She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Entering The Doomsday World (10)


Thinking of this, Qi Yunyan started to look for some people who were also dissatisfied with Lin Xiaotang.


She didn’t believe that everyone in the world will support the Zombie King!


Unsurprisingly, she found them too.


Before Lin Xiaotang appeared, many people in the last days, like Qi Yunyan, had tasted the benefits of a chaotic society.


People who were originally at the bottom of the society were praised as the leader of a small team because of their powerful strength or abilities, and even created a small base.


And these people also belong to the kind that have no moral values.


Seeing that Qi Yunyan planned to attack Lin Xiaotang, they were immediately attracted, a group immorals working together.


Apart from this kind of people, there was a group of people who really hated zombies.


They have been injured by zombies, hate zombies deeply, and were unwilling to live in peace with zombies.


“Not of our race, their hearts must be different.” They always believed that Lin Xiaotang was secretly planning a huge conspiracy.


Only the survival of human beings is the safest. It is best for zombies to disappear.


With all kinds of thoughts, they gathered together and joined the Ark Base.


But then, the problem arises—


What method could they rely on to create a surprise attack on Lin Xiaotang, who was surrounded by zombies?


Even without the protection of the zombie followers, Lin Xiaotang’s own strength was very powerful, and they were completely unmatched!


Everyone: “..…”


Thinking of this, these people got a little discouraged.


At this moment, Qi Yunyan stood up.


“I have a way,” she said.


Yes, if they went to fight Lin Xiaotang upright, they would definitely not be able to fight.


But in her hand, there was Lin Xiaotang’s grandma’s bracelet!


When Lin Xiaotang sold her the bracelet, it cost her two million.


If nothing else, Lin Xiaotang has deep feelings for this bracelet.


“My ability is space, and my space can store living creatures,” Qi Yunyan said lightly, “As long as we find a way to draw her out, I can stuff her into my space, and then kill her.”


This plan was carefully thought up by Qi Yunyan.


It’s not perfect, but it can achieve unexpected results.


And this was the only way she can think of at the moment, the only way to target Lin Xiaotang.


“Good! I agree!”


After listening to Qi Yunyan’s words, the others nodded and expressed their support.


In the following time, they further improved this plan.


When the time came, Qi Yunyan took out the letter she had already written, gave it to the person she had bought, and let him deliver it to Lin Xiaotang.




“Miss Lin, our experiment has made a huge breakthrough!”


On the other side, in the experimental building of the zombie base, all the researchers were very excited.


Many of them didn’t change their clothes very much, their beards covered their faces, and even female researchers looked disheveled.


But when they looked at Lin Xiaotang, the eyes of all of them were extremely bright.


After half a year of research, they finally discovered the source of the zombie virus.


And this virus actually comes from the human body!


“We suspect that the emergence of zombies may not have been caused by viruses,” Hua Mingxiu said confidently, standing in front of Lin Xiaotang, “Or rather than using the word virus to describe it, it is better to say that this is an ‘evolution’ ‘.”




Hearing this, Lin Xiaotang was a little surprised.


“Yes, evolution, it is the evolution of human genes.” Hua Mingxiu nodded affirmatively.


She waved her hand and displayed all the current research materials in front of everyone.


The most striking of these is the research report on the crystal nucleus in the zombie brain.


“According to what we found, all zombies have crystal cores in their minds,” Hua Mingxiu said. “This also means that all zombies actually have supernatural abilities.”


To improve the abilities of ordinary people, they need to absorb the energy in the crystal core.


What about zombies? They only need to be full and only needed to supplemented meat, and they can continue to upgrade.


What’s even more rare was that after a zombie is injured, as long as enough meat was fed, it can grow back the injured place.


Their self-healing ability is extremely strong, and their combat effectiveness is also very terrifying. If you want to kill them completely, you can only open their brains and take the the crystal nucleus.


At first, after discovering these points, a guess immediately emerged in Hua Mingxiu’s mind—


Is it possible for zombies to be a better life form than humans?


If it weren’t for the inability to think and have no memory, zombies were almost a kind of existence that hangs and beats humans!


So, the evolutionary view of “human-zombie” was put forward by her at a research conference.


After a long period of painstaking research, they finally proved this guess to be correct – the zombie virus was really produced by humans themselves!


“Evolution is like reincarnation. Those level 1 zombies are just like newborn children. They have low thinking ability and only ask for food,” Hua Mingxiu said. “But when their rank increases, they will grow up. Growing their own mind, and even restoring previous memories.”


This is also the reason why most level 1 zombies are dumbfounded.


But being stupid doesn’t mean they really don’t have any thinking ability at all. As long as someone can teach them to live again like children, their “growth” process will be greatly improved.


Hearing this, Lin Xiaotang nodded, and her heart was suddenly stunned.


I see.


The emergence of the last days is not a devastating blow, but a global human evolution.


Although no one can investigate the source of this evolution at present, it does exist.


In this way, those ordinary people who are not infected are actually people who cannot evolve.


After being infected, the person who became an ability user, it is estimated that half of the evolution failed, and it became like this.


This is the truth of everything.


“Very good,” Lin Xiaotang said in admiration after listening, “You guys did a great job.”


To be able to make such an answer within half a year, these researchers have definitely paid unimaginable hardships.


She flipped through these research results, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, she handed it over to the person next to her: “Send it to the ‘X’ base.”


With such a piece of evidence, the gap between humans and zombies may be completely eliminated.


The people under her received her order and nodded quickly.


After dealing with various things, Lin Xiaotang announced the research results on the same day.


Faced with the emergence of the concept of “evolution”, many people have been severely impacted.


But what is more worthy of their joy than that their loved ones can be restored to the way they were?


Looking at their dumb zombie relatives, many people couldn’t help shedding tears.


Their hard work these days was not in vain.


Of course, after learning the news of evolution, many ordinary people rushed over in a panic, expressing that they wanted to be “vaccinated” by the zombie virus and become zombies.


However, in order to ensure safety, Lin Xiaotang did not support their vaccination for the time being, and strictly prohibited others from doing so.


And that night, when Lin Xiaotang returned to the bedroom, she found that a mysterious letter appeared on her desk.


———End of this chapter.



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