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The Portrait of Pride

The Portrait of Pride

교만의 초상
Native LanguageKorean

“They want a child who cannot see. As the crown prince’s bedchamber maid.”

Diana, a maid sent to drag the crown prince, who stands at the pinnacle of political strife, down into ruin.

“My brother is inherently tender-hearted. He cannot easily overlook fragile and beautiful things. He will not abandon you. So blind his eyes and deafen his ears until I come to sever his neck.”

No, the world has undoubtedly misunderstood this man entirely.

As Diana writhed in silent agony under the thunderous onslaught of pleasure, she screamed inwardly at the one who sent her here: You were wrong.

Diana had never encountered a demon as cruel and captivating as this man.

Followed 47 people
This title has been categorized as 'mature', therefore may contain intense violence, blood/gore, sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers.


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