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I Healed my Husband, the Leader of the Underworld

I Healed my Husband, the Leader of the Underworld

IHHLU, 암흑가 수장 남편을 치료해 주었더니
Native LanguageKorean

In this gripping 19+ rated novel, I found myself as the ex-wife of the male protagonist, who gets killed by her own husband. There’s nothing I could do to escape the marriage because by the time I woke up in this world, our wedding vows had already been sealed.

Therefore, I decided to focus on things I could still change.

I was clueless about my husband’s activities, but I often saw him return late at night, covered in bruises. So, I learned some crude healing techniques and used them to treat his injuries.

And contrary to the original storyline, I developed a good relationship with his adorable younger sister; I also showed kindness to his illegitimate son.

But rather than obtaining a safe divorce, it feels like I’ve fallen into a trap.

“While being so dedicated to your social activities, it seems like some bastard caught your attention, huh?”

I even claimed to have fallen in love with some non-existent man. However, my normally indifferent husband’s reaction to the news was quite unsettling.

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  1. bluepillow says:

    I was waiting for someone to pick this novel.
    I LOVE IT!!
    THANK you❤️❤️🥲. Please don’t drop it:”)))

    1. Loulou says:

      Thank you for reading ☺️

  2. Zafrin says:

    Omg im hooked! Thanks for ur hard work!

    1. Loulou says:

      Glad to hear that 😅.
      Thanks for reading.

  3. justafan says:

    Ugh I love this, thx for translating🥰

    1. Loulou says:

      Thanks for reading love ❤️

  4. Leelan says:

    This is so exciting.Thank you for translating this.

    1. Loulou says:

      Thanks for reading hun.

  5. monamary says:


    1. Loulou says:

      😂 Thank you for reading hun.

  6. artemis_03 says:

    Thanks for translations💙

    1. Loulou says:

      Thanks for reading 😁.

  7. artemis_03 says:

    Man!! the tension!!!
    Thank you for the translation ❤️

  8. WeirdoKid245 says:

    just wanted to say this, but that man on the cover is looking MAD FINE! like, SCRUMP-deli-CIOUS fine!

    1. Loulou says:

      He is, isn’t he? 😩

  9. Felix says:

    What about the chapter 27 when will it be uploaded please tell me the date

    1. Loulou says:

      It’s coming very soon; tomorrow. Stay tuned.

  10. krih says:

    Thanks for the translation 😊. Love reading it. When will chapter 30 be uploaded?

    1. Loulou says:

      Chapter 30 is up now hun.

      1. krih says:

        Thank you so much😭😭😭

  11. Viridity says:

    Im very grateful for the translator for picking up this novel
    I love it honestly in fact i check for updates every single day

  12. Tiara says:

    Thank you for the translation, I love this novel very much ❤️❤️

  13. krih says:


  14. YrnnLea says:

    has this been dropped?

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