She is the Daughter of the Villainess in a ridiculous Novel

SDVMN Chapter 13

Seeing the Duchess’s eyes waver, Idel felt cold sweat break out on her back. This wasn’t what she wanted.


‘If I leave a good impression on the Duchess like this, Melisa won’t just let it slide.’


She didn’t even want to imagine what crazy things an unhinged person might do.


‘How much effort have I put into discreetly causing trouble while evading Melisa’s watchful eye!’


She couldn’t let all that effort go to waste.


“That’s not it.”


Idel denied Gianna’s words again, casting her gaze towards the Duke of Clementine, who showed her the least kindness.


“Hey, say something! You actually didn’t even go there…”

“Enough, Idel. Don’t embarrass me further. I’m sorry. I know it’s very late, but can you forgive me even now?”


With her hands clasped at her chest, Gianna apologized earnestly. 

Even the awkward lies sounded natural this time.

This showed how deeply ingrained Gianna’s habit of honestly admitting her mistakes was.

It was still a lie, so her hands were trembling slightly from the tension, but that very gesture seemed to come across as more sincere to the people.

A soft gasp could be heard from the servants as they saw Gianna’s tightly pressed lips and serious gaze.


“Goodness, Miss Gianna is trembling, isn’t she? She must really be embarrassed, as she said. How cute!”

“Ah… her cheeks are flushed, and even her little hands…”

“But if what Miss Gianna said is true, then the two of them went to the shortcut together? That’s… kind of cute, isn’t it?”


The servants’ remarks mostly focused on praising Gianna, but there were a few who were oddly favorable towards Idel.

Idel subtly bit her lower lip as the atmosphere became as soft and fluffy as cotton candy.


‘No, are they all out of their minds? Why are they so gullible?’


These people, the masters and the servants alike—this is why they all got taken advantage of by Melisa, isn’t it?

Momentarily stunned by the unexpected situation, Idel’s mind began to work furiously in the face of the crisis.


‘No matter how much I deny it, they won’t hear me now. Since Gianna’s lie about taking me through the shortcut has been accepted, it will be difficult for the Duke of Clementine’s opinion to be taken seriously. In that case…’


There was no other choice left.

Although it was completely different from what she had planned and involved risks, she had no choice but to make the opposite claim.

With her mind made up, Idel briefly glared around and then trembled.

Then she deliberately murmured softly to draw people’s attention.




“Gianna is a liar!”


The sudden, loud and sharp outburst froze the atmosphere that had softened.

Idel, unable to control her emotions, grumbled and stomped her foot.

Then she glared venomously at the stunned Gianna.

Tears welled up in Idel’s wide-open eyes, filled with a sense of anger.


“The shortcut, ugh! You said the shortcut was around here… but when I looked for it, it wasn’t there!”


“To the shortcut, hic! I was going to go out, but not here—to my real home… I was trying to go to my real home…”


Suppressing her emotions, Idel spat out each word, and tears fell from her eyes like mouse droppings.

She shouted angrily without blinking, pointing at everyone present.


“I, hic! I don’t like any of this! I don’t like the Duke, I don’t like the Duchess, and I don’t like her either, hic! I hate everyone who always says no, and I hate this place, and I hate everything around here!”


“I’m going home…hic! This isn’t my home… I’ll go see my, hic, friend who misses me!”


Her face flushed red from how much she was screaming.

Gianna’s expression, upon seeing Idel, was also far from calm.

Gianna, surprised by her sister’s unexpected words, caught up in the moment; she too began to tear up and stomp her feet.


“I-Idel… That’s not it, I, um, you…”

“Ugh, I’ll never believe your words again, hic! You’re all liars!”


Clenching her fists, Idel rushed towards the helpless Gianna.

No, more accurately, she was about to rush towards her.



“Idel Clementine! Get a hold of yourself!”


If only her head hadn’t spun and her body had fallen to the ground at the moment she stomped her foot and lunged forward.

The Duke, who had barely managed to catch the falling child, looked alarmed.

The child’s body, which had been perfectly fine just moments ago, was now burning hot.


“…She has a high fever. We’re going back to the manor right now. Call Doctor Aiman immediately.”


Idel was just as flustered. As Vincent hurriedly carried her, she couldn’t help but open her mouth in shock.

No, this wasn’t how she wanted things to go…?

Wait, could it be…?


‘Okay, see you next time. Ah, customer, please go and rest well today. Alright?’


That bastard, Vilred.

If that’s what he meant, he should have explained it more clearly!


☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓 ☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓


After quickly returning to the manor, Vincent and Rowena calmed Gianna, sent her to her room, and immediately called Aiman, the attending physician.

It was because Idel’s body was hot, like a fireball, and she was breathing heavily, which seemed quite serious.

She was even starting to break out in a cold sweat now.

Idel scanned the bustling people with her eyes and quickly turned her head, moving her lips.


“…This is unnecessary.”



She can’t even open her eyes properly. What nonsense is she talking about?

With a furrowed brow, the Duke cut off Idel’s words and called for someone again.


“Is Aiman still not here?”

“He’s in the apothecary’s room, so it will take some time for him to come to the manor. And considering his age, it will take longer. But I’ll send someone to check on him again.”

“Alright. Just in case, send a knight as well.”



Considering the gravity of the situation, Sylvia quickly provided a solution and skillfully left a few people behind as she grasped the doorknob.

Despite her feelings for the former Countess Lopez and Idel, Idel was recognized as a member of the Duke’s family.


‘And the health of a member of the ducal family is one of the crucial pieces of information that the servants cannot overlook.’


Remembering her duty as the head maid, Sylvia checked the faces of the servants present, considering any potential emergencies. Then she calmly gave instructions.


“When the doctor arrives, don’t delay and take him inside immediately. Prepare towels and clothes so you can assist at any time.”

“Yes, Sylvia.”

“And who was the child that Idel was paying attention to? The one who received medicine.”

“Huh? Ah, yes, that was me…”

“Oh, you’re here. You, in particular, must be fully prepared at all times. Do you understand?”


Upon hearing Sylvia’s instruction, Diane felt a sudden darkness wash over her.

Those words meant that if Idel became difficult, she would be sacrificed as a scapegoat.

Those words meant that whenever Idel threw a tantrum, Sylvia would sacrifice Diane like an offering.


“You don’t understand?”

“Ah, no. I understand! I will keep it in mind!”


Diane straightened her back and bowed respectfully in response to Sylvia’s question.

Though Sylvia was known for her strict adherence to principles, she was considered a relatively kind superior among the maids. However, for Diane, she was as formidable as Idel.

Even if she truly didn’t know, she was not someone who would easily admit ignorance.




Satisfied with Diane’s response, Sylvia was about to turn the doorknob when a loud commotion erupted in the hallway, accompanied by a sharp voice.


“Although this is an urgent matter, the lady cannot see Miss Idel yet! As it is part of the disciplinary action…”

“Disciplinary action? Idel has collapsed right now, and you dare mention disciplinary action in front of me? Do you think I’m a fool? Step aside before I cut out your tongue!”


Sylvia straightened her posture at the unexpected, chaotic interruption.

Her expression turned cold and rigid as she faced Melisa.


“You cannot enter.”


Hearing the head maid’s response, Melisa’s eyes flashed fiercely through her red hair.

Pulling her neatly painted lips into a crooked smile, she emphasized her words.


“I am that child’s mother.”

“Duchess Rowena is Idel’s mother.”

“…Ha! That’s right. But what of it? That Duchess is my sister.”




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