She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Entering The Doomsday World (11)


Someone sent her a letter?


Lin Xiaotang raised her eyebrows and flipped through the letter.


The person who wrote this letter was Qi Yunyan, and the content of the letter was very simple, probably because Grandma Lin Xiaotang’s jade bracelet was still in her hand.


She can return the bracelet to Lin Xiaotang, but there was one condition—


“If you still want a bracelet, go to the Ark base to find me, and you are not allowed to bring people here.”


Lin Xiaotang: ???


After reading this sentence twice, Lin Xiaotang realised that Qi Yunyan was threatening her.


Lin Xiaotang: “…..”


She hadn’t had such an experience for a long time.


Faced with such a letter, Lin Xiaotang threw it aside without thinking.


There was a problem with this kind of invitation at first sight, and she didn’t want to go there.


Besides, she’s so busy right now that she didn’t have time to take care of these things.


Qi Yunyan wants to see her? Then come over herself, don’t put on such a high-spirited look.


In this way, after seven or eight days, Qi Yunyan’s small group still did not receive Lin Xiaotang’s reply.


After half a month passed, they finally confirmed one thing— Lin Xiaotang didn’t want to talk to them at all.


Everyone: “…..”


What happened? Why didn’t it work?!


Faced with this result, many people were a little confused.


Qi Yunyan was even more angry, this feeling of being ignored by others was not comfortable at all.


She told everyone so confidently before that Lin Xiaotang cared about her grandmother’s bracelet very much, so she would definitely come over to find it.


As a result, who would have thought that Lin Xiaotang would be so indifferent.


What’s more embarrassing was that there is nothing she can do about it.


The current situation was that she needs Lin Xiaotang to come to her in order to implement her assassination plan.


If Lin Xiaotang didn’t come, she would be completely passive.


Speaking of which, this situation seems to have happened a long time ago.


When she asked Lin Xiaotang to buy her bracelet, the initiative was always in her hands, but for some reason, she was suddenly led away by Lin Xiaotang by the nose.


If it weren’t for the fact that there was space in this bracelet to allow her to pretend to be a power user, Qi Yunyan would have liked to smash it to give Lin Xiaotang a look.


“Miss Qi, what are we going to do next?”


In the conference room, someone couldn’t help asking.


“Why don’t we just forget it?” Someone else said.


Qi Yunyan had no choice, what else can they do?


They didn’t have Grandma Lin Xiaotang’s jade bracelet, and they couldn’t reach her.


“…Let’s go to City B.”


After a long time, Qi Yunyan gritted her teeth and made a final decision: “If she doesn’t come, then we will take the initiative to find her.”


As long as they can find a way to pack Lin Xiaotang into the space, all the zombies will lose control, and the zombie base’s fall will inevitably occur.


At that time, if they work hard, they will be able to retreat, but there will be a little danger.


She didn’t believe it anymore, Lin Xiaotang really didn’t care about her grandma’s bracelet!


“Okay, let’s try it.”


After listening to Qi Yunyan’s explanation, most of the people in the Ark Base were persuaded by her.


Yes, their purpose was to break the current situation, make the zombies no longer obedient, and restore their bloodthirsty nature. Such a thing, they can do it even in City B.


In any case, they have to try to assassinate once, what if they succeed?


So, the next time, they discussed and arranged a second plan.


For example, how do they sneak into the zombie base, how do they approach Lin Xiaotang, and successfully put her in Qi Yunyan’s space.


Under normal circumstances, it was difficult to get close to the owner of a base, but fortunately, the zombie base was open all day.


Anyone can enter and exit at any time, without auditing or notification.


Lin Xiaotang didn’t seem to be afraid that someone will conspire, and she did have such self-confidence.


After confirming this, Qi Yunyan and others no longer hesitated, and immediately sneaked into the human living area of ​​the B city base under the pretext of “wanting to find family members who became zombies”.


In the first few days, in order not to arouse suspicion from those around them, they pretended for a while.


After that, they began to inquire about Lin Xiaotang, intentionally or unintentionally.


Among them, Qi Yunyan was the most serious one.


Maybe it was because the first plan failed and she lost face, so this time, she put in a lot of effort.


She was peeping at Lin Xiaotang almost day and night, or tried her best to get close to the people around Lin Xiaotang and listen to all kinds of information.


As the zombie king, Lin Xiaotang’s whereabouts were not a secret at all in the zombie base.


She was the focal point of the entire base. Whether it was humans or zombies, all creatures were watching her, loving her, and watching her every move.


After a long time, Qi Yunyan was in a trance, and even had a feeling of returning to the previous life.


At that time, she was also like this, standing in obscurity among countless ordinary people, and could only look up at Lin Xiaotang who was a power user.


How did she feel at that time?


Envy, or jealousy?


Qi Yunyan couldn’t remember anymore.


All she knew was that now that she has been reborn in her new life, she will do whatever it takes to make up for the regrets of her previous life.


Whether it was to become a superpower…or to step on all those who look down on her under her feet.




After half a month of hard observation, the people at the Ark Base finally figured out Lin Xiaotang’s daily habits.


They found that Lin Xiaotang would go to the study alone to handle affairs from 8:00 to 10:00 every night.


At this time, there was no one around her to accompany her.


After confirming this, they did not hesitate and took immediate action.


That night, Qi Yunyan sneaked into Lin Xiaotang’s office building with a dozen people.


First, they deliberately sent a few people to make some noise outside the office building, attracting the zombies guarding outside the office building.


Then, they slipped in again.


Maybe it’s because they were careful enough that they didn’t get noticed by anyone during the whole process.


Not long after, everyone entered the office building and came to the entrance of the stairwell.


It was now 8:30 in the evening, it was getting late, and the sky outside was gradually darkening.


The light in the office building was dim, many corners were dark, and the distant scene became blurred.


Qi Yunyan walked all the way, except for them, she didn’t see a single person.


The interior of the office building looked very deserted, and the sound of their footsteps could be clearly heard in the empty and quiet corridor.


Da da da… da da da…


Da da……da…


For some reason, hearing these footsteps made Qi Yunyan panic.


It was as if something bad was about to happen.


“Why does it feel a little cold…”


At this time, someone suddenly muttered in a low voice.


———End of this chapter. 



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