She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Modern Stallion Man Who Counterattacks (1)

“What is my mission?”

[Save the villain Gu Jing, help him out of the predicament and help him regain everything he should have.】

After Lin Xiaotang opened her eyes again, she found herself lying on a bed in the dormitory.

It was already late at night and several other girls in the dormitory were also asleep. In the quiet air, there was only their subtle breathing.

After waking up, Lin Xiaotang’s head was dizzy, her eyes were blurry and her limbs were a little weak.

There was a ferocious wound on the wrist of her left hand and blood was flowing continuously.

And beside her pillow, her phone kept vibrating and one message after another quickly popped up—

[How many times have I said it? Stop pestering me! We are no longer related!】

[My current girlfriend is An Qingyu, she is the daughter of a big company. Who are you? Still want to compete with her?】

[Don’t threaten me with suicide, I don’t care about you. I’m not ever coming to see you, I don’t want Qingyu to misunderstand me.】

A bunch of these messages cropped up on her phone. The disgust and pride were so incessant that it was leaking through the screen on the phone.

At a glance, it was startling.

Lin Xiaotang glanced at the phone and seeing that there was no more important information, she threw it aside.

Then, she used her ability a little to close the wound on her wrist.

She didn’t expect that this time, she actually transmigrated to a person who committed suicide.

And the person who made the original owner collapse and commit suicide was the man who kept sending her those messages on her phone.

According to the memory in the body, the original owner’s name is also “Lin Xiaotang”, and she is currently nineteen years old and studying at university.

She was born in a rural area. Her family was poor and she had a younger brother who was in high school. Surprisingly, her parents treated her well and did not look down on her just because she was a girl.

It can be said that if she hadn’t met Li Fan, the Original’s life would have been very fulfilling.

But unfortunately, she did meet this person.

Li Fan’s family and the Lin family were originally neighbors in their village.

The Original and Li Fan grew up together as childhood sweethearts and they had ambiguous feelings for each other.

But the good times didn’t last long. Not long after, Li Fan’s parents both died in a car accident and Li Fan was completely orphaned.

Perhaps it was because Li Fan was too pitiful or because his daughter liked him too much. Father Lin looked at Li Fan, who was only 16 years old and offered to provide him with education, college and the usual living expenses.

But their requirements are that Li Fan must be engaged to the Original and the two became an unmarried couple.

Arranged marriages like this are relatively common in their village.

Li Fan and the Lin Xiaotang had a crush on each other, so Li Fan did not refuse.

With the support of Lin’s father and mother, Li Fan and the Original finished high school together, entered a university and became the only college students in their village.

But no one thought that Li Fan accidentally fell into the water the day after the college entrance examination.

After being rescued from the pool, Li Fan’s personality changed drastically.

In the past, he was hardworking and loved to do farm work, but after the accident, he would never take a step into the fields again. He would even make a look of subtle disgust whenever he saw his adoptive parents sweating in the fields.

Li Fan didn’t change how he acted to Lin Xiaotang, he still acted intimately with her from time to time.

Of course she didn’t know that the soul in her lover Li Fan’s body had changed from the previous Li Fan to a “Li Fan” from a parallel world.

And this new Li Fan is aimed to become the male protagonist in this world drama.

The new Li Fan, who has memories from another era, knew that he had a great stroke of luck after he came to this completely different world.

It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transmigrate into a new world. He also firmly believes that he will definitely make a lot of money and become a superior man.

After all, isn’t that what the novels are all about? The person who transmigrates must be the protagonist of this era!

However, Li Fan, in his last life, was only a low-level Dios man in his thirties, who only earned a salary of ¥2,000 and played games in internet cafes.

Even when he came to the new world, thinking about making money, he had no idea where to start.

Education? He knew nothing.

Stocks or finances? He couldn’t even read the title of the book.

What he likes to do on most weekdays is to play games and read some casual novels with protagonists who start as nobodies before becoming successful.

In addition, he goes to places such as Weibo or Tieba Forum to argue with others and vent grievances.

So how can he make money?

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Fan made a decision – to learn from the internet trends he had seen in his previous life and rely on this to make money.

In this world, pirating was far less rampant than in his original world and the system of literary works was also very loose and any subject can be written.

What surprised him even more was that although the internet technology had been quite developed, most of the articles on the website were still stuck with titles like “Thirty-Three Stories to Tell My Daughter”, “A Life of Love”, “Believe Yourself, You Can!”.

Wouldn’t it be possible to shock these “primitives” if he brought in those cool novels he had read in his previous life?

Anyway, he had seen too many online articles and he can write a book casually according to the trends.

Especially the classical works, he had watched countless times and he could memorize the amazing plots in them.

Li Fan needed to borrow just a little so he can start and gain a following of readers.

After persuading Lin’s father and mother to buy him a computer, Li Fan’s first work “Breaking the World” was soon born.

With the unique “broken engagement”, “grandfather with you” and “good-for-nothing’s uprising and slap in the face”, Li Fan’s works had risen all the way and instantly won the attention and following of countless readers.

When his book was successfully put on shelves and he made his first pot of gold, Li Fan kicked Lin Xiaotang away without hesitation.

Was a lowly girl from a rural town worth being his girlfriend?

In his opinion, his future was bright and the only people who were qualified to be his girlfriends were those fair, rich and beautiful ladies.

Moreover, he didn’t love Lin Xiaotang, Lin’s parents insisted that he marry their Lin Xiaotang but they were asking for it on the moral high ground by virtue of kindness.

Li Fan’s attitude towards Lin Xiaotang became more and more perfunctory. His texts became slower and fewer. Even for several days, he didn’t even want to see her.

If Lin Xiaotang was insistent, Li Fan would say he was “very busy” and “has no time.”

Lin Xiaotang had never been in love before and trusted Li Fan too much. Naturally, she believed whatever he said.

Even though she felt uncomfortable because of Li Fan’s indifference, she kept silent and was unwilling to express her grievances.

But what she never expected was that a month later, she learned from her roommate that Li Fan and An Qingyu, the eldest daughter of the An Group, were seeing each other.

“I heard that An Qingyu didn’t like people born into rich families,” the roommate said. “The eldest miss’s new boyfriend is actually the Li Fan from our university. Don’t you think it’s amazing?”

“Li Fan? Really? Whendid she fall in love with Li Fan?” Another roommate said in surprise, “Could it be because Li Fan made money from writing books? But the online manuscript fee is only a few cents.”

“You must have never read Li Fan’s book, right? His new book, what is it called? Dou Po, is said to have over 10,000 subscriptions.”

“Wow, then he’s also potential stock. No wonder An Qingyu likes him…”

Listening to their chat, Lin Xiaotang was stunned. 

‘What happened?’

Wasn’t she Li Fan’s girlfriend? And they were still engaged.

Because of her shyness and Li Fan’s repeated orders, he told her not to mention the relationship between the two of them outside, so as not to be looked down upon by others, thinking that they would treat Li Fan and Lin Xiaotang differently.

Who would have thought that Li Fan was telling people that he was single?!

Faced with this result, neither Lin Xiaotang or her parents could accept it.

Lin’s father and mother were just ordinary farmers with a meager income. In order to support him to go to college, they had worked hard, but this was how he repaid them!?

Lin Xiaotang was angry, so she went to Li Fan’s dormitory and asked him why he did this.

But what she found waiting for her was not Li Fan’s apology, but Li Fan’s contempt.

“Can you have a little backbone like a modern woman?”

Li Fan’s face showed his impatience as he looked at Lin Xiaotang crying. “I have never loved you, but it was because your parents were kind to me that they had me be with you. The person I love now is Qingyu, I don’t want to let her misunderstand the relationship between the two of us. Please don’t pester me again.”

After listening to what Li Fan had to say to her, Lin Xiaotang, who was not good at confrontations, had nothing to say back to him. She could only cry and leave.

After going back, she saw through the nature of that heartless man and immediately blocked Li Fan, just pretending that she had never known this person.

Lin Xiaotang thought that this matter was over.

But what she never expected was that the next day, all kinds of rumors spread in the school.

The person who started them was Li Fan’s new girlfriend, An Qingyu. She looked gentle and genial on the outside, but she hated Lin Xiaotang, the so-called ex-girlfriend, on the inside.

Under her instigation, a large number of “informed people” appeared in the campus forum and began to pour dirty water on Lin Xiaotang.

[Do you know Lin Xiaotang from the Department of Literature? I heard that she is works as an “escort”. Is it true?】

[You should know, the guy next door to me has seen her get out of a luxury car several times.】

[That woman has had two abortions, right? What else is she pretending to be innocent about?】

[I heard that she is Li Fan’s ex-girlfriend, is it true?】

[Of course it’s fake, Li Fan himself said it. It’s Lin Xiaotang who pestered him everywhere because they belonged to the same village and wanted to marry him!】

[Who does she want marry? My brother Fan? No way!?】

[Hee hee, she went to find Li Fan a few days ago. I don’t know how she found the audacity to go to him like that. 】

[Has she ever checked herself out in a mirror? Does she think she looks better than Miss An??】

Under the leadership of these combined forces, many people believed in the rumors and looked at Lin Xiaotang with a different look.

After being abandoned by her former lover, in the face of everyone’s online violence, Lin Xiaotang had no way to get her own word in.

She wanted to explain, but in school, Li Fan avoided Lin Xiaotang as much as possible and wouldn’t respond to her texts or calls.

Lin Xiaotang wanted Li Fan to clear up the rumors, but she only recieved texts of “don’t pester me anymore” that kept popping up on her phone.

 In the end, Lin Xiaotang could not bear the humiliation anymore. She committed suicide. 

After that, it was Lin Xiaotang who appeared here.

According to the plot given by the system, after the death of the original owner, Li Fan only felt guilty for a while before moving on entirely.

He just didn’t want to do something wrong by his girlfriend, An Qingyu, what’s wrong with that?

If you wanted to blame someone, you should blame Lin Xiaotang herself. She couldn’t even stand a few mean words said about her?

If she was truly innocent, how could she be provoked by those rumors?

After justifying what happened, Li Fan felt relieved and continued to write, publish, and make money.

Those books he plagiarised from were quite famous in the previous world, whether it was the plot or the slap in the face, they were all unparalleled.

Even if the world has changed, the classics will not be unpopular.

It didn’t take long for Li Fan to become the youngest millionaire by selling copyrights.

There were more and more women around him.

Whether it was a wealthy daughter, a gangster, or an innocent female star…after seeing Li Fan, they all felt like they were obsessed and they had to stick to him.

Li Fan became haggard while struggling to pick out a wife without hurting the feelings of the other women.

Fortunately, these women are quite generous.

After seeing how stressed Li Fan was from struggling to make a decision, the women were moved to tears and expressed their willingness to marry Li Fan.

As for Lin Xiaotang’s parents and younger brother?

After the death of their daughter, Lin’s father and Lin’s mother could not bear with their emotional anguish and soon died of illness.

Younger Brother Lin was determined to avenge his family, but Li Fan and his woman, which one was easy?

Li Fan’s third wife, someone who was acquainted with the underworld, immediately sent her subordinates to chop off Brother Lin’s hands and tortured him to death.

In the end, Li Fan embraced the girls in his arms and walked towards the pinnacle of his life.

And those who wanted to oppose him all ended up miserably.

Lin Xiaotang: “.. …”

After looking over the plot in her mind, a rather indescribable expression appeared on her face.

In the previous two worlds, the main plot was just an ordinary love story and both the male and female leads were normal people.

However, regarding the plot of this world, she really couldn’t look at it with ordinary people’s thinking.

Excluding Li Fan, were the women around him just that gullible?

In a modern society, they were actually willing to share a husband?

Lin Xiaotang thought about it, but couldn’t think of a reason.

However, it will not be difficult for her to deal with Li Fan.

In this world, because everyone was an ordinary person under the control of the world consciousness, Lin Xiaotang’s energy has been reduced a lot.

But even so, the energy contained in her body was still amazing.

If she wanted to complete the mission, she could just kill Li Fan with a swipe of her finger without leaving any traces.

If the variable, Li Fan, were to be taken care of, Lin Xiaotang’s goal in keeping Lu Jing alive would be much easier.

However, it may be too boring. Or it may be that the story of Li Fan and his harem was too shocking. At this moment, Lin Xiaotang didn’t even want to kill him that much.

Rather than killing him, she wanted to keep him living his life until she got tired of playing in this world.

In Lin Xiaotang’s view, Li Fan and his group were ants who could be crushed anytime, anywhere.

Would you be furious if an ant laughed at you so much that you killed him?

She asked the system of this relaxing vacation world.

If she didn’t play enough at one time and didn’t experience a different kind of life, she’d be at a loss.

After Lin Xiaotang healed her body of the wound and blood loss, she used a little more of her power to clean the blood stains on her bed.

Then, she took out her phone and checked the date.

July 9, 2015.

At this time, it was only half a month after Li Fan’s first book, “Breaking the World”.

If Lin Xiaotang remembered correctly, at the end of each year, Yunxiao Literature, the largest online novel station in China, will hold a “Best Newcomer Award” event.

At that time, the winning author will get a bonus of a million yuan from the website, as well as the top platform recommendation.

According to the plot, the person who will win this award was Li Fan.

Using the reward money, Li Fan will successfully print and sell tens of millions of copies of his novel which propels him into more financial wealth.

After that, he also rose to the top and that his subsequent books became even more popular.

But she had to say that this best newcomer award was still a very important opportunity for him.

Can she write novels? 

Well, it wasn’t impossible.

Looking at Yunxiao Novel on the phone, the corner of the girl’s mouth twitched slightly and her dark eyes were full of brilliance.

She was very curious. What kind of fate would Li Fan and his women have if they lost these things.

————End of this chapter. 


  1. Esli E.S.M.A says:

    MWHAHAHA! Love it! Thank you as always!

  2. what an asshole😐

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