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The Huntress and Her Love Prey

The Huntress and Her Love Prey

그 사냥꾼의 구애방식
Native LanguageKorean

This is the story of how the tough hunter Ar has captured the prince’s heart.


One day, a super handsome prince with blond hair and blue eyes suddenly takes up residence in a hunter’s house deep in the forest. He ends up falling for Ar, the strongest, coolest, and cutest hunter in the village…

A wild clash between nature and civilization— a love story, or should we say, a hunting story?


Followed 32 people

Gallery The Huntress and Her Love Prey


  1. is this novel being discontinued

    1. Alaa says:

      Of course not, dear 😂. The last update was only a week ago, I will publish the next chapter soon 🤍.
      What made you think so? The story is too good to be dropped.

  2. Dancing in the moonlight says:

    thanks so much i love this so far

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