She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Modern Stallion Man Who Counterattacks (7)

Lin Xiaotang’s attitude is calm like a Buddhist, but Li Fan’s mood is not good.

Just yesterday, Li Fan’s editor told him that he may not be able to win that year’s Newcomer Award.

[The ranking of your novel has dropped significantly. There are many other well written novels written by other newcomers. Your readers hope that you can come back and continue writing as soon as possible.]

The editor wasn’t directly saying what he thought but Li Fan already understood what the editor was trying to tell him.

‘How is this possible?!’

Li Fan was shocked by this.

What he wrote is a counter-attack novel that has never appeared in this world?

‘How can those old fashioned writers write anything better?’

Since Li Fan detested orthodox literature, he rarely read novels on Yunia Novel on a day=to=day basis.

Even after hearing how other authors imitated his genre and style, he didn’t care.

In his original world, there were countless novels imitating “Fighting Against The World”, but none of them could shake the status of the original.

Although his writing is not as good as others, the plot has also changed a lot according to his own preferences, and basically all the girls who can be romanced are romanced. The protagonist has changed from the strong and tenacious powerhouse in the original book to a person who has only women in his mind. The woman’s colour, middle, hunger, ghost… But in Li Fan’s heart, he is no different from Tian Qian Tudou.

When Li Fan first learned from his editor that another author has surpassed him, he just couldn’t believe it.

‘It must be some shady, wealthy man that’s doing something shady to beat me in the rankings!

After ending the call with his editor, Li Fan hurriedly got on Yunxiao Novel’s website to see who exactly it was that passed him on the ranking.

The moment Li Fan saw the best selling rankings, he was stunned.

“Breaking the World” which had been reigning at the very top has now fallen to the bottom of the first page.

It wasn’t just dropping a few places but now there were thirty to forty novels that rank higher than his.

Li Fan, who breaks updates from time to time, does not know that since the tentacle monster, the great demon king, was born, many authors have started their careers at the urging of readers.

Li Fan felt helpess as he watched how consistently authors uploaded new chapters with large word counts. It’s now embarassing to update with chapters that only had 3,000 words. 

This goes along with a trend that’s been happening on Yunxiao Novels where authors have been consistently updating with new chapters.

A large number of authors with a daily chapter of 6,000 words have emerged. 

In order to encourage this new trend, Yunxiao Novel Network created a new list called the Diligent Updates List.

As long as the author updated their novel consistently, there was a chance they can be placed on that new list.

With encouragement by readers and even the website, it slowly became the trend for authors to upload 6,000 words a day.

Besides a few authors who can only update with chapters that have around 3,000 words due to busy lives, most authors work within the trend of high word-count chapters.

As for the quality of the text?

As mentioned earlier, with Li Fan’s “Breaking the World,” there have always been people who imitated his writing style.

Compared with Li Fan, a high school graduate, many authors of Yunxiao Novel have quite good writing skills.

Whether it’s combat descriptions or character descriptions, they’re top-notch.

After learning the basic components of Li Fan’s writing, they published new chapters with great plots, slap-in-the-face etc. 

Compared to authors who are diligently updating their novels, Li Fan with his frequent breaks and illogical behavior steadily lost the interest of his readers.

In fact, if Li Fan can move “Breaking The World” without changing a word, it is not uncompetitive.

In fact, if Li Fan had copied the original plot that “Breaking The World” was based on without modifying it to his own prejudices, it would’ve been much better.

Being the first of it’s kind, “Breaking The World” is considered a masterpiece for pioneering the genre. The original work, whether it’s the three views of the protagonist, the plot, the setting, or the rhythm of the writing, all attributes of the novel combined make it better than others in this world.

-Authors who have just touched the threshold of this genre are stronger.

After all, readers just want to read the novel, they don’t want to be good friends with the author.

The author’s personal affairs do not affect them too much.

As long as they write well enough, they can keep going.

The quality of the text is the most critical factor in whether readers will pay.

It’s a pity that when Li Fan writes, he just likes to express his own values ​​in it, and changes the text according to his own whims.

He changed a lot of the attractive female characters from the original book into horny women.

The three views and personality of the protagonist have also been changed into a mess by Li Fan.

Some time ago, Li Fan was attacked on the internet and he had a mental breakdown.

In order to vent his resentment, he began to indiscriminately attack women in the novel.

Not only did he write a lot of abusive passages about women, but he also made the protagonist kill all the women in a small country because of a little spat.

This event in the novel stunned a lot of the readers who were still reading the updates.

[….] [No, this author must have come out of a man’s stomach?] (EN: The commenter is making an exaggeration about how misogynistic Li Fan is.)

Readers who are willing to spend money on online articles and choose to support the authorrather than pirated articles are mostly people who are relatively well-off, well educated, have normal views, and have extremely high moral views.

Except for very few cancerous people, how could any normal man write such things.

Not to mention, Li Fan also scolded men after scolding women.

He thinks that the male netizens who attacked him are jealous of him, and the readers who read his articles but don’t help defend Li Fan are also a group of white-eyed wolves.

[….] [???] [You write articles, I buy articles, aren’t we in an equal trading relationship?] [What, we have to treat you as a god??]

Readers’ anger has always been straightforward. They leave an angry comment and stop their subscription.

Li Fan’s income shrank and his rank on the best selling list dropped sharply.

Because Li Fan was afraid of being scolded by his readers for not regularly updating and the scandals he was involved in, he never read the comments his readers left for him.

By the time he realised the problem, it was too late.

In the end, Li Fan could only watch as his ranking on the best-selling list drop from first place to two hundred away.

He also knows that from now on, he has no chance to win the Best Newcomer Award..


Lin Xiaotang wasn’t aware of the depression Li Fan was in..

After confirming that “Breaking the World” had been completely defeated by her, she continued to write new chapters.

Inspired by Lin Xiaotang, many authors have started the trend of writing bigger updates..

The Diligent Update list on Yunxiao Novel Network was established mostly because of her, because no matter what, she always topped the list.

After learning about the cancellation of An Qingyu and Gu Jing’s engagement from her roommates, Lin Xiaotang decided to celebrate by uploading a 30,000 word chapter that day.

She could easily complete her main mission in this world without much effort. While she was happy, she was still bewildered.

This time, seeing Lin Xiaotang’s super-long chapter, both her readers and the authors who follow her feel almost numb.

They even made fun of Lin Xiaotang’s hand speed in the comments of ​​”True Horror”.

[The source of all evil – the Great Demon King] [30,000 words? Not three hundred thousand? I am so disappointed! (dog head.jpg)] [I don’t know about other situations, but the great demon kingl is definitely the person that other authors hate the most, hahahahaha.] 

[Don’t say it, there is another pigeon essence on my bookshelf with 3,000 words, burning incense and worshipping Buddha in this chapter every day, I hope the great demon king can have less.] [I also! Another author I have in my collection worships the Great Demon King on Weibo every three or five times, hoping to have his hand speed.] [This author is too naive, he thinks that the Great Demon King can be more, just because he is fast?] [What? Isn’t it because of the speed? Could it be that the Great Demon King can still type with his feet?! ] [After reading this chapter, I was shivering with fright and didn’t even dare to turn off the light, but when I opened the comment area, I am about to die of laughter. ]

After staying at the top of the best-selling list for three months, Lin Xiaotang’s “True Horror” has already caught on outside its niche audience.

Countless readers flooded in, joking around in the comment section.

In fact, based on the popularity of Lin Xiaotang’s book, there should be many authors who want to follow suit.

Just like Li Fan’s “Breaking the World”, there are still many new authors using the template for their own works.

However, compared to other writings, there are two points in Lin Xiaotang’s work, which cannot be obtained by imitation.

One is her excellent writing that can describe the extreme horror atmosphere just by writing casually.

The second is the complex and wonderful settings of the horror escape joints in her text.

The Lord God of Terror created Lin Xiaotang, which based on fears most normal people have.

All the horror escape games it created were designed for the psychological weaknesses of human beings.

Without sufficient imagination and psychological knowledge, it is difficult for ordinary authors to write novels comparable to “True Horror”.

In particular, the horror theme has always been a niche theme, and there were not many people who are willing to study it, and an author who can instill a true sense of fear is even more rare.

This way, Lin Xiaotang’s position is naturally difficult to shake.

At the end of the year, after the selection of the Best Newcomer Award begins, the triannual authors’ conference of Yunxiao Novel Network will also begin.

The Authors’ Conference is a very important event for Yunxiao Novel Network.

They will invite well-known authors on the website to show up to the party in person, and let them express some of their views and thoughts about writing.

At the same time, the authors’ conference is also a good opportunity for many authors to get to know each other.

If you are fortunate enough to know the great god authors, and discuss some writing skills, you can also benefit a lot.

Considering that the author of this year’s New Talent Award is also the most influential author in the history of Yunxiao Novel Network, Lin Xiaotang’s editor sent her an invitation letter, inviting her to attend the author conference.

At the author’s conference, they’ll give her the Best New Artist trophy, along with that million dollar prize.

The editor told Lin Xiaotang:

[In addition to authors, many publishers and representatives of film and television companies will be attending. Yunxiao Novels has always been popular with publishers with many copyrights being bought. A publisher is interested in buying the rights to your novel. You can talk to them after the conference.]

Yunxiao Novel Network does not own the rights to authors’ novels. If an author wants to sell the right to their novel, they either contact publishers themselves or by networking at places like the authors’ conference.

The editor talked to Lin Xiaotang about that because he was worried Lin Xiaotang would not understand the significance of the authors’ conference.

Lin Xiaotang was slightly taken aback after reading what her editor sent her.

‘Sell the rights to my novel?’

Lin Xiaotang actually have not even thought that far ahead.

Speaking of which, Li Fan’s “Breaking the World” had it’s rights bought because of this authors’ conference.

This is a more important turning point in the plot, because since then, Li Fan has made a lot of money.

There are many types of copyrights for a novel.

The most important copyrights are probably electronic copyrights, physical copyrights, audio adaptation rights, film and television adaptation rights, game adaptation rights, animation and comic adaptation rights, and so on.

Lin Xiaotang is not particularly interested in money. She doesn’t pursue luxury cars and mansions. She has enough clothes and food to eat.

But Lin Xiaotang was looking forward to seeing her novel being adapted into comics, movies, and even TV shows.

Without hesitation, Lin Xiaotang replied: 

[Okay, I’ll go.]

———End of this chapter.


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