She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Modern Stallion Man Who Counterattacks (6)

No one could refute the ironclad evidence.

People’s prejudice towards Lin Xiaotang became guilt and anger which was quickly directed towards Li Fan and An Qingyu.

They didn’t think it would be possible for such despicable people to exist in this world.

How can a human have done such terrible things to Lin Xiaotang? And to go even further to hire sailors to slander her on the internet?

No, they had to find a way to deal with these two people for Lin Xiaotang.

Otherwise all the suffering Lin Xiaotang endured would be in vain.

The best way to help Lin Xiaotang get revenge is to retaliate.

Since the snake and scorpion duo wanted others to harass Lin Xiaotang on the internet, the righteous netizens will air the dirty laundry for everyone to see Li Fan and An Qingyu’s real colors.

Determined, it wasn’t long before the netizens made posts all over Weibo.

[Li Fan is just an ordinary little writer, and his enthusiasm for his work is not enough.] [But what about An Qingyu?] [She is the eldest daugher of the Anshi Group, born in a first-class wealthy family in China. And she has a million followers on Weibo.]

Information about An Qingyu was revealed to the internet and all the posts instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

Everyone was shocked as they read what these articles exposed about An Qingyu.

Even if people didn’t want to believe it, in front of so many evidence, what can they do?

The relationship between Li Fan and An Qingyu is obvious to everyone in the school. Photos of them holding hands on weekdays, of them kissing, and even screenshots of interactions while hanging out with friends. The evidence was everywhere.

They became two things that women unanimously hate, a scumbag and a mistress.

The actions of Li Fan and An Qingyu instantly angered a large number of people on the internet.

[Ah this? Isn’t it right? Is this the so-called rich lady? ] [The An family’s daughter is actually a junior? For a man who is not good-looking, or a man from the countryside? Is she being tricked?] [It’s too miserable, the original girlfriend is too miserable, I really can’t think of such a disgusting thing. ] [That man is also a scumbag! Taking the money from his ex’s family to study at university, he dumped his ex, and even spread rumours that he was a white-eyed wolf and insulted the wolf!] [Let’s not say anything else, the question is… Doesn’t An Qingyu have a fiancé? Have you all forgotten about Gu Jing of the Gu family?!]

After being reminded, all netizens responded.

[Yes, An Qingyu also has a fiancé.]

The news that An Qingyu, the daughter of the An family, was engaged to Gu Jing, the eldest young master of the Gu family, made everyone envious.

The woman was gentle, virtuous, beautiful and generous. The man was well-dressed, gentle and indifferent.The strong alliance between the two giants was a match made in heaven.

Under such circumstances, why would An Qingyu fall in love with another man behind her fiance’s back.

Moreover, according to the leaks that netizens picked up, it seems that they have known each other for less than three months, and they already have that level of intimacy?

[One dumped his fiancee, and the other cheated on her fiance. These two are a perfect match.]

In the face of such a thing, some people couldn’t help but complain.

[However, what kind of charm does Li Fan have… You can see that his ex-girlfriend is so beautiful, not to mention his current girlfriend An Qingyu, such a “record” is too scary.] [Yes, if I were An Qingyu, I would definitely choose Gu Jing, how could I possibly like Li Fan. ] [I want to pick him up. ] [Want to pick up +1]

All the hate on the internet that was directed at Lin Xiaotang turned around onto Li Fan and An Qingyu in just a day.

An Qingyu is a public figure that comes from a prestigous family that everyone knows.

But what’s so special about Li Fan, a regular nobody, that made An Qingyu betray Gu Jing?

After in-depth digging by various netizens, Li Fan’s social account and his works on the Yunxiao Novel website were discovered.

Everyone was astonished.

No matter from which point of view, Li Fan is a very typical social Dios man.

Li Fan would occasionally go on the internet to lash out against women for worshipping money and complain that they receive expensive betrothal gifts.

And his novels?

Although Li Fan believed that “Breaking the World” was his original work, he just borrowed from other people’s plots.

As long as he found the plots interesting, Li Fan would copy them word for word. It is after adding his personal thoughts and beliefs that the texts would become toxic.

In “Breaking the World”, there was a particularly common plot.The male protagonist meets a beautiful woman who has taken an aphrodisiac, and while he resists on the surface, he eventually gives into her.

In Li Fan’s original world, this is actually a very common genre, the core of which is to let women who have been drugged have their way with men.

The protagonist has no moral pressure to be with these women and they eventually find themselves with a harem.

After this chapter, Li Fan added an additional paragraph that is from Li Fan’s own inner thoughts.

The general idea of this passage is that the woman slept with him while she was intoxicated by the aphrodisiac. Although she is acting cold now, she will definitely fall in love with him in the future.

[…..] [???] [Wait, what is this crazy speech?] [Considering some of the things Li Fan ha said and done, it’s not entirely out of the blue that he would express such views in his work is it?] [The question is, how did An Qingyu like such a man?!]

The confusion of the netizens is matched by An Qingyu’s father and mother.

After An Qingyu’s parents learned of what she did from the viral news on the internet, they became furious, scolded An Qingyu, and told her to cut her ties with Li Fan. 

They couldn’t understand how such a worthless man, who at most could write semi-talentedly, got with their daughter.

And what about their daughter? She and other daughters of influential families said and did such vicious things to Li Fan’s exgirlfriend which when came to light, disgraced their families.

After forcibly taking An Qingyu home, her parents stripped An Qingyu of her phone and computer, preventing her from contacting that worthless man.

At the same time, An Qingyu’s parents did not forget to apologize and seek forgiveness from Gu Jing and his family.

Since the scandal emerged, the An group’s stock has been on the decline.

In order to save the situation, they had to get Gu Jing and An Qingyu  back together.

Although the Gu family had much resignation, they still asked Gu Jing to meet with and reconcile with the An family.

After all, An Qingyu is techincally still his fiancee. It’s better for all parties involved that the situation is resolved amicably.

But no one could have imagined that An Qingyu would cry and object in front of her parents and fiance.

[I really do love Brother Fan. While we were together…. I’m pregnant with his child.]

She was not lying. An Qingyu had a feeling she might’ve been pregnant about half a month ago.

Just out of fear and shyness, she went to check a few days ago and confirmed she really was pregnant.


Everyone there did not know what to say after she finished talking.

An Qingyu’s parents couldn’t ask Gu Jing to marry An Qingyu anymore.

Otherwise, they’re asking him to be a cuckold!

Everyone was silent as An Qingyu cried.

Gu Jing, who was indifferent at first, began laughing.

[Uncle and Aunt, so be it. Since Qingyu doesn’t want to, why should I embarass her?]

An Qingyu’s father was still persistent.

[But Gu Jing…]

Gu Jing adjusted his glasses and calmly said.

[It’s nothing. Although I’m not short on money, I have no capacity to raise another man’s child.]

It’s only fair that as the eldest son of the Gu family, he should be able to choose the woman he wants to marry.

Why should he marry a pregnant woman that disgraced him, cheated on him, all while they were already engaged.]

After Gu Jing gave his answer, An Qingyu’s father’s face turned red, began nodding, and sent Gu Jing and his family away.

After the Gu family left, he slapped his daughter with his backhand.

[Why are you crying? Our family lost face because of you!] [Go back to the house and don’t even think about leaving!]

An Qingyu’s mother, who had always doted on her daughter, was so angry she almost fainted.

[I’ll have to arrange for the school to grant you leave. As for that Li Fan, don’t think you will ever see him ever again!] [Dad. Mom…]

An Qingyu was frightened seeing for the first time her parents were ever furious with her. She had to be taken away by servants with tears in her eyes.

She knew that her parents would never agree to let her see Li Fan and they may even force her to have an abortion.

Even if Gu Jing refused, An Qingyu’s parents can still find a match for their daughter.

‘But this isn’t what I want! I can’t give up’

‘What about Brother Fan? He loves me! There must be something he can do!’

In desperation, An Qingyu took out the pocket money she had saved, bought off the servants escorting her, and secretly sent a message to Li Fan.

She told Li Fan about her pregnancy and asked Li Fan to take her away.

However, how can Li Fan help her?

When he learned that An Qingyu was pregnant, he was still a little complacent, knowing that woman had completely fallen for him.

But after seeing all the rumors on the internet about Li Fan, An Qingyu’s parents sent a warning to Li Fan. Li fan, who’s juat an ordinary author, completely complied.

The An and Gu family, they were true giants.

He is a fart who only made a hundred thousand yuan. How could he have any courage to stand against the An family.

It’s An Qingyu’s fault that she’s pregnant with his child. The relationship was consensual and she didn’t tell him to wear a condom.

Besides, it was An Qingyu that hired sailors to attack Lin Xiaotang on the internet. Why should he be responsible for that too? Why is he losing readers?

Because of Li Fan’s repeated delays, some readers who had liked him have long since disappeared.

After Li fan’s emotional rants were made public, his remaining readers couldn’t bear it any longer.

When they get online to read web novels, they’re on there just for a good time.

Like how male readers like to read novels with harems for their male protagonists, female readers like to read novels that have reverse harems for female protagonists. For example, girls would like to imagine a domineering president falling in love with them, or beautiful men going through hell for them, or even just beautiful men embracing them.

There is no way such things could happen in real life but these novels allow them to get excited and enjoy themselves.

Who would have thought that the author of “My Life is Extraordinary” is actually such a person?

Net novel readers cultivated in that kind of love and harmonious environment naturally have some sense of shame.

It’s one thing to read the text, it’s one thing to be cool, but whoever puts does these things in reality is stupid.

Except for those Dios who had a common topic with Li Fan, most normal readers chose to leave.

When netizens began attacking Li Fan, his old readers did not defend him but instead went against him with many others.

Li Fan soon lost his reputation as well as the majority of his income.

The classmates around Li Fan now look at him with contempt.

When Li Fan opened his account on Yunxiao Novel Network, he became miserable after seeing the poor figures of his income.

Li Fan couldn’t stand this humiliation, but he couldn’t do anything.

Gradually, he directed his resentment towards An Qingyu.

‘It’s all her fault. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have broke up with Lin Xiaotang nor would I have done all those terrible things afterwards.’

Besides. He still has the woman from the mafia with him.

“An QIngyu is a vicious woman. I need to get away from her.’

A month passes by and An Qingyu didn’t hear from Li Fan.

Ultimately, her parents had An Qingyu get an abortion. They found her a new fiance. And eventually she goes back to school. It was when she was back in school and sees Li fan with other women by his side that she realized he had abandoned her.

An Qingyu lost all face. The love she had vowed to defend to the death had given up on her when she needed him the most.


Lin Xiaotang didn’t know the ups and downs in the outside world.

She spent most of her time sitting in her dormitory, constantly typing away at her keyboard.

After Lin Xiaotang surpassed Li Fan’s “Breaking the World” on the best selling list,  

But she couldn’t reduce her updates just because of this.

Her readers are fans of her for two reasons. One, they like her writing. Two, her diligence and hard work.

Reducing the word count for new chapters will only hurt and disappoint them.

Out of consideration of her readers, Lin Xiaotang devoted a lot of time to her work.

It was a while before she learned from her roommates about what happened with Li Fan and An Qingyu.

Her roommates were surprised.

[We thought you already knew.] [But you don’t seem to care at all.] [Xiaotang is fine.] [Why should she give that scum any of her attention? Her being indifferent shows that she has moved on already.]

Lin Xiaotang was silent.

Actually, she was busy thinking.

Lin Xiaotang didn’t expect the relationship between Li Fan and An Qingyu would end so quickly and easily.

She hardly did anything at all. She spent most of her time typing chapters in her dormitory.

In the original plot, the relationship between Li Fan and An Qingyu was exposed four or five years later.

At that time, An Qingyu secretly gave birth to her child and raised the child by Li Fan’s side.

In those fiver years, Li Fan would sell the rights to two of his books and had become a well known online writer in China.

With An Qingyu and the mafia woman helping him, Li Fan would have made a lot of money investing in stocks and games that gradually became popular. He soon became the youngest billionaire in the country.

Li Fan grew worried of the Gu family plotting some sort of revenge due to An Qingyu’s adultery with him so he used his newfound wealth to hire a team of people to assassinate members of the Gu Group.

An Qingyu took advantage of her identity as Gu Jing’s fiancée to steal precious information from the Gu Group, and used it as a reference for Li Fan’s team.

The Gu family was hit hard and fast, suffered heavy losses, and soon found themselves on the verge of bankruptcy.

An Qingyu got rid of Gu Jing easily and married Li Fan.

For Li Fan, although the An family was not very happy, they could only reluctantly accept the son-in-law since their daughter and that man already had children.

And now?

Lin Xiaotang checked the internet and learned that the marriage between Gu Jing and An Qingyu was completely over.

An Qingyu’s new fiancé, who comes from a rich family, looked down on An Qingyu and spent most of his time away from her.

On the night of his engagement with An Qingyu, he posted on Weibo, saying that he had bad luck to marry such a woman.

As for Li Fan, after he dumped An Qingyu, he was with the mafia lady immediately.

The photos of the two people’s love are also spread everywhere on the internet, which has attracted a lot of people’s surprise and envy.

After all, no one could figure out how this man caught so many beautiful girlfriends.

Seeing all this, Lin Xiaotang took her eyes back lightly.

She then went on to open a document in preparation for tomorrow’s update.

Speaking of which, An Qingyu’s ex-fiancé, Gu Jing, is still a person of interest.

However, she was so busy writing that she hardly investigated him.

Forget becoming friends with him, even if Lin Xiaotang met Gu Jing on the street, she wouldn’t recognize him.

But fortunately, it seems that Gu Jing’s tragic fate has been completely resolved.

As for Li Fan and An Qingyu?

The fate of these people had nothing to do with her.

As long as they don’t keep interfering with her, she won’t care.

Although Lin Xiaotang is curious to see what will happen to Li Fan next.

———End of this chapter. 


  1. whiteorange says:

    She saved the villain by writing a novel. And all she do is writing novel lmao

    1. Mimi says:

      Righttt? Mc was like, ” you are old enough to make decisions. I no no babysit.”

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