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Hardboiled Scenario

Hardboiled Scenario

하드보일드 시나리오
Native LanguageKorean

When their eyes met, Muyoung’s impression was more accurately described as ‘pierced by her gaze’ rather than ‘love at first sight.’

‘I know that woman. She probably doesn’t know me though.’

“Mr. Banana flavored condom?”

At Jae-in’s question, the tips of Muyoung’s eyebrows rose slightly.

“If I’m mistaken, I apologize.”


Jae-in, glancing at the masculine hand gripping her wrist, stared intently at Muyoung.

A refreshing scent emanating from the man penetrated Jae-in’s nostrils, proportional to their now closer distance. It was a fragrance unsuitable to smell in the musty basement. After a moment, he spoke in an amused voice.

“Do you dislike strawberry?”


“In my opinion, blindly jumping right into it—fucking, thrusting, cumming, and then leaving right after meeting for the first time—is something only bastards do.”

Feeling a sense of being tightly entangled in the clear eyes looking up at him, Muyoung licked his dry lips.

“Thanks to someone, it looks like I’ll have to become a bastard.”

Followed 54 people
This title has been categorized as 'mature', therefore may contain intense violence, blood/gore, sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers.

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