She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In the world of cultivation (6)


Startled by this strange nursery rhyme, Bai Lian’er almost didn’t scream out.

She wanted to look back, but when she thought of the children singing “Don’t turn around”, she held back.

At any rate, she still has some brains and knows that she should be obedient at this time.

It’s just, the words of the nursery rhyme just now, what does it mean when the mother wears a wedding dress in the middle of the night and in the middle of the night….. What does it mean?

Bai Lian’er can roughly understand it, but is there any special meaning to singing this in the illusion?

After the weird nursery rhyme just ended, the children’s voices completely disappeared.

The whole environment was empty and silent, not to mention the sound of children walking and playing, not even the sound of breathing was heard.

Bai Lian’er has lived for so long, but she has never seen such a strange illusion.

After all, the illusion she had experienced before was either to make her recall the painful memories of the past or to tempt her with what she was greedy about.

Even if it is dangerous, it is to fight with her in an upright manner, nothing so weird.

In the face of this situation, Bai Lian’er actually flinched in her heart.

But thinking about her past life, she bit her lower lip and walked towards the lonely village.

In order to be with Senior Brother Duan Ming and to teach Song Mingyue a lesson, she must get the inheritance.

And Lin Xiaotang, although she didn’t mean to hurt her, Lin Xiaotang definitely wouldn’t understand her troubles and she might come back to take revenge on her…..

While thinking about it, Bai Lian’er walked slowly.

The overlapping dark clouds in the sky seemed to fall a little further, pressing down heavily on the isolated village, bringing an indescribable depression and gloom.

The flow of time in the illusion is faster than the outside world.

After Bai Lian’er walked into the village, the looming sunset rays in the distance disappeared completely.

It’s dark.

After Bai Lian’er entered the village, she did not act rashly, but stood at the entrance of the village and glanced hurriedly.

She found that the village had been abandoned, there was no one in it and a thick layer of dust had accumulated outside many houses.

What’s even more strange is that there are quite a lot of strange characters on the door of every house here.

These strange characters are densely affixed to the entire gate and the bright red looks extremely frightening in the dark environment. At first glance, it is shocking.

What the fuck is this place?

The more Bai Lian’er looked at, the more uncomfortable she felt and she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

——And at this moment, she suddenly realized that someone was watching her.

Who is it?

Bai Lian’er looked sideways and saw an old man standing behind the house not far away.

The old man was wearing tattered clothes, his numb face was full of wrinkles and his chaotic eyes were extremely dark.

He stood there quietly, like a silent shadow.

“Who are you?” Bai Lian’er looked at him and couldn’t help asking.

“You..shouldn’t..have..come here…”

In the dark, the old man spoke slowly word by word, with the hoarseness of an elderly person in his voice.

He didn’t reply to Bai Lian’er’s question, but kept mumbling as if emphasizing something: “Everyone will die… all will die… and you.. too.. you will also..die.”

Why is this guy so weird…

Bai Lian’er swallowed, her heart beating faster and faster.

This was the first time she felt so terrified of an ordinary mortal.

Obviously, the other party has no cultivation base and can be easily killed by her.

Bai Lian’er took a step back and wanted to leave.

On the other hand, the old man may have noticed her movements and the words he had been saying stopped.

“In 2′ clock, she wants it, she’s back,” the old man’s calm and numb voice trembled in the thick black mist, “You must.. be careful..of.. red clothes…”

Beware of red clothes?

Could this be the second hint of the illusion?

Bai Lian’er was stunned and quickly asked, “Where is the red clothes? Why should I be careful about it?”

However, after saying that sentence, the old man’s mouth closed.

He stood there silently, like a statue.

Hearing Bai Lian’er’s question, he didn’t say anything, just raised his face and gave her a twisted, somewhat weird smile.

His movements were small and his smile was small but at this moment, Bai Lian’er felt cold all over!

Looking at the smiling old man, she was frightened, only to feel that the person standing in front of her was no longer a mortal but some kind of extremely terrifying existence.

No, she has to get out of here!

Faced with this situation, Bai Lian’er was so frightened that she didn’t have time to think about anything, she turned around and ran away.

Her eyes swept hastily across the dilapidated houses around, trying to find a place to hide.

The words “can’t turn around” that the children said before were all left behind by her under such powerful fear.

She only knew that if she stayed there, it would definitely be dangerous!

The night was getting deeper and deeper and the black clouds in the sky had all dissipated.

A pale and lonely moon hung in the air and the moonlight fell on the ground, dyeing everything with a layer of icy white light.

Perhaps it was good luck, relying on the moonlight, Bai Lian’er ran for a while and found a different house.

Compared with other dilapidated houses in the orphaned village, this house is clearly inhabited, with clean walls, no weeds and no dust.

The most important thing is that there are no strange characters on the door.

The house without those strange characters, looked ordinary and clean, which made Bai Lian’er feel slightly relieved.

That’s it.

Bai Lian’er made a decision in her heart.

Without any hesitation, she came to the front of the house, opened the door and hid in.

Because of her panic, she didn’t even watch the scene inside the door much.

But after she came in, Bai Lian’er didn’t have time to do anything when the open wooden door suddenly closed by itself.

“Squeak… bang!!”

The old wooden door made an overwhelming sound and the screeching sound of the wooden door was especially harsh in the silent environment.

What happened……

Why did the door close by itself?!

Frightened by the movement, Bai Lian’er stood stiffly in the room, not daring to move.

She had already sensed something was wrong and her eyes swept around in a panic, observing the situation in the room.

Contrary to what she had thought before, the house was empty, with no traces of people living there nor most of the common furniture.

In the entire hall, there was only one paper figurine wearing a red wedding dress with a plain face.

[ T/N: Paper figurine/ paper doll – A piece of paper cut or folded into the shape of a human being. ]

Bai Lian’er thought it was a real person at first, but after a closer look, she realized that it was a paper figurine.

The paper figurine is very realistic, especially the facial features that had sad eyes, which seem to be projected into reality through this thin layer of paper.

Next to the paper figurine in red, there were three paper figurines who looked like children.

They snuggled up at the feet of the paper figurine in red with their dark eyes staring straight ahead.

Bai Lian’er stared at the red-clothed paper figurine for a while, but for some reason, the more she looked, the more she felt something was wrong.

Is it her illusion? Why does this paper figurine in a red wedding dress seem to be getting bigger?

… No, it’s not getting bigger, it’s slowly approaching her!

After discovering this, Bai Lian’er’s heart skipped a beat.

Especially when she felt the paper figurine’s eyes staring at her faintly.

Her breathing became more and more rapid and she subconsciously wanted to take a few steps back and prepared to leave here.

But at this moment, her back hit the wooden door behind her.


The sound was like a signal, which alerted everything in the room.

The heads of the four paper figurines moved slightly and the four  large and small paper figurines all stared at Bai Lian’er, who was feeling desperate.

Then, the corners of their mouths raised slightly, revealing a twisted and weird smile that was exactly the same as the old man just now.


Seeing this scene, the rational string in Bai Lian’er’s mind was completely broken.

She trembled and let out a shrill scream.


On the other side, at the core of the trial, Lin Xiaotang felt the steady increase in energy and was quite satisfied.

I have to say that compared to ordinary people in the previous world, these rough-skinned immortal cultivators are able to withstand the fear.

It may be that their living environment has caused them to become accustomed to illusions and the existence of inner demons and calamities makes them deliberately exercise their moods on weekdays.

Therefore, their persistence time in the horror game escape trial is considerable.

At the same time, taking into account the differences between immortal cultivators and mortals, Lin Xiaotang also made significant changes when setting up the trials.

In the past, those ghosts and monsters could indeed scare many mortals but immortal cultivators would not have much reaction.

They were born knowing that there are monsters and ghosts in the world and some of them may have killed many ghosts.

Therefore, Lin Xiaotang put the core of terror on the psychology by letting them gradually familiarize themselves with the gloomy and depressing environment around them and then let them face many small surprises.

And the danger they will encounter is no longer sudden but gradually approaching them little by little.

They will watch death and crisis come closer to them but they have nowhere to run, nothing to do but to wait in vain.

After a general observation, Lin Xiaotang found that two hours had passed and most of the immortal cultivators had tenaciously survived the “Second stage” and entered the “Third stage”.

Of course, the fear in their hearts has almost all been hanged up.

As for those who didn’t even make it through the first stage and the second stage, Lin Xiaotang didn’t know what to say, so she quickly sent them out.

What surprised Lin Xiaotang a little was that among those who were eliminated, there was an old acquaintance of the original owner—

Bai Lian’er.

Lin Xiaotang didn’t think it was a surprise that Bai Lian’er was eliminated in the second shift. After all, she was never very smart in the plot.

What she was curious about was, how did Bai Lian’er come here?

Lin Xiaotang didn’t want to go to find Bai Lian’er before, simply because she didn’t think there was any need to go to such a person.

Usually she has enough things in the demon world and the situation in the immortal world has long been forgotten by her.

Now, seeing Bai Lian’er, Lin Xiaotang naturally thinks of this person.

If she remembered correctly, Bai Lian’er should not have a place in the Xuanyue Secret Realm.

While Lin Xiaotang was thinking, suddenly a demon cultivator found her in a panic.

As he spoke, he handed over the things in his hand: “Demon Lord, it’s a secret letter from Demon King!”

                (End of this chapter)


  1. elvyse says:

    I hope we’ll see the Third Stage, she’s great at setting a mood.

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