Upon hearing Wen Qingchen say she could save him, the other patients and the guards from the Mu and Zhang families were stunned.

Doctor Chen said she could save him?

The person whom even Doctor Wen couldn’t cure, and now Doctor Chen claimed she could?

Could Doctor Chen’s medical skills possibly surpass those of Doctor Wen?!

“Really?” Mu An exclaimed with joy. “That’s wonderful! Thank you so much!”

Wen Qingchen waved her hand nonchalantly, dismissing the praise. “It’s nothing. This kind of illness (or ghost), you can find plenty of it in places like Changbai Mountain or Shennongjia.”

Mu An looked puzzled. “Changbai Mountain? Shennongjia? What are those places?”

On the other side of the clinic, Sixteen immediately perked up, standing straight. He was surprised to learn about Changbai Mountain so quickly.

Yin Chenming also slightly turned his attention towards Wen Qingchen, quietly waiting for her answer.

Wen Qingchen shrugged. “I don’t know.”

Mu An blinked. “But didn’t you just say that many people in those places suffer from this illness? How can you not know?”

Wen Qingchen responded, “I’ve just heard about them, never been there.”

She was telling the truth; she had never been to Changbai Mountain, but she had been to Shennongjia.

Shennongjia, located along the mysterious 30th parallel north, is home to many strange and unexplained phenomena beyond the scope of science. During her time there, she had seen the legendary giant water monsters, mysterious wild men, and even a floating blood coffin… She had barely made it out alive, and thinking about it still gave her chills.

Wen Qingchen shuddered at the memory and then instructed the guards, “Carry Young Master Zhang into the inner chamber. I will treat him now.”

The other patients had no objections, considering how terrifying the young master looked.

They were also curious to see if Doctor Chen could indeed cure him.

Sixteen watched as the doors to the inner chamber closed and hesitated for a moment. “Master, should we inquire further?”

Wen Qingchen had only said she had heard of ‘Changbai Mountain’ and had never actually been there. Sixteen was reluctant to let the lead slip away so easily.

Yin Chenming raised his gaze, his cold eyes devoid of emotion. “Wait.”

If she wasn’t familiar with ‘Changbai Mountain,’ or had only heard of it, she wouldn’t have spoken in such a confident tone.

Even if she wasn’t well-versed in it, she likely knew more about Changbai Mountain than they did.

After all, they had never heard of such a place as Changbai Mountain.

The Zhang family’s guards carefully carried their young master into the inner chamber, and Wen Qingchen promptly asked them to leave, allowing only Mu An to stay behind.

Wen Qingchen glanced at him, “You’re not leaving?”

Mu An nervously clung to the door, “I-I’ll stay and watch…”

Wen Qingchen let out a chuckle, “What’s the matter? Afraid I’ll cut him open?”

Mu An quickly shook his head, “I’m just worried something might happen to you, Doctor.”

As he spoke, Mu An’s face turned slightly red, and he hastily added, “Uh, Doctor, don’t get the wrong idea. I, I don’t mean anything else by it, just concerned that it might trouble you…”

Wen Qingchen raised an eyebrow, “Alright, but if you can’t handle it, feel free to leave. No need to be embarrassed.”

Mu An thought to himself, No way, there’s no chance I’d be outdone by a woman.

But in the next moment, Wen Qingchen picked up a sterilized dagger and, without hesitation, drove it straight into the young master Zhang’s forehead!

Mu An’s eyes widened in shock, about to cry out ‘Murder!’, but before he could, he heard a blood-curdling scream. The room was soon filled with a foul stench as young master Zhang began vomiting putrid clots of blood, the smell quickly permeating the entire chamber.


Mu An’s face turned pale, and he began retching as well.

Wen Qingchen suddenly let out a cold laugh, “Still trying to hide?”

She twisted the blade in her hand and then plunged it into young master Zhang’s neck.

Isn’t this really murder?

Overwhelmed by fear, Mu An’s eyes rolled back, and he fainted on the spot.


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