She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

The world of modern entertainment industry (11)

After the audition, the crew and Lin Xiaotang quickly finalized the contract.

She has not signed a contract with the company, so in most cases, her guardian Ren Ling comes forward to talk.

Lin Xiaotang didn’t understand the social interaction of adults. So she took a glass of orange juice and sat silently at the dining table, watching Ren Ling, Xu Yi and others who were proficient in social skills eating and drinking, chatting.

After a meal, even the most indifferent person was brought a lot closer by Ren Ling.

When they left, they stretched out their hands and patted Lin Xiaotang’s head, encouraging: “Little girl, you must study hard and try to get good grades in the exam!”

Ren Ling listened to their words and said with a smile, “It will definitely be done. I will supervise her well at home.”

Lin Xiaotang: “…”

Why has the content of human greetings suddenly become related to learning??

Anyway, in the end she signed the contract with Xu Yi’s crew.

After that, Lin Xiaotang was sent home.

For the next month, she devoted all her energy to her studies.

Most of the people in the school knew about the abandoned teaching building and understood the plans of those few social people.

Therefore, both the teacher and the student feel very sorry for Lin Xiaotang and took good care of her on weekdays.

As the leader of this matter, Su Tiantian and those female gangsters, the school has dismissed them considering their behavior is too bad.

On the other hand, Lin Xiaotang also allowed them to reproduce the game experience that night in their dreams from time to time as punishment.

This punishment is what she learned in “Remnant of Life”.

More terrifying than direct killing is the never-ending terror and torture.

As for Xia Zeran, because he did not participate in this operation, he was not dropped out, but continued to stay in the school.

But his end was not good either.

After being frightened by the scene that night, for a long time, he lived in a daze, and his academic performance dropped seriously and he could barely pass on the exams.

And the classmates around him are also alienating him intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, the source of all these things lies in him after all.

If he hadn’t gone to the original owner with the idea of ​​”stimulating Su Tiantian”, nothing after that would have happened.

As for Xia Zeran, Lin Xiaotang was still the same as before, not taking him to heart at all.

She doesn’t have any hobbies for beating up these dog people. As long as these people don’t take the initiative to provoke her, she won’t shoot at them.

However, Xia Zeran took the initiative to send her a few text messages after the incident, broke up with her and said “sorry” to her.

Excuse me?

Lin Xiaotang glanced at his text messages and calmly added his phone number to the blacklist.

The person Xia Zeran was really sorry for was never her but the original owner and Su Tiantian.

Lin Xiaotang didn’t know whether he apologized to Su Tiantian, but what she knew was that the original owner will no longer receive

his apology.


And just like that, a month passed in a hurry.

Soon, the college entrance examination is coming.

After the last exam was over, Lin Xiaotang followed the surrounding crowd to the school gate and saw Ren Ling standing outside the school gate waiting for her.

Even after living for so many years, at the moment she left the campus, she still had the idea of ​​”finally freed”.

That night, Lin Xiaotang took her luggage and went to Xu Yi’s crew overnight.

Before that, Xu Yi had already sent her the complete script.

The name of the movie she is about to appear in is “Jiang Rao”, and this name is also the name of the villain she plays.

Unlike Ghost Revenge on Bad Street, Xu Yi’s film this time mainly focuses on the heroine Jiang Rao’s reckless life.

Jiang Rao is the product of incest. On the day she was born, her mother was beaten to death by villagers with a stick and she crawled out of the dead body.

Perhaps because of her unknown origin, although Jiang Rao was beautiful and attractive, her skin was pale, her appearance was ghostly, her personality was uncertain and her whole body had an air of sternness.

Such Jiang Rao is mysterious and seductive and has a fatal attraction to men.

She only needs to hook her finger lightly and countless men will come one after another to live for her, die for her and fall into hell for her.

The ending of the movie is also very interesting.

Under Jiang Rao’s instructions, the male protagonist killed everyone who was dissatisfied with her, including even his own teacher.

But what was waiting for him was Jiang Rao’s merciless abandonment.

In the end, the male protagonist who lost everything fell into madness and stabbed Jiang Rao to death on a rainy night.

Because the setting of the heroine Jiang Rao is too special, at the very beginning, Xu Yi did not like Lin Xiaotang but chose a beautiful and charming actress to play Jiang Rao.

Later, he thought about it  and felt that it was inferior.

What his films want to embody is a kind of horror from visual to psychological.

It’s the kind of horror where everyone loses their minds for the heroine and falls into extreme madness.

If the heroine’s appearance is too strong and overwhelms the sense of horror in the story, it will only make the whole movie look like a vulgar and low-level third-rate romance.

And Lin Xiaotang, although she looks gloomy, her face is the most photogenic “heroine” face, pure and clean.

When such a person plays Jiang Rao, the stronger the contrast, the more exciting it will bring to the audience.

Lin Xiaotang didn’t quite understand the thoughts Xu Yi wanted to express.

But in the past so many years, she has played an unknown number of BOSS and she is most familiar with the role of the villain.

As long as Director Xu Yi doesn’t have a whim and makes her cry and laugh, then these scenes are not difficult for her.

Considering that this was her first time acting in a movie, she didn’t quite understand many aspects. In order to take care of her, Ren Ling simply pushed all his work and joined Lin Xiaotang in the crew.

After the other actors came one after another, he introduced her in turn by the side.

“That is the male lead Tang Tianya, who has won two Best Actor awards… That is the second female lead, Xiao Yanran, who won the Best Supporting Actress White Bird Award. It is said that Director Xu once considered giving her the role of Jiang Rao… That is Mr.Wang, he is a famous old artist…..”

There are many crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’s in Xu Yi’s crew, even if it is a small supporting role, he/she is also a famous second-rate star outside.

The more Ren Ling watched, the more shocked he became. Now he has a clearer understanding of the strength of the crew of “Jiang Rao”.

In this regard, Lin Xiaotang’s reaction was quite ordinary: “Got it.”

In her eyes, these people are vulnerable ordinary people and there is no big difference between them.

If Ren Ling introduced too much, Lin Xiaotang would get bored and she would get distracted or stare at the snacks in Ren Ling’s hand.

Her attitude is obvious – she cares more about what to eat for lunch today than these famous celebrities.

Ren Ling: “……”

For some reason, he was not surprised at all by Lin Xiaotang’s reaction.

The few plays that Lin Xiaotang is going to shoot today are the appearances of the heroine Jiang Rao.

Among them, there are many characters and there are a lot of opponents with actor Tang Tianya.

After the various actors were in place, they officially started filming under the guidance of Xu Yi.

Because of Lin Xiaotang, the schedule of “Jiang Rao” was postponed for a month, which more or less affected other people’s activities.

As for herself, she doesn’t have any particularly outstanding works and her reputation is completely inferior to other actors, so it is really difficult to convince the public.

Therefore, at the beginning, the attitude of other actors towards Lin Xiaotang was slightly repelling.

However, after filming started, their minds changed completely.

Even in the middle of a group of actors, Lin Xiaotang’s every move can still drive the whole picture.

She is a natural focus of attention, even if her character lines and actions are not much but as long as she stands there quietly, she can calm everyone in the room.

To put it inappropriately, when she appeared under the camera, she seemed to have changed from a person to a cold and cruel poisonous snake – indifferent and calm on the surface, scanning the “prey” in front of her with her serene eyes .

Beautiful, gloomy, evil and with a bit of aloof indifference, these characteristics of “Jiang Rao” were vividly displayed by Lin Xiaotang.


After repeatedly shooting many scenes, Xu Yi finally took a satisfactory shot.

Xu Yi’s character has always been critical and he is notoriously strict with actors. He originally thought that the opening scene might take a day or two to shoot but he didn’t expect it to pass so easily.

Looking at the actors on the stage, Xu Yi’s mood became more cheerful and his words of scolding were much less.

The beginning of everything is difficult but the smooth opening scene has obviously improved the mental state of the entire crew.

The next time, they hardly encountered too difficult points during the shooting process.

During this period, Lin Xiaotang’s strength has also conquered many people.

As soon as the filming was over, the male lead Tang Tianya came over first and smiled friendly at Lin Xiaotang: “The future generations are terrible, I haven’t met such a spiritual actor for a long time.”

Tang Tianya is a person who climbed up from the bottom. He has experienced strong winds and waves and so his mind is quite deep but he looks quite gentle on the outside.

With rich experience in knowing people, he can already predict that after the broadcast of “Jiang Rao”, the popularity of the actress Lin Xiaotang will inevitably follow.

For this reason, he didn’t mind making a good relationship with Lin Xiaotang in advance and keeping a relationship.

Lin Xiaotang listened to his words, glanced at him and said lightly, “Thank you.”

Tang Tianya didn’t care about Lin Xiaotang’s bland reaction and continued to smile: “How about we take a photo together? You should have Weibo, right?”

What he meant was obvious. This was to interact with Lin Xiaotang’s Weibo and bring a wave of traffic to Lin Xiaotang.

This opportunity is undoubtedly an excellent exposure for ordinary actors.

However, in the face of his words, even if Ren Ling’s eyes were cramping with a wink next to him, Lin Xiaotang calmly rejected him: “No, I don’t use Weibo.”

She was telling the truth, after all, she didn’t even use her mobile phone very much now and Ren Ling was always taking care of accounts such as Weibo.

However, in the eyes of others, her remarks were obviously hitting Tang Tianya in the face.

After hearing Lin Xiaotang’s words, the eyebrows of the assistant beside Tang Tianya raised.

Tang Tianya didn’t show much anger, he just restrained his smile and said, “That’s a pity.”

Isn’t it a pity to miss the opportunity to interact with the actor Tang?

After Tang Tianya left, Ren Ling was almost helpless: “Xiao Tang, why did you reject him?”

He couldn’t figure out why Lin Xiaotang pushed such a good opportunity away.

Lin Xiaotang answered truthfully: “He is very strange.”

This person, who clearly had slight malice towards her, approached her with a smile on his face, making her completely invisible.

She thought for a while, then said, “In a few days, something may happen to the crew.”

In response, Ren Ling just sighed and didn’t take her words to heart at all.

After all, Lin Xiaotang has always been withdrawn and does not understand the world.

As for what happened… She is not a prophet, so how could she be accurate?

However, what Ren Ling never expected was that Lin Xiaotang was right.

After half a month, a big trouble suddenly appeared in the crew that had been calm all the time—

The crew is haunted.

            (End of this chapter)


  1. yatengarasu says:

    So like, a Tomie. That’s interesting.

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