She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

The world of modern entertainment industry (16)

After the haunting was resolved, the crew quickly returned to normal.

Considering Tang Tianya’s previous actions, Xu Yi and others finally chose to terminate the contract with him.

In this regard, Tang Tianya didn’t even have the right to refuse.

It’s not that he has harmed others without leaving a trace like this before but because those people have a shallow foundation, even if they know that it was his hand, they would not dare to do anything to him at all.

In Lin Xiaotang’s case, he underestimated her like everyone else.

He really didn’t expect Lin Xiaotang, who seemed to be dull and withdrawn and had no support, to actually be a ruthless person!

Her character is so stubborn, she even dares to come to him directly under the cusp of the storm!

Whether it was the arrogant live broadcast or the carefully planned “haunting” with various tools, Tang Tianya realized that he had messed with the wrong person.

Bold, smart and resolute, such a person is definitely not something he can easily handle.

After knowing that Lin Xiaotang was on the live broadcast that night, Tang Tianya knew that he was finished.

He has been following the old-fashioned way and even if there are not as many fans as the current traffic stars, they are all very rational.

Now that such a big thing has happened, his reputation has deteriorated and the image of “close to juniors and amiable” previously created has also collapsed.

For a long time at least, he had to be refrigerated.

With Tang Tianya’s withdrawal, many unfavorable remarks against Lin Xiaotang have disappeared from the outside world. Many people are looking forward to the movie “Jiang Rao” starring her because of her excellent performance in the live broadcast room.

As for the new male protagonist, it will be decided soon.

This time, after careful selection, Xu Yi finally chose a low-key and simple actor.

With the addition of the new male protagonist, everyone got excited again and began to devote themselves to a new round of work.

Those words that were not good for Lin Xiaotang that circulated in the original crew disappeared without knowing it.

After all, strength is what proves everything, doesn’t it?


Soon, the four-month-long filming cycle came to an end.

Under Xu Yi’s high precaution, the crew was calm and there were no more accidents.

Even if some people are unwilling and secretly want to make trouble again, just one look from the female lead Lin Xiaotang, their thoughts will be completely extinguished.

……Isn’t it good to live, why unnecessary go to  provoke her?

With Lin Xiaotang’s “township”, the entire crew is peaceful.

Even Xu Yi, who has always been irritable and serious, looked at Lin Xiaotang with kindness.

In the outside world, after the results of the college entrance examination came out, Lin Xiaotang made another hot search with an excellent score of 677.

Before she knew it, she already had a popularity comparable to that of an A-list star in the entertainment industry.

After all the scenes were over, in order to celebrate, the crew held a special banquet.

As the female lead, Lin Xiaotang attended the banquet.

Originally, Ren Ling wanted to join her but he still had his own job and career after all.

Considering that Lin Xiaotang is an adult and needs to learn to be independent, after some hesitations, Ren Ling finally let Lin Xiaotang go to the banquet alone.

Lin Xiaotang had no opinion on this decision.

On the other hand, Xu Yi and others, after seeing the worried look on Ren Ling’s face, all showed expressions that were quite indescribable.

… No, with Lin Xiaotang’s temperament, who would dare to bully her???

But in this case, they certainly can’t say it.

So, at night, everyone tacitly agreed not to disturb Lin Xiaotang.

In a group of people who came and went, she sat alone in the corner and ate with her head down.

No one came to her and she was happy to relax.

Anyway, she came here like this before and she never felt that there was any problem.

It’s just that halfway through the banquet, perhaps because of drinking too much, the drunken second female Xiao Yanran suddenly walked in front of Lin Xiaotang.

In the eyes of everyone who were either surprised or in awe, she sat down on the seat next to Lin Xiaotang and looked at Lin Xiaotang with a blurred gaze.

“Do you know,” she said quietly, “Jiang Rao’s role was originally prepared for me.”

Bald Xu is Xu Yi’s nickname and many actors like to call him that in private. It seems that Xiao Yanran is 80% really drunk, otherwise he wouldn’t say it so casually.

After hearing her words, Lin Xiaotang glanced at her: “Oh.”

Xiao Yanran’s appearance is bright and coquettish, in line with Jiang Rao’s beautiful personality and it is not very surprising that Xu Yi takes a fancy to her.

“When I found out that the character was taken away by you, I was still very unconvinced,” Xiao Yanran hiccupped and continued speaking inarticulately, “I was going to give you a slap in the face but in the end, I didn’t expect it. You acted so well… Then something like that happened, I….I was always afraid that you would misunderstand me…..”

Although Xiao Yanran’s words didn’t fit in the foreword, Lin Xiaotang understood the general meaning.

She is showing that the haunted things and the rhythmic things on the Internet have nothing to do with her.

Lin Xiaotang: “You can say it directly.”

She’s not a devil, if others don’t slap her in the face, she doesn’t bother to care.

If Xiao Yanran wants to explain, just talk to her directly.

Hearing her say that, Xiao Yanran was stunned for two seconds.

Then, she suddenly stretched out her hand and pinched Lin Xiaotang’s face quickly and ruthlessly!

“It’s good,” she said about the vicissitudes of life, “if it wasn’t for fear, I would have wanted to do this a long time ago.”

Lin Xiaotang: “……”

Everyone: “……”

Does she want to live??

Seeing that Xiao Yanran started to drink and go crazy, Xiao Yanran’s manager was shocked, ran over and covered her mouth.

“I’m sorry, our Yanran’s drinking capacity is a little bit poor,” he looked at Lin Xiaotang and smiled ingratiatingly, “She actually likes you very much. She used to secretly watch your filming before but she didn’t dare to come to you…. Otherwise, Let’s follow each other on Weibo?”

The agent had just said this casually and had no hope at all.

After all, Lin Xiaotang had always been cold and alienated before.

In the end, after listening to his words, Lin Xiaotang nodded and said, “Okay.”

In the past four months, Ren Ling had already taught her how to use Weibo, just follow it, it’s not difficult.

“If it doesn’t work, it’s not–ah?”

It seems that he did not expect Lin Xiaotang to agree so easily and Xiao Yanran’s manager was stunned for a moment.

Lin Xiaotang… she actually so close?

Looking at Lin Xiaotang in disbelief, the agent took out his mobile phone and tentatively followed Lin Xiaotang with Xiao Yanran’s account.

Soon, Lin Xiaotang followed Xiao Yanran’s with her account as well.

Looking at this scene, everyone: “…..”

Is it really that easy?!

After Xiao Yanran’s agent took the mobile phone and dragged the crying Xiao Yanran away, the other actors hesitated a little and came up.

“Then, Miss Xiaotang, how about we follow each other?”

“Sister Tang, I actually admire you very much…..”

“Xiaotang, I’ve always wanted to say that your acting is really good and it will definitely be a hit in the future.”

Lin Xiaotang couldn’t understand what they were thinking but since everyone else had asked for it, she naturally paid attention to it in turn.

In the face of praise and appreciation from others, she also replied “thank you” one by one, “you are also amazing”.

The girl who was surrounded by the crowd was not impatient or disgusted at all.

She quietly responded to other people’s requests and when faced with their jokes, her dark eyes showed a bit of blankness from time to time.

Looking at Lin Xiaotang like this, for some reason, the others could subtly understand why Ren Ling firmly believed that Lin Xiaotang was very good and obedient…..

At the end, after seeing Ren Ling who came to pick her up, Lin Xiaotang’s normally flat face finally showed a relieved expression.

The adult social world turned out to be so terrifying and she finally no longer has to deal with this group of people!!

Seeing her younger sister who was so eager to go home, Ren Ling couldn’t help feeling a little bit of helplessness while laughing.

Lin Xiaotang is a good girl, he has always known that.

She has always been in a state of indifference or neglect towards those who harbor malicious intent.

But in the face of those who are kind to her, she never thought of hurting them.

So even though she can be scary at times, even if she has some supernatural powers, she never cares and never fears.

Lin Xiaotang didn’t know about Ren Ling’s mental activities.

After leaving the banquet, she couldn’t wait to return home, ready to take a good rest.

However, when she returned to her room and flipped through the microblogs she had just followed, she was surprised to find that Xu Yi secretly took a lot of photos at the banquet.

Looking at the photos posted on Xu Yi’s Weibo, the ones related to her, Lin Xiaotang was a little dazed.

Are there so many people around her?

However, this feeling.. .. is actually not too bad.


After the completion of the production, in the following days, Xu Yi and others entered the production process.

After the film is approved and the schedule is confirmed, it will soon arrive at the premiere of “Jiang Rao”.

For this premiere, many fans and reporters tried their best to get tickets.

When Lin Xiaotang walked on the red carpet, she could still hear many people in the audience calling her name.

“Lin Xiaotang! Lin Xiaotang!”

“Look here!”

“Sister Xiaotang! We like you!!—-“

Lin Xiaotang was slightly startled when she looked at the densely packed and emotional crowd.

In her mind, those vague and strange impressions about fans became very clear at this moment.

These are her fans.

And fans are people who love her so passionately.

Under the attention of all the people, Lin Xiaotang and other actors walked across the red carpet and sat in the first row of the theater.

Accompanied by a burst of melodious background music, the lights gradually dimmed.

In the darkness, those noisy voices have subsided.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the movie to play.

Finally, in the center of the screen, there appeared a slender and beautiful but ghostly girl.

Traveling through a dark forest, she hummed a song, smiled lightly, glanced casually at the camera and looked at everyone present——-

Jiang Rao….

                (End of this chapter)


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