She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Modern Stallion Man Who Counterattacks (5)

Considering that most ordinary people have no experience in completing levels in horror games, it was not too surprising that they would be frightened by such a chapter.

Seeing the enthusiastic response from readers, Lin Xiaotang finally understood why the editors texted her.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiaotang reopened her text messages.

After some thinking, she chose an experienced editor that had a lof of qualifications and referalls.

Why did she make this choice?

This was because in the original plot, Li Fan’s editor was a young editor who had just joined the industry.

New editors had the disadvantage of having too few opportunities and resources available to them.

If nothing else, all the resources of this editor had would have been used for Li Fan instead?

Lin Xiaotang didn’t want to compete with Li Fan and was too lazy to squeeze into the living space of other writers in the new editor’s hands.

Therefore, she chose an old editor with a lot of great authors. There would’ve been a lot of competition for available resources but luckily there was enough to share.

Eventually, the editor accepted their friend request. 

[Hello, is this the Great Demon King?]

Lin Xiaotang moved her fingers and replied: [I am. How do I sign a contract? ]

The editor went straight to the point and directly sent Lin Xiaotang the electronic contract as well as describing the signing process.

[Fill out the contract and send it to me before 6 o’clock, and I will help you enter it within today.]

Lin Xiaotang appreciates this simple and direct style of speech: [Okay.] 

After speaking, she asked: [If I want to compete for the Best Newcomer Award, what do I need to do?] 

She doesn’t know the specific situation of Yunxiao Novel Network. If she wanted to win the Best Newcomer Award, it was best to ask the editor’s opinion and let him give the most suitable advice.

[More updates,] The other party answered very quickly, [The Best Newcomer Award is ranked according to the total income of the article. If possible, please enter the VIP shelf after reaching 30,000 words as soon as possible.]

The other party responded very quickly: [The Best New comer Award is ranked according to the total income from an author’s chapters. If possible, please enter the VIP shelf after reaching 30,000 words as soon as possible.] [Of course, when your word count reaches 300,000, your chapters will be on the list.] The other party added, [In order to allow more readers to see your work, remember to contact me in advance, and I will recommend it to you.]

So in order to win the Newcomer Award, she needs to publish more chapters?

Lin Xiaotang thought for a while and said: [Okay.] 


That afternoon, Lin Xiaotang finished filling out the electronic contract and sent it to her editor.

In the days that followed, Lin Xiaotang followed the advice of her editor and typed in her dormitory whenever she was free.

Her hands were very fast, in just a few hours, she could have typed out at least 10,000 words.

She maintained a standard of 6,000 words for the daily updates , and she put the finished work into the manuscript deposit box.

The world’s online literature industry was still in its infancy, and most authors only write about only 3,000 words on weekdays.

Even Li Fan would only write 3,000 words.

Most writers would only write an additonal chapter for a holiday or if a reader gives a big donation.

In such a big environment, Lin Xiaotang’s existence was unique..

“True Horror” quickly ammassed a lot of readers on the website with it’s steady stream new chapters.

[It’s 6000 words again! I’m so happy!] [My God, is this the reincarnation of the tentacle monster???】

[I like such a diligent author! I love it! 】

@ the pigeons in my list, I hope you can learn from the Great Demon King.】

In front of this huge amount of chapters, even readers who don’t like to read horror themes can’t help but flock in and admire her diligence.

And readers who originally read liked this theme have become increasingly more loyal.

The Great Demon King was quite cold. He did not like to be cute, build a reader group or interact with readers. He also rarely responded to comments.

However, he had more uploads!

They came to read novels, not to make friends.

As long as the Great Demon King can keep working hard, they will continue loving him!

To be honest, even Lin Xiaotang’s editor was frightened by her.

He was just talking casually to motivate her. Who would have thought that Lin Xiaotang was so serious?

To no surprise though, readers and editors alike love hard-working authors.

The view count of Lin Xiaotang’s works was getting better and better, the number of readers was increasing, and she was in a good position to win the Newcomers Award.

It took Lin Xiaotang just over a month to upload 300,000 words where it would’ve taken other writers three months to get to.

On the day that “True Horror” was released, Lin Xiaotang opened the manuscript box and uploaded 50,000 words worth of chapters in one go.

Readers were confused after seeing the word count of her VIP chapter.

[Wait, did they make a mistake?!] [50,000 words… This is not something that humans can do, right?!]

Originally, Lin Xiaotang’s writing wasn’t exceptional. However, the horror atmosphere was written well and the setting of the protagonist’s escape level was very unique and interesting.

Readers were going crazy in the aftermath of this “feat.”

Seeing so many new chapters, they were overjoyed and sent rewards and monthly tickets to Lin Xiaotang’s articles.

Her number of subscriptions reached an astonishing number in an instant, even catching up with Li Fan’s “Breaking the World”.

Even after that, Lin Xiaotang didn’t let up at all.

Occasionally, she would ask for leave because she was busy with her studies, but she still consistently uploaded 10,000 words a day.

As time passed, the total revenue of “True Horror” became higher and higher, and Lin Xiaotang’s ranking on the best-selling list rose rapidly.

Two months later, “True Horror”, a niche theme, successfully entered the top five best-selling list of Yunxiao

It was only two or three places away from Li Fan’s “Breaking the World”.

Even now, Lin Xiaotang was still uploading diligently.

But on the other hand, Li Fan’s uploads had been delayed several times.

It started a few months ago when Lin Xiaotang broke Li Fan’s wrist. Perhaps the pain was too severe as Lin Xiaotang never saw Li Fan again.

Li Fan would never forget the humiliation of being beaten by Lin Xiaotang in front of everybody.

In fact, Li Fan has not stopped thinking about Lin Xiaotang.

She wasn’t ugly before but after Lin Xiaotang learned how to dress herself up, she became extremely beautiful.

Li Fan was enamored by Lin Xiaotang’s indifferent and mysterious, yet powerufl and beautiful appearance. 

However Li Fan had to stop thinking about her lest because everytime he thinks about Lin Xiaotang, he feels a piercing pain in his wrist.

Out of fear of this pain, Li Fan gradually learned to forget about Lin Xiaotang.

Eventually, Li Fan met an enchanting and glamorous woman that worked in the mafia. All his attention was taken away by this hot, unrestrained beauty.

Forget Lin Xiaotang. He even forgot about his “real girlfriend,” An Qingyu.

‘If you just “indulged” a woman’s body, her enraged heart would be cooled down.

As long as he satisfied her a few times, An Qingyu would definitely forgive him.

With this thought in mind, Li Fan continued to have passionate flirtations with Miss Mafia.

In order to take more time to please the beauties, he also put aside updating “Breaking the World.”

His hand still hurts so much. How can he work with such a disability?

It’s just a few breaks. His work is too special. Readers have no choice but to wait till he comes back.

Over time, Li Fan became accustomed to delaying new chapters, and was also accustomed to writing irrelevant content as fillers.

Lin Xiaotang was happy to see this happening.

Elsewhere, An Qingyu has hired “sailors” to work for her.

[T/N: Sailors refer to people who are paid to sway opinions in public forums in certain way]

After receiving her money, they got to work.

However, no one is easily swayed by them anymore.

“Hearing is false, but seeing is believing.” 

Rich students and businessmen from outside the campus have been sending flowers and gifts to Lin Xiaotang. But Lin Xiaotang did not care for these extravagant gifts.

On weekdays, she didn’t participate in activities very much and mostly stayed within her dormitory.

‘How could such a girl be like what they say on the internet?’

The more energized the sailors danced, the darker of a picture was painted of Lin Xiaotang. Consequently, other netizens became more resistant of them.

‘They had the ability to spread all these rumors but don’t have any evidence to back them up?’

With such thoughts, a big boss from the computer school took pity on Lin Xiaotang, and followed the IP addresses of this group of people.

He first confirmed that the accounts discredditing Lin Xiaotang originated from the IP addresses that belonged to a group of people.

After hacking the computers of these people, he discovered the chat records with An Qingyu who contacted these sailors and paid them to go after Lin Xiaotang.

In order to give justice to Lin Xiaotang, and in order to give An Qingyu her due punishment, the computer school boss saved screenshots of the chat records between the two parties  and posted them on the school forum.

This content caused an immediate uproar.

[Wait, what? An Qingyu actually did that?!] [How could An Qingyu be so malicious towards Lin Xiaotang? Wouldn’t she really be the third wheel?] [I am Lin Xiaotang’s roommate. I have said many times before that Xiaotang had a boyfriend! You can check out my post history! Li Fan is her ex-boyfriend!] 

[So the truth is that Li Fan cheated on Lin Xiaotang with An Qingyu. And An Qingyu went as far as paying saiolors to discredit Lin Xiaotang.] [Exciting. This is too exciting.] 

[An Qingyu is too vicious, right? By the way, does Li Fan know what An Qingyu did?] [Li Fan absolutely knows! Many of the rumors about Lin Xiaotang at the time were uttered by him.] [Li Fan’s high school and college tuition were all paid by Lin Xiaotang’s parents, how could he be so shameless? Is he still human??] [Mom. A new generation of scumbags and wicked women has come.] [I feel so sorry for sister Lin Xiaotang, she must have been so uncomfortable being in the center of all this.] [Distressed +1. I think some people here owe Lin Xiaotang an apology?]

———End of this chapter. 


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