She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of Cultivation (8)

What? Lin Xiaotang killed the Demon King Duan Yan!?

How is this possible? How can it be??

The moment they heard the news, the atmosphere in the entire Taiqing hall suddenly became extremely stiff.

The Sect Master of Taiqing Sect was so terrified that he almost lost his footing. While standing up unsteadily, he  asked repeatedly: “What did you say? Are you sure it is the Demon Lord of Chicheng? Is it really her?”

If true, didn’t their Taiqing Sect offend a future demon king?!

“Sure, it’s her, the Demon Lord of Chicheng who took over a month ago!”

In the face of the sect master’s doubts, the disciple who reported the news said very firmly: “This matter has been spread all over the demon world and many demon cultivators who have escaped from the world and cultivate have gone to the main city of the demon world one after another. There is nothing wrong with this! “

There is also a very crucial point, the disciple did not say it, that is, who would be stupid enough to spread such rumors?

Everyone knows that the Demon King Duan Yan, is not a good-tempered character.

In the face of such a shocking event, everyone fell into a death-like silence.

And the elder Bai, who had just proposed to let the Demon King and Lin Xiaotang fight inwardly, was even more pale and sweaty and fell to the ground uncontrollably.

It was over, he thought desperately, whether it was Taiqing Sect or their family, it was all over.

A Demon Lord and a Demon King are two completely different concepts!

Even if Lin Xiaotang became the demon lord before, as long as she would pose a threat to the Taiqing Sect, then the Taiqing Sect could send many elders to forcefully surpass and kill her.

At most, the demon world will be a little dissatisfied with this, but there will be no demons who are willing to take revenge for Lin Xiaotang. After all, she has only been a demon lord for a month.

But now, Lin Xiaotang actually killed the Demon King!

She killed the most powerful person in the entire Demon World!

Even if Lin Xiaotang is too old or too young, there is no way for her to become a Demon King.

But from now on, she can no longer be just an ordinary demon lord.

The powerful people in the demon world will definitely focus on cultivating her and even treat her with the attitude towards the next demon king.

If their Taiqing Sect took action against Lin Xiaotang, it would almost be equivalent to angering the entire Demon World!

“No, this matter must be dealt with as soon as possible.”

After a long silence, an elder of the Taiqing sect sighed heavily and said, “Anyway, prepare to apologize as soon as possible, apologize to her, explain the difficulties of the sect and try to get her understanding as much as possible.”

Tough measures can no longer be taken. The most important thing at present is to eliminate the contradiction between the two sides.

This is the compromise that their Taiqing Sect must make for the future of the entire sect.

Faced with such a result, the Sect Master of the Taiqing Sect lowered his head and replied, “Okay.”

At the same time, he and some of the elders looked at the gaffe elder Bai secretly.

Although in the eyes of most people, the sect gave up on Lin Xiaotang only because she fell into the demon mist abyss and which was hard to survive if someone fell in it, so the sect had no choice but to give up.

But some things are simply hidden from the eyes of many people.

Because Bai Lian’er, who does not practice seriously and had been staying in the sect, suddenly made a willful wish and wanted to go out with Lin Xiaotang for inspection.

Then, Lin Xiaotang fell into the demon mist abyss. 

That’s okay, it can be explained by coincidence.

But after Lin Xiaotang’s accident, Bai Lian’er quickly got the Xuanyue Mysterious Realm quota that should belong to Lin Xiaotang and became the biggest beneficiary of this incident.

Most people who knew it chose to hide this matter that Lin Xiaotang fell into the demon mist abyss because of Bai Lian’er.

Even Lin Xiaotang’s master, Elder Lin, acquiesced to this result after receiving some precious medicine pills.

After all, Bai Lian’er’s father is the elder of the Taiqing Sect and her mother is the elder of the Medicine Valley, which made her have  good qualifications and a bright future.

Why deal with Bai Lian’er for Lin Xiaotang, who was born in the mortal world and would soon die in the demob mist abyss?

As a result, no one expected that Lin Xiaotang, who was supposed to have died, could become a Demon King one day….

Do they regret it?

But regretting it now is very useless…

This is the bitter fruit of their own hands.

Even if there was someone who stood for Lin Xiaotang at the beginning or someone who wants to bring her back, then the current situation would not be like this.

However, in order to keep the reputation of their Taiqing Sect unaffected and in order to maintain the dignity of their sect, it is best to hide the truth of this matter, so let’s just hide it.


Lin Xiaotang did not understand the shock and turmoil she has caused in the cultivation world.

After she left the mysterious realm of Xuanyue, she passed through Duan Yan’s manpower, entered the main city of Demon Realm and met Duan Yan her-self.

After that, without hesitation she immediately covered Duan Yan’s room with her own energy, which completely isolated him from the outside world!

Since coming to the Immortal Cultivation World and seeing the cultivation techniques of the Taoists and Demon Cultivators here, Lin Xiaotang has been deliberately studying the cultivation techniques of these Immortal Cultivators.

For her, whether it is spiritual power, demonic energy or her own energy, they are all energy that can be used by humans but the types are different.

In the past, Lin Xiaotang would only use those abilities to scare people or to create a space similar to a horror escape game. At other times, most of the energy in her body was just stored in her body.

And now, after learning and seeing many techniques she also understands how to use the energy stored in her body to fight against the kind of battle that the immortal cultivators are good at.

Duan Yan has an uncertain personality and is very suspicious about everything around him, which made him not have any dark guards around him, so most of the guards stayed outside the room.

In this way, it is convenient for Lin Xiaotang to start.

Maybe he didn’t expect that Lin Xiaotang would be so rebellious, because she attacked him as soon as they met and Duan Yan was caught in Lin Xiaotang’s space before he could do anything.

In this, Duan Yan’s magic weapon is almost invalid and even his cultivation was suppressed.

So with her newly learned swordsmanship, Lin Xiaotang finally succeeded in beating him into serious injuries after spending nearly an hour.

At the same time, Duan Xiao, who had been restored to his human form by her, appeared and came in front of Duan Yan.

Without any nonsense and without asking Duan Yan if he regretted it, Duan Xiao decisively pierced through Duan Yan’s dantian with a sword.

This scene, he has dreamed countless times, even if it is the action of stabbing, he has simulated it countless times in his mind and there is no mistake in it.

And just like that, Duan Yan died.

In the original plot, the Demon King Duan Yan was very keen to provoke the relationship between Duan Xiao and Duan Ming, just to appreciate his two sons killing each other.

Looking at Duan Yan’s body, Duan Xiao was stunned for a while and then suddenly laughed.

Laughing so hard that his tears fell. 

It was obvious that Duan Xiao belonged to the winner’s side but the young man at this time looked particularly embarrassed.

Lin Xiaotang looked at Duan Xiao who was both crying and laughing and stood aside silently, without disturbing him when he was venting his emotions.

She knew that he had a hard time in the past and she knew that it would take a certain amount of time to digest the great revenge.

But when Duan Xiao gradually calmed down, he turned around and said to Lin Xiaotang very seriously: “Let me become a cat again, I will never run again.”

Although it was unclear why Lin Xiaotang knew about the affair between him and Duan Yan, he was very grateful that Lin Xiaotang could help him avenge this.

Not to mention becoming a cat, even if he becomes a dog, a mouse or a bug, he is willing to do anything.

Lin Xiaotang: “…..”

Lin Xiaotang: “No, you don’t have to follow me in the future.”

She doesn’t have any special hobbies, such as turning people into cats and keeping them as pets.

Moreover, now that Duan Yan is dead, Duan Xiao’s tragic ending in the future is almost completely rewritten.

In this way, Lin Xiaotang, who has completed the task, naturally has no need to continue to stay with him.

As long as Duan Xiao doesn’t make any fuss in the later stage or seeks his own death, with Duan Xiao’s ability and intelligence in the original book, his future will not be much worse.

He didn’t seem to expect that Lin Xiaotang would let him go so easily, which made him stunned in place.

Originally, Duan Xiao’s appearance was on the pretty side but now he has red eyes and looks like he has been abandoned.

Lin Xiaotang didn’t know what he was thinking.

Looking at Duan Yan’s body, she calmly retracted her space and called in the guards who were waiting outside.

After all, she didn’t have any intention of running away.

The demon world is different from the outside world. If a mortal emperor dies or a certain sect master in the immortal world dies, then other people will definitely try their best to avenge him.

But in the demon world, the strong are respected. Lin Xiaotang killed Duan Yan, not only would she not be punished but she might even be respected by others.

Even if the demon cultivators had a good relationship with Duan Yan, in the face of this matter, they would only think that Duan Yan’s skills were inferior to others.

Besides, Duan Yan is very ruthless and cruel, which made it impossible to have friends.

However, although there is no punishment, it is troublesome and there will be a lot of trouble in the future. After all, she killed the king of the entire demon world.

Considering the various things to be solved in the future, Lin Xiaotang thought about it and simply stayed here.

Anyway, those things can’t be solved for a while, so just live in the main city for a month.

Presumably at the cusp of such a storm, no other demon cultivator would dare to think about her Chicheng city.

It’s just, for some unknown reason when Lin Xiaotang was dealing with government affairs, she always felt as if she had forgotten something.

But she forgot what?

… However, thinking about it from another angle, it shouldn’t be a big deal to be forgotten by her so quickly.

When she remembers about it, she will naturally deal with it.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Xiaotang put this matter aside and re-invested in a new round of affairs.


Soon, Lin Xiaotang’s killing of Duan Yan spread throughout the entire Demon World, which caused quite a stir.

How powerful is she to be able to easily kill the Demon King in the heavily guarded Demon World’s main city, which is also in the base camp of the Demon Cultivators?!

Many people looked at the demon cultivators who rushed to the main city of the demon world and they all vaguely realized that the demon world is about to change.

On the other side, in the mysterious realm of Xuanyue, looking at the very familiar lonely village in front of her again, Bai Lian’er who was tortured by fear, showed an extremely collapsed look.

Why? Why is it all over again?!

After she was killed by those paper figurines, shouldn’t she be eliminated directly and sent out?

What’s going on in this trial, so why is she still inside?!

                (End of this chapter)


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