Wen Xin was currently presenting herself as “Wen Qingchen,” the daughter of the former renowned doctor, Wen Shenyi. The people of Tang City held great respect for Wen Shenyi, and by extension, they still had a degree of reverence for his daughter, Wen Qingchen.

Even though they were dissatisfied with Wen Xin’s recent lies, they hesitated to question her directly out of respect. Instead, they directed their inquiries toward Uncle Que.

Nangong Yan, realizing belatedly that these people were not here for treatment but to cause trouble, noticed Uncle Que frequently glancing at Wen Xin. It didn’t take much for him to piece together what had happened. His expression darkened as he turned to Wen Xin.

“Wen Qingchen! What are you doing here? This isn’t Wen Shenyi Clinic!”

Wen Xin’s hands clenched into fists, a chilling cold spreading from her feet throughout her body. The humiliation intensified as Nangong Yan not only ignored her but also publicly rebuked her. Tears welled up in her eyes from the indignity.

“Brother Yan, what do you mean by this?” she asked softly, tears streaming down her face. “Shouldn’t I be here?”

Seeing the beautiful woman so distraught, Nangong Yan, remembering that she was his fiancée, quelled his irritation and said, “Forget it, just leave.”

Wen Xin, though embarrassed, saw this as her chance to escape. She wiped her tears and, casting a pitiful look at Nangong Yan, pretended to reluctantly leave.

“Wait a moment,” Qingchen stepped forward with a sly smile. “Young Master Nangong, the matter hasn’t been resolved yet. This Miss Qingchen is involved too. Letting her leave now wouldn’t be appropriate, would it?”

Hearing this, Nangong Yan’s face darkened even more. “Qingchen, what exactly did you do?”

Wen Xin did not expect the other party to be so relentless, determined to get to the bottom of the matter. She thought to herself that this time, she was surely doomed.

As she remained silent, Nangong Yan turned to Uncle Que and demanded, “You speak! Who is trying to frame Mr. Chen? I have personally witnessed Mr. Chen’s medical skills, which are exceptional. How dare you try to slander my benefactor?”

The previously assertive Uncle Que wavered upon seeing Nangong Yan’s presence. Noticing Wen Xin’s clear intent to extricate herself, Uncle Que’s legs weakened, and he hurriedly said, “Young Master Nangong, this has nothing to do with me! It was Miss Qingchen! She told me to say this! These medicines were swapped from the Wen Shenyi Clinic!”

This statement caused an uproar among the onlookers.

“It was the Wen Shenyi Clinic?”

“Hey, the Sai Hua Tuo Clinic is just across from the Wen Shenyi Clinic. It seems the Wen Shenyi Clinic fears that Mr. Chen’s clinic will affect their business… so they framed him?”

“But that doesn’t make sense. With the Wen Shenyi Clinic’s reputation, they wouldn’t need to do this. We’d naturally choose the Wen Shenyi Clinic first.”

“Could it be that someone from the Wen Shenyi Clinic learned about Mr. Chen’s excellent medical skills and wanted to protect their own status, so…?”

The crowd whispered among themselves, with various speculations flying around.

No matter the theory, after today, even if the Wen Shenyi Clinic had good medical skills and a high reputation, it would now be tinged with a sense of distrust in the minds of the people.

Conversely, the Sai Hua Tuo Clinic’s standing improved slightly in the hearts of the Tang City residents, with many even feeling sympathetic toward them.



  1. May says:

    This novel is going to continue being released? It’s been a long time since the last update

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