Nangong Yan’s face was dark as he escorted Wen Xin back to the Wen Shenyi Clinic, leaving a final statement: “Mr. Chen, rest assured, I will get to the bottom of this matter and give you a satisfactory explanation!”

Although Nangong Yan had a reputation as a playboy, he had publicly declared that the Sai Hua Tuo Clinic was under his protection, so naturally, he wouldn’t let anyone bully them.

Nangong Yan also took Uncle Que into custody and led him away.

The other townsfolk bid farewell to Wen Qingchen and Wen Huanzhi before leaving as well.

The once bustling clinic quickly became quiet, but Wen Huanzhi’s anger remained unabated.

“Father worked hard all his life to build the reputation of the Wen Shenyi Clinic, and now it’s being ruined by them… it’s infuriating!”

“Brother, don’t be angry.” Wen Qingchen tried to console him helplessly. “It won’t be ruined. Trust me. We just need one chance to restore our father’s hard-earned reputation.”

The Sai Hua Tuo Clinic might be unknown now, but she believed that soon their clinic’s reputation would surpass that of the Wen Shenyi Clinic!

When that time came, everyone would know that the ones tarnishing the reputation were the impostors from the Wen family, and that her third uncle Wen Zhaoping’s medical skills could never compare to her father’s!

Wen Huanzhi took a few deep breaths to calm himself. Seeing the concern in Wen Qingchen’s eyes, his heart warmed and he felt a pang of sorrow.

“Qingchen, it’s my fault for being useless, making you shoulder all these burdens. It’s been hard on you.”

“Brother, don’t say that. You’ve worked hard too. If it weren’t for your leg injury… But it’s okay, today is the last treatment. Come, sit down. I’ll apply the medicine one last time, and once it’s done, your leg will be completely healed.”

“Alright.” Wen Huanzhi smiled happily.

Suddenly, he thought of something. “Qingchen, you haven’t been out to gather herbs these past few days?”

Wen Qingchen stiffened.

In her heart, she silently said: I haven’t dared to go. What if I run into the owner of those underpants while I’m up in the mountains?

I took three pairs of their underpants, they’d think I’m a pervert!

Of course, Wen Qingchen couldn’t say that out loud!

She responded seriously, “I still have some herbs left. The last dose doesn’t require too much, just a little will do. Don’t worry, Brother, I guarantee you’ll be completely healed!”

Wen Huanzhi didn’t say anything more. He just gave her a deep look and pursed his lips, remaining silent.

With Nangong Yan’s intervention, the matter was quickly clarified. As expected, the attempt to frame the Sai Hua Tuo Clinic was orchestrated by people from the Wen Shenyi Clinic.

The townsfolk of Tangcheng were shocked when they learned the truth. They could hardly believe it. The Wen Shenyi Clinic had always been known for its benevolence and was a renowned charitable clinic in Tangcheng.

But now, they couldn’t help but doubt. Was the Wen Shenyi Clinic truly a charitable clinic? If so, why would they go to such lengths to frame others and even be involved in the murder of a little girl, Lanlan?!

Upon realizing that the truth had been exposed, everyone at the Wen Shenyi Clinic was furious. To avoid implicating the entire clinic, they unanimously decided to push Wen Xin out as the scapegoat.

Wen Zhaoping even came forward personally to apologize, his tone filled with grief and sincerity: “We can hardly believe that Qingchen would do such a thing. To protect the reputation of her father, my elder brother, in Tangcheng, she resorted to these methods, trying to prevent other physicians from surviving in Tangcheng. She forgot that the purpose of a physician is to save lives. She was blinded by profit, and we are deeply saddened. Here, on behalf of the Wen family, I apologize to all the townsfolk…”

Wen Zhaoping blamed everything on Wen Xin, finally stating that they would no longer allow Wen Qingchen to go out and that she would be confined until the wedding ceremony with the Nangong family.


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