Wen Qingchen, who had been smiling while speaking, suddenly shouted coldly, causing Wen Xin to feel as if she had fallen into an icy pit, unable to utter a single word.

Admit she didn’t know medicine or admit she was lying?

Either way, once she opened her mouth, it would ruin Wen Qing’s plan.

Wen Zicheng and Wen Qing had always seen her as a thorn in their side. This time, their father had pulled her out to impersonate Wen Qingchen, and they were already very unhappy about it.

If she ruined their plan now…

Wen Xin couldn’t even imagine her fate.

At this moment, a group of guards forcefully pushed through the crowd and charged in aggressively.

“What are you doing!?”

When Wen Xin saw the Nangong family guards, her eyes lit up as if she had seen her savior. She quickly stepped forward and asked, “Is Brother Yan here?”

The guards greeted her politely, “Hello, Young Madam.”

Wen Xin and Nangong Yan were already engaged, and the whole city of Tang knew about it. Addressing her as Young Madam was something Nangong Yan had approved of.

Wen Xin straightened her back, feeling as if she had someone to back her up. “Where is Brother Yan?”

“What are you all doing here?” Nangong Yan frowned as he walked out from behind the heavy guard.

Wen Xin straightened her back even more, approaching him weakly, “Brother Yan…”

But Nangong Yan walked right past her and headed toward Qingchen. Wen Xin was left in shock, her whole body stiffening.

“Mr. Chen!” Nangong Yan called out in surprise, “Your clinic is really bustling. Your medical skills are extraordinary. In just a few days, everyone knows about it. Truly impressive!”

The crowd: “…”

Hearing Nangong Yan’s words, the townspeople of Tang City, who had been called here by Uncle Que to seek justice, started to look even more uneasy. They realized that they weren’t here for medical reasons but had been riled up by Uncle Que. This made them feel a pang of guilt, as they began to suspect they had been used.

If the Sai Huatuo Clinic staff were truly incompetent, why would someone from the prestigious Nangong family hold them in such high regard?

Feeling awkward and guilty, they exchanged glances before addressing Wen Qingchen: “Mr. Chen, we apologize. It seems you are indeed innocent. We were misled, and our actions were inappropriate. Please forgive us.”

Wen Qingchen put on a courteous smile: “How could I hold it against you? As they say, those who do not know are not guilty. You were all misled out of good intentions. The truly despicable ones are those who intentionally deceived and attempted to frame us.”

She glanced meaningfully at Wen Xin and Uncle Que.

Seeing how understanding and gracious Mr. Chen was, the townspeople felt even more ashamed. Despite his young age, Mr. Chen had shown great magnanimity and politeness. Even when accused, he calmly presented his evidence and reasoned with them. This demeanor suggested he was highly knowledgeable and unlikely to make careless mistakes with prescriptions.

To make amends, the townspeople turned to Uncle Que: “Uncle Que, what’s going on? You’d better explain yourself clearly!”

“That’s right, Uncle Que. You dragged us here early in the morning without telling us we were being misled! You better clarify things now, or else…”



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