ticket.

The day of the Authors’ conference arrives.

At the entrance of a venue was a receptionist who’s responsibility was to check the invitation letters of each guest.

As Lin Xiaotang arrives, she gives the receptionist her invitation letter.

“The Great Demon King?!”

Lin Xiaotang was surprised that the receptionist had such a reaction after reading her invitation letter.

He looked at the invitation letter, then lhesitatingly asked Lin Xiaotang,, “Wait, little girl, are you the Great Demon King?”

Confused by his question, Lin Xiaotang answers, “Yes, I am the Great Demon King. What’s wrong?”

‘Why is he so shocked? Is there something wrong with my invitation?’

“Nothing, nothing.”

Hearing what she said, the receptionist hurriedly shook his head and replied, “Please come in Great Demon King.”

He returns the invitation to Lin Xiaotang and opens the door for her.

‘What’s the situation?’

After the confusing reaction from the receptionist, Lin Xiaotang enters still wondering why he acted like that.

Since not too many authors were invited, the hall was not too crowded. Most people in there were standing to the side chatting quietly.

Instead of looking for a seat, Lin Xiaotang sent a message to her editor asking him to come find her.

As the winner of the Best New Artist Award, her editor had also come to the Authors’ Conference.

Lin Xiaotang was not familiar with the process so she had her editor explain it to her.

Her editor found her shortly after Lin Xiaotang sent her text to him.

But just like the receptionist, her editor was also surprised after meeting her in person for the first time, “You… you’re the Great Demon King?”

Lin Xiaotang gave a blank look, “Yes. Is there something wrong?”

‘Why was everyone surprised after learning who she was?”

“It’s nothing,” the editor awkwardly answered, “it’s just… I didn’t think you would be so young.”

What he probably meant to say is that he didn’t expect to meet such a beautiful young girl to be working under the pseudonym, the Great Demon King.

Most authors and readers assumed the author of “True Terror” must’ve been a man.

How could such a young woman write horror novels? Much less be able to write 10,000 worded chapters everyday?

And Lin Xiaotang herself doesn’t usually like to interact with readers. She has never written any notes at the end of chapters nor does she ask for tickets from her readers. She is as emotionless as a machine.

The impression from the writing and zero interaction led everyone to believe the Great Demon King was a taciturn man.

Moreever, considering the amount of work the Great Demon King has consistently uploaded, he would’ve had to sit in front of a computer for long hours. It would’ve made sense that he would’ve been a big fat homebody.

In Lin Xiaotang’s comments, some readers have regularly made concerns about her health and body; they would ask that she take some time to exercise and to not get too fat and unhealthy.

This assumption answered why the receptionist was so shocked after learning the beautiful young woman in front of him was in fact the Great Demon King.

Lin Xiaotang’s editor wasn’t surprised by the fact that the author he was working with was a woman. As her editor, he looked over the contract Lin Xiaotang had signed and submitted so he was aware of her gender to begin with.

What surprised him was Lin Xiaotang’s beautiful appearance.

To be honest, if he didn’t know Lin Xiaotang was the author he’s been working with, he would’ve assumed it was a female star invited to the conference.

As Lin Xiaotang stood there, she was the center of all attention. Everyone’s eyes involuntarily fell on her.

When the editor went up to her, many people were staring.

Lin Xiaotang wasn’t aware that all that was going on in her editor’s head. She came here to receive an award.

She also wanted to see if anyone would’ve been interested in buying the rights to her novel.

After listening to his explanation, Lin Xiaotang nodded and said, “I see.”

Her tone was calm and her expression was indifferent. Coupled with her cold and clear phoenix eyes, there was indeed a sense of mystery and alienation.

The editor was silent.

‘Being so calm in the middle of this. She really is the Great Demon King!!’

Next, the editor led Lin Xiaotang to her seat.

Then, he briefly talked to her about what to do next.

The editor said. “After the opening ceremony, the winner of the Best Newcomer Award is announced. At that time, you need to go to the centre of the stage, pick up the trophy, and briefly give an  acceptance speech.”

Lin Xiaotang says, “Okay.”

‘I need to give a speech? It’s not too difficult either.’

In Lin Xiaotang’s first world, when she was a world-renowned actress, she did not know how many times she had attended similar meetings.

From her experience, she has no fear or nerves of being in the spotlight.

Seeing that Lin Xiaotang had no problem, the editor was relieved.

No surprises, naturally it is the best.

Half an hour has passed since the conference started. The host intructs Lin Xiaotang to walk up to the podium to receive the Best Newcomer Award. 

“Here’s the winner of the Best Newcomer Award, the author of “True Horror,” the Great Demon King!”

At the announcement, Lin Xiaotang slowly walked to the centre of the stage.

“Hello everyone.”

Standing in the centre of the stage, looking at the crowd below, Lin Xiaotang said lightly, “I am the author of “True Horror,” the Great Demon King.”

The moment the light hit her, the applause stopped instantly.

Everyone’s eyes widened in astonishment, and the entire venue was silent.

A few seconds later, the media who were sitting below were the first to react and quickly began taking pictures.

Countless lights flickered, all of them capturing Lin Xiaotang’s face.


In order to help authors and readers be more connected, Yunxia Novel Network decided to do live broadcasts when holding authors’ conferences.

Many bored readers clicked into the live broadcast of the currently live Newcomer’s Award conference.

As readers, many were curious about how the author himselv views his works and characters.

Readers also wanted to see if the authors would talk about their novels or even give any spoilers.

“I saw that the Wolf Smoke is big, and I hasn’t seen him for three years, and his beard is still so handsome…”

“Light Wind Drizzle has greatly lost weight, his hair has become bald, and his eye circles have darkened. It seems that updating daily has caused him a lot of pain.” 

“What pain? This obviously helps him lose weight effectively at home! dog head.jpg”

“This means that the 400-character daily update is a blessing for middle-aged men who are blessed! Surprise.jpg”

“You are so devilish, I like it!“

Out of love for the works, most of the comments in the live broadcast room are friendly with light ridicule.

Occasionally some would go too far with their comments but the bullies will get criticized by others.

But as soon as Lin Xiaotang walked onstage, the viewers got excited.

“? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? “

“I heard it right? Did I hear it right? “

“Slots! isn’t it? ! “

“What? She’s suppposed to be the Great Demon King?!”

“The Great Demon King, the author of “True Horror,” is actually a beautiful young girl?!”

For a time, the audience in the live broadcast were going crazy.

“They’re not a otaku with pale skin, big belly, and dull eyes?!”

“I’m loving the fact that the Great Demon King is a little sister that looks so good! This is even better than the stars!”

“Oh my god, how is she so talented and beautiful at the same time?!”

“She must be a tentacle monster transformed into a human form, right? This is the beauty that only fairies have.”

“I don’t care, from now on I’m a loyal fan of the Great Demon King!”

“Me too! For the sake of my beautiful sister, I will read her book now! No matter how scared you are, watch it!”

Beautiful writers have always been a hot spot for the media and the public.

After all, both men and women liked beautiful women.

Readers of Yunxiao Novels were left stunned by Lin Xiaotang’s beautiful appearance.

Some timid readers who didn’t like reading horror novels suddenly vowed to read “True Horror.”

After photos of Lin Xiaotang were posted online by several news media, netizens who didn’t normally read online novels were amazed.

‘So beautiful, such a face, such a manner, and such a bearing.’

‘This woman could be at the top if she worked in the entertainment industry right?’

If this is just a simple vase beauty, that’s fine. After all, there are many good-looking girls in the entertainment industry.

Netizens at most, gave a like, commented, turned their heads and left.

But apart from this top-notch appearance, Lin Xiaotang is also a well-known author.

She uploaded more than 10,000 words a day, and she also adds more “True Horror” from time to time. It’s even been recommended by countless netizens.

Just as the editor thought, Lin Xiaotang’s existence meant that she would not be buried.

Even though Yunxiao Novels did not do any advertising, more and more people learned about Lin Xiaotang through her photos and by netizens talking about her.

At the same time, they also learned that she is an online writer and wrote a book called “True Horror”.

“I’m a little impressed with this book, but I haven’t read it before.”

“Wow, is it actually a horror type? I haven’t seen such a thing.”

“It’s Yunxiao Novel Network, right? I’ll go check it out!”

Out of curiosity, they poured into Yunxiao Novel Network one after another, registered an account, and clicked on the first few chapters of “True Horror”.

Soon, they became addicted to this bizarre and terrifying storyline, unable to stop themselves.

With just her face alone, Lin Xiaotang made the traffic into Yunxiao Novels skyrocket.

The money Lin Xiaotang was earning was also affected.

Unlike the happy readers, Li Fan was about to collapse after seeing Lin Xiaotang’s face clearly.

‘Others don’t know who she is, doesn’t he know?!’

As a person who started a trend of cool novels on Yunxiao Novels, and hoping to win the Best Newcomer Award Li Fan had been looking forward to conference.

Although he can’t go now, it doesn’t mean that he won’t be able to in the future.

After the conference started, Li Fan had opened up the live broadcast of the conference to watch.

He had also tried reading the Great Demon King’s novel, “True Horror,” but was frightened after reading a few chapters.

Like everyone else, Li Fan firmly believed the author must’ve been a man.

Who would have thought that the Great Demon King was actually a woman?

Not only did the author turn out to be a woman, but she was also his ex-fiancee, Lin Xiaotang, who was dumped by him!

Staring blankly at the live broadcast, looking at the attractive girl under the camera, Li Fan’s mood was extremely complicated.

At the same time, a strong sense of shame also came up.

‘Why, why is it Lin Xiaotang?’

In her eyes, is he like a joke? Has she always looked down on him?

Moreover, he wasn’t aware of Lin Xiaotang being interested in writing.

She had never written any novels before, and her composition score was not high. How could her writing suddenly become so good…

In any case, Li Fan did not believe that Lin Xiaotang have the skills to win the Best Newcomer Award.

There’s definitely something tricky here!

“Brother Fan, what’s wrong?”

Chu Yaorao noticed how upset Li Fan was. She asked curiously, “Are you watching the live broadcast? What’s made you so unhappy?”

Chu Yaorao is the eldest lady of a mafia family that Li Fan met in a street  some time ago.

Li Fan saw how she collapsed on the road from her injuries and took her home.

After some care from Li Fan, Chu Yaorao woke up and fell in love with the man.

However, compared to An Qingyu’s gentle and considerate character, her character is a bit more violent. People who had mocked Li Fan in school before had their legs broken by her secretly sending someone after them.

“…Its nothing, I just saw my ex-fiancee.”

After hearing Chu Yaorao’s question, Li Fan sighed and looked a little down: “I didn’t expect her to win this year’s Best Newcomer Award.”

As Li Fan’s girlfriend, Chu Yaorao knew that Li Fan was writing a novel.

She also knew that Li Fan could win the Best Newcomer Award, but at that time, he was too talented and suffered the envy and exclusion of the authors around him, which led to his final failure.

At that time, out of distress for the underappreciated man in front of her, Chu Yaorao gave him her body after getting drunk.

She believes that with her encouragement, Li Fan will be able to get out of the predicament and get back everything he wants!

But now, when she heard that the author who finally won the award was actually a gold-worshipping girl who had abandoned Li Fan, Chu Yaorao’s complexion suddenly changed.

She narrowed her eyes, and a cold smile appeared on her beautiful face: “So it’s her.”

Because Lin Xiaotang’s presence was too low, Chu Yaorao didn’t think much about taking action against Li Fan’s so-called ex-fiancee before.

But now, she changed her mind.

She can’t let go of anyone who hurt Brother Fan.

“Brother Fan, don’t worry, I will help you out with this one.”

After taking out her mobile phone and sending a few messages to her followers, Chu Yaorao had a vicious and proud look on her face.

“The woman who took your prize, I’ll give her some colour now and let her know that there are some things she can’t touch!”

———End of this chapter. 


  1. Fairooz says:

    There is no ch36.

  2. Paxloria says:

    It’s been a LOOOOOONNG wait, but it is good that the story updated. Author should try hard to learn from Lin Xiaotang’s example and post more & longer updates more quickly.
    By the way…
    Why are both Ch 35 & Ch 36 the same chapter?

  3. huh u are a mafia beauty but u are blind💀 what a waste

  4. mawmawile says:

    Rip mafia lady 🕯️

  5. Erania says:

    Mafia lady, where did your brain cells go?

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