This old man, indeed alone with no children, had no reason to frame Sai Hua Tuo Clinic, unlike Aunt Zhang, who did it for her son.

However, the onlookers were relatively calm this time. After Aunt Zhang’s near wrongful accusation yesterday, the townsfolk were cautious, not wanting to jump to conclusions and end up embarrassing themselves.

Despite his age, Uncle Que was still quite imposing.

“Young people without proper skills shouldn’t be out here. You’re doing important work as doctors, and there’s no room for mistakes!” he argued righteously. “If the Wen Family Clinic hadn’t been there yesterday, I might not be alive today. Isn’t that a serious matter?”

Just as Uncle Que finished speaking, a voice from outside the door echoed his sentiment.

“This old man is right. We from the Wen Family Clinic can attest to that.” A young woman stepped forward from the crowd.

Seeing “Wen Qingchen,” the crowd immediately parted to make way for her.

“It’s Miss Qingchen! As the daughter of the late Dr. Wen, she wouldn’t lie!”

“Why is Miss Qingchen here? As Dr. Wen’s daughter, she must be highly skilled in medicine too!”

“Miss Qingchen, is it true? Did Sai Hua Tuo Clinic really make such a mistake?”

Mixing up medicine for external injuries with medicine for tuberculosis is a basic error, unworthy of any competent doctor. If Chen Qing of Sai Hua Tuo Clinic made such a mistake, people would seriously doubt his medical skills.

What they didn’t realize was that the person they saw as “Wen Qingchen” was actually Wen Xin. The real Wen Qingchen was right in front of them, disguised as the young man called “Chen Qing.”

Wen Xin’s appearance made Uncle Que even more confident. With such a renowned figure from the Wen Family Clinic testifying, Uncle Que became even more aggressive.

“With Miss Qingchen as a witness, what else do you have to say?” Uncle Que pressed. “You should know that Miss Qingchen is the daughter of the famous Dr. Wen. As his daughter, her medical skills are unquestionable.”

Wen Xin turned to Wen Qingchen (disguised as Chen Qing) and said calmly, “Mr. Chen, if you claim that it is not your clinic’s responsibility, do you have any evidence?”

Wen Qingchen’s gaze fell on Wen Xin, a faint smile playing on her lips. She countered, “And what evidence does Miss Wen have that this is our clinic’s responsibility?”

Wen Xin frowned, “What more evidence do you need? This old man is the best witness, and the medicine he brought is clearly from your clinic. The packaging alone proves it.”

Wen Qingchen smiled slightly, “Is that enough evidence? What if someone intentionally replaced the medicine in the packaging to frame us? Can that still be blamed on us?”

Uncle Que urgently retorted, “This medicine is from your clinic!”

“Oh? From our clinic?” Wen Qingchen’s sharp eyes scanned the room, “Sir, if you claim this medicine is from our clinic, go over there and find one like it among our supplies. If you can find one, I’ll admit defeat.”

Wen Xin was taken aback, “What?”

Wen Qingchen’s lips curled into a mocking smile, “Nothing much. Tuberculosis medicine is quite expensive. Guess if our newly opened clinic has such medicine?”

Wen Xin’s face instantly turned sour.


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