She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Entering The Doomsday World (12)




Hearing this, Qi Yunyan was slightly startled.


“Is it cold?” she asked subconsciously.


When they came here this time, in order to facilitate their movement, everyone wore not many clothes.


It might be a physical problem. Qi Yunyan felt that the temperature in the office building was normal and not so cold.


The only problem was that the office building is a little too quiet.


Before they came, they had expected several times what to do if they were discovered, but they didn’t encounter anyone along the way.


“But, it’s really cold…”


After hearing her words, the others looked at each other in dismay.


Qi Yunyan glanced at them and found that their situation was indeed not very good.


Many people were frozen with blue cheeks and unnatural purple lips, and a few people even clasped their arms and began to tremble.


Maybe the light in the room was too dim, and everyone’s eyes were dark and without the slightest brilliance.


The dark eyes, combined with the bloodless faces, gave an indescribable gloomy feeling at a glance.


Such a scene was so strange that Qi Yunyan froze in place for a while.


To put it inappropriately, there seems to be a layer of invisible space here, which completely isolated her from the shrinking people around her.


Looking at the others, Qi Yunyan pursed her lips and did not say anything about herself.


“It’s really a bit cold… let’s go in quickly,” she said, “Find Lin Xiaotang first and get things done.”


After speaking, she turned her face away and tried her best to make her expression more natural.


“Let’s go then.”


The people around listened to her words and did not doubt anything.


They wrapped their clothes tightly, followed behind Qi Yunyan, and walked towards the next stairs together.


Lin Xiaotang’s study was on the fifth floor. This was the news that Qi Yunyan and the others had inquired about before they came.


In order not to alert anyone, they did not choose to take the elevator, but went up from the stairwell.


When they first went up to the second floor, everyone’s response was quite good.


Although their coldness was inexplicable, their expressions were very natural, and their limbs were not stiff when they move, which can make people feel that they were alive.


But as the floor gradually rose, Qi Yunyan found that the situation of these people was getting worse and worse.


When they reached the third floor, the footsteps of the others slowed down significantly.


Their bodies began to tremble in unison, and the sound of their teeth chattering could be heard clearly in the silent stairwell.


“Why is it getting colder…”


Someone said in a hoarse voice.


Qi Yunyan glanced out of the corner of the eye and found that when they breathed, white mist would come out of their mouths.


The thick white mist was particularly clear in the darkness, and in a trance, she had the illusion that she was in the cold winter.


This is so wrong, why is this happening?


Touching her warm palm, and feeling the suitable temperature around her, Qi Yunyan’s heart panicked, and a sense of retreat was in vain.


No…she can’t do that.


Maybe this is Lin Xiaotang trying to prevent someone from sneaking in. Maybe it’s a mystery. After all, zombies all have supernatural abilities.


It’s all coming, for her future, she can’t back down easily!


Thinking of this, and thinking of the various humiliations she has suffered these days, Qi Yunyan swallowed and suppressed the uneasiness in her heart.


Taking a deep breath, she continued walking upstairs.


Da da da… da da….


Da da……da….


Amid the slow footsteps of everyone, the fourth floor arrived.


It was at this time that a shrill scream came from behind Qi Yunyan!


“Ahhh! There’s a ghost!—”


What’s wrong?


After hearing the movement, Qi Yunyan turned back quickly, only to see the screaming man leaning against the wall, his legs trembling, and he almost collapsed to the ground.


His face was full of horror, and his eyes were staring, staring straight ahead.


And the place he looked at was actually behind her!


Noticing this, Qi Yunyan’s heart skipped a beat.


Following this person’s line of sight, she slowly turned around and found that the few people who had followed behind her were all different!


They still maintained the posture of going upstairs, their arms were slightly raised, and their heels had not yet landed. It seemed that they would walk to Qi Yunyan’s side in the next second.


But they remained motionless as if someone had pressed the pause button.


Because of the close distance, Qi Yunyan could clearly see that their faces were covered with a thin layer of frost.


The white mist no longer appeared in front of their mouths and noses, their chests no longer had the pulsing ups and downs of their hearts, and their skin and limbs looked unusually stiff.


What’s even more terrifying is that these frozen people have a weird smile on their faces!


Their expressions were so happy, as if they had seen a picture of incomparable happiness.


What’s happening!?


When people are afraid, because of the surge of adrenaline, it will be difficult to maintain rationality, becoming easily angered and impulsive.


In the chaos, Qi Yunyan stretched out her hand suddenly and touched the face of the person closest to her, trying to figure out what happened.


——Then, her body trembled uncontrollably.


When her fingers touched the other party’s cheek, an extremely cold breath followed the other’s skin and penetrated into Qi Yunyan’s fingertips.


This bit of biting cold, like a cold-blooded poisonous snake, was tightly twisted in her hand, almost making her entire finger lose consciousness.


Looking at this scene, she felt her frozen fingers again, and an unprecedented absurd thought suddenly popped out of her mind——


These people may have been frozen to death!


As soon as this idea appeared, Qi Yunyan’s heart was suddenly confused, and a look of horror finally appeared on her face.


Why? Why did they have an accident?


Where was the coldness coming from?!


No one knew that Qi Yunyan, who seemed not to be afraid of heaven, actually had one thing she was very afraid of – the dead.


To put it more correctly, it was corpses.


Perhaps it was the psychological shadow left over from her previous life, even if she has been in the past, Qi Yunyan will never forget the strength of zombies, and her weakness and powerlessness as an ordinary person.


During the ten years of her life in the Doomsdays, it has already caused incurable mental illnesses to her. The fear of zombies and death had also been deeply branded into her genes, but she had always disguised it well.


Qi Yunyan’s personality was relatively calm. In the past few months, even in the face of more than 100 zombies, she had been able to stay sane throughout the process.


But since she entered this office building, everything that has happened was horrible.


When it was confirmed that her companion was dead, the nerves in her mind that had been tense were completely broken.


“I do not want to!!!”


After letting out a shrill scream, Qi Yunyan took two steps back, turned and fled upstairs.


She ran very fast, stumbled, and almost tried her best to get out of here!


No, she can’t stay here! She doesn’t want to stay with them!


Qi Yunyan moved quickly.


Without waiting for the others to react, she hurriedly left the fourth floor and came to the fifth floor.


The fifth floor was where Lin Xiaotang’s study is located, and it was also the highest floor of the building.


Further up, there were no stairs to go up.


After arriving at this floor, Qi Yunyan did not hesitate, and staggered into the corridor.


She leaned against the wall, gasping for breath, until her heartbeat gradually subsided, and then followed the route in her memory and slowly walked towards Lin Xiaotang’s study.


She also didn’t know what else she could do when she went to find Lin Xiaotang after losing her companion.


But she has nowhere else to go, and she who dare not look back can only go to this position.


Compared with the fourth floor below, the fifth floor was deeper and quieter.


A dead silence engulfed them, swallowing up all the sound.


In the previous floor, Qi Yunyan could still hear the subtle breathing of the people around her, and could feel the rubbing noise from the clothes when they collided with each other.


But after arriving here, these slight movements all disappeared.


However, Qi Yunyan felt extremely at ease about this.


Just be quiet, as long as she can leave those people who were not in the right state, she was fine with anything.


Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she stretched her legs out again.


However, it may be that she has slowed down. While walking, Qi Yunyan recalled all the things that happened just now, and suddenly noticed something was wrong.


As the leader, she has always been at the forefront of the team.


If it wasn’t for someone screaming from behind and reminding her, she would not have looked back and discovered the fact that those few people were frozen to death.


But why was he screaming?


When they found that their companions were standing still, their first reaction should be to walk over to ask and observe the situation, instead of calling them out directly, right?


…And, if she remembered correctly, the person who screamed at the beginning seemed to be shouting “There is a ghost”?


Thinking of this, Qi Yunyan’s footsteps stopped.


The details that she ignored came up like a tide, and a chill rushed up her back, making her tremble with fear, and her heartbeat accelerated frantically.


And at this moment, behind her ear, there was a chuckle.


“I finally found you.”


Qi Yunyan stiffened her body and tilted her head slightly, only to see a black figure standing quietly behind her, clinging tightly to her back.


Then it reached out a hand towards her.


Along with its movements, Qi Yunyan felt her legs begin to tremble.


The surrounding air suddenly became extremely cold, so cold that her eyes were blackened, and even the breath she was breathing turned into a cloud of white mist.


It’s really cold…


These five words were the only thoughts that came to Qi Yunyan’s mind before she passed out.




After Qi Yunyan collapsed, the lights suddenly turned on in the originally dark corridor on the fifth floor.


Immediately afterwards, a beautiful girl with black hair and black eyes opened the door.


With gentle steps, she walked out and came to the unconscious Qi Yunyan’s side.


She stretched out her hand, pulled off the jade bracelet on Qi Yunyan’s wrist, and put it on her own wrist.


From the very beginning, when she sold the bracelet to Qi Yunyan for 2 million, she had been waiting for the day when she could get the bracelet back.


No matter what Qi Yunyan wanted, she was sure that she could do it.


But now it seemed that she no longer needed to make Qi Yunyan pay the price.


After observing the bracelet for a few seconds, after confirming that it was not a fake, Lin Xiaotang clapped her hands and summoned a few level 5 zombies.


“Take them to the research institute and let Hua Mingxiu and the others take over.” She commanded lightly.


“Ho ho!”


When Qi Yunyan and the others entered her office building, they were noticed by Lin Xiaotang.


In other words, from the moment they entered her base and started to inquire about her, Lin Xiaotang had been observing them.


She knew that in this world, there would definitely be people who didn’t agree with her, or hated her.


Just like Qi Yunyan and her members, they always harbour malicious intentions for various reasons, hoping that something will happen to her to cause a war between zombies and humans.


However, she didn’t plan to reason with these people either.


It just so happened that her research institute had just extracted the zombie virus some time ago and produced a “zombie potion” that can convert ordinary people into zombies without injury.


Just considering the particularity of the zombie virus, the medicine has not yet undergone clinical trials.


In order to turn the remaining ordinary people into zombies and complete the “evolution”, she needs to find some volunteers to test the medicine.


These people who had thrown themselves into the trap naturally fell into Lin Xiaotang’s eyes.


So, after using some abilities to frighten them and teach them a lesson, Lin Xiaotang froze them directly.


Unsurprisingly, they ended up being injected with the virus by those in the research institute, acting as guinea pigs for research.


In this way, they can also make a little contribution to the development of mankind.


While thinking about it, Lin Xiaotang turned around and re-entered the study.


The original owner’s grandmother’s bracelet has returned to the original owner, and insignificant people like Qi Yunyan were no longer enough to attract her attention.


Next, she still has a lot of things to deal with, such as how to rebuild her base and how to arrange the zombies outside. She can’t waste time here.




That night, what happened in Lin Xiaotang’s office building was so quiet that no one noticed.


The disappearance of Qi Yunyan and others did not cause any sensation in the outside world.


Also, after all, the once glorious Ark Base became a waste area a few months ago and was slowly forgotten by the outside world.


There were so many people in City B, who would care about these ordinary strangers?


In the fast-growing zombie base, everyone was working hard for the future of mankind.


As time passed, Qi Yunyan and the others were like small grains of sand, completely submerged by the rolling waves of the times.


A year later, after a large number of clinical trials, the B City Research Institute finally launched a generation of zombie medicine to the outside world.


Ordinary people who take the potion will be transformed into zombies overnight, and in the process, they will not be hurt, and the pain will be greatly reduced.


Moreover, compared to those naturally formed zombies, these potions can effectively shorten the evolution time of zombies.


Under normal circumstances, it takes about two years for a level 1 zombie to rise to level 5, but after taking the zombie potion, an ordinary person can evolve to level 5 in only half a year, and gradually begin to have sanity and a preliminary restoring the memories of being a human being.


Of course, those who have passed the potion to complete the evolution will have a certain gap with the normal zombies in terms of ability.


Some people have no way to have powers even after they become zombies, but their stamina values ​​will become larger.


But even so, it’s better than being an ordinary person.


In the 3rd and 5th years after that, there were successive second and third generations of zombie potions in City B.


By the tenth year of the end of the world, most of the zombies have completely completed their evolution, returned to human form, and acquired very powerful abilities.


In order to distinguish, some scientists call this group of people “new human beings”, while those before the end of the world are called “old human beings”.


The new humans are much stronger than the old humans in terms of physical strength, lifespan, and even survivability.


It may be because the new humans have been staying by Lin Xiaotang’s side since they first evolved, and were “enslaved” by her.


Therefore, even if they changed back to human beings, they still listened to Lin Xiaotang’s words very much.


The reverence for Lin Xiaotang, the zombie king, has been deeply engraved in their minds and has become their instinct.


As a result, even if the new humans have powerful enough superpowers, they still have to be obedient under the laws and regulations promulgated by Lin Xiaotang.


Compared with the old society, the new society formed by the more destructive new human beings has a much better public security environment.


As for the original Zombie King Huhu, he named himself Lin Xue’an a few years ago.


Influenced by Lin Xiaotang, he loves learning very much, often goes to research institutes, and has a strong interest in biology.


In order to satisfy his desire for research, the little cat Awu was brutally attacked by Lin Xue’an many times and was forcibly placed on the test bench.


When Lin Xiaotang returned home, she could often see this person and cat chasing and hiding, fighting everywhere.


Lin Xiaotang: “…..”


She was a little surprised and a little helpless about his change.


After all, Lin Xue’an in the original plot is an indifferent and ruthless villain who only wants to lead the zombies to attack the human base every day.


But now, Lin Xue’an has become a science madman.


“If I can, I really want to study myself.” He once said to Lin Xiaotang.


Ever since he knew that he had completed evolution since he was born and became a new human, Lin Xue’an had developed a strong interest in himself.


Similarly, he was very curious about Lin Xiaotang, because he could feel that Lin Xiaotang didn’t look like a zombie or a new human.


“I’m an old human.” Lin Xiaotang said very frankly in the face of Lin Xue’an’s question.


There is nothing shameful about it. Since he wants to know, she will tell him.


“I see.”


Lin Xue’an grew up with zombies since he was a child, and he hadn’t seen the old humans very much. He wasn’t surprised or surprised by this.


Having been with Lin Xiaotang for so long, he has long had guesses about Lin Xiaotang’s physical condition, and Lin Xiaotang’s reply now only confirms his guess.


However, Lin Xue’an was not surprised, but after the news of “Lin Xiaotang turned out to be an old human” spread to the outside world, it caused a sensation in the entire human world.


Countless people were shocked. They never expected that the powerful and mysterious zombie king of the past was not even a zombie!


“I must be dreaming…” Someone couldn’t help but murmured.


“It’s no wonder that those spies told me back then that Lin Xiaotang is a vegetarian, and she is not a zombie at all!”


Those who had sent people to infiltrate the zombie base and inquired about Lin Xiaotang’s deeds, the high-level executives of the human base, in addition to being shocked, also showed a sudden look.


However, why does it matter if Lin Xiaotang was a zombie or not?


Although they didn’t know what she relied on to control the zombies in the first place, she has contributed greatly to the development of the new human beings.


She is a hero to all mankind.


In this way, under the leadership of a group of people headed by Lin Xiaotang, the new humans rebuilt their homes.


The national system has recovered, and all parts of the world have entered a stage of rapid development.


As for why human beings suddenly evolved on their own, and what the real sign of the emergence of zombie viruses was, this has always been an unsolved mystery in everyone’s mind.


However, because their current capabilities are not enough, and many researchers have injected themselves to become zombies, the progress of this research is very slow.


However, it didn’t take long for the mystery to be revealed.


In the 25th year of the end of the world, a comet suddenly came to the earth!


Before it broke through the atmosphere, it was torn into large and small “fragments” by the strong gravity of the earth, scattered and landed on the surface of the earth.


Their impact brought a nearly devastating blow to the ecosystem, triggered a large-scale tsunami in an instant, and disrupted the Earth’s internal magnetic field!


Earthquakes occurred, landslides and fissures, floods flooded, and volcanoes erupted frequently… All kinds of natural disasters erupted simultaneously, destroying nearly 60% of human homes.


In this earth-shaking disaster, many fragile old humans died on the spot.


Even some new humans with poor survivability had not been able to resist for too long.


Only the new human beings who were strong enough and have a certain self-repair ability can barely survive this earth-shattering disaster.


It turned out that this was the real “End of the world”.


And when the end of the world comes this time, the most striking thing was not the frequent natural and man-made disasters, but a person——


Lin Xiaotang.


In the sky, the clouds rolled wildly, and the light was dazzling. In such a dazzling scene, a slender girl stood quietly in mid-air, looking up at the sky.


Facing the menacing comet, she waved her hand, and blocked most of the comet fragments and forcibly blocked them out of the atmosphere!


Her movements were so light, and the scenes she creates are so vast and magnificent that many years later, they were still clearly embedded in the minds of hundreds of millions of people.


———End of this chapter. 



  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:

    Grand ending, im gonna miss LXT the GOAT🥹

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