Aunt Zhang stammered for a long time before finally admitting that the body was at her home.

Many people had indeed seen Aunt Zhang seeking medical help the previous day. If this matter wasn’t resolved today, there would be no one willing to seek Wen Qingchen’s services in the future.

Wen Qingchen clasped her hands together in a gesture of respect and addressed the crowd, “Dear neighbors, my name is Chen Qing. Today, I seek the truth. If the young girl named Lanlan did indeed die from taking my medicine, you may do with me as you see fit. However, if this incident has nothing to do with me and is a deliberate attempt to frame me, I will not let it go lightly. I ask that you all accompany me to Aunt Zhang’s home to examine the body.”

Aunt Zhang grew more nervous.

“Examine the body…?” Her eyes darted around, and she was visibly anxious.

Wen Qingchen, having lived two lifetimes, could read people well. Seeing Aunt Zhang’s reaction, she knew the woman was hiding something.

“What’s wrong? Aunt Zhang, don’t you want to know the true cause of your daughter’s death?” Wen Qingchen pressed further.

Aunt Zhang glanced in a specific direction, then gritted her teeth. “The true cause of Lanlan’s death? She was clearly killed by your medicine…”

“We’ll know the truth after examining the body,” Wen Qingchen replied expressionlessly. “Or are you afraid, Aunt Zhang? Is there something you’re hiding from us?”

The townspeople, seeing Wen Qingchen’s respectful and earnest demeanor, began to sympathize with the young doctor. Given his apparent youth and the possibility of being falsely accused, they decided to speak up. “Aunt Zhang, let’s examine the body. We’ll go with you. If it was truly just a mistake with the medicine, we’ll support you. With us there, he won’t be able to tamper with anything.”

“Yes, Aunt Zhang, let’s all go together!”

Aunt Zhang’s face grew even paler.

Caught between a rock and a hard place, she reluctantly agreed, leading Wen Qingchen and the townspeople to her home with a grim expression.

Aunt Zhang’s husband had died early, and her son Li Tian, who had fallen and hit his head as a child, remained mentally impaired and unable to care for himself at the age of twenty-one.

Their home was a small thatched cottage near the outskirts of the city.

As soon as they entered, they saw Aunt Zhang’s simple-minded son, Li Tian, sitting on the ground, poking at the lifeless body of Lanlan who lay on the floor. He giggled foolishly, oblivious to the crowd entering the house.

The crowd sighed deeply when they saw Lanlan’s body, unable to bear the sight.

“Poor child…”

“Lanlan was only eight, right? Look at her face, it’s so dark… she must have died from poisoning.”

Aunt Zhang threw herself over Lanlan’s body, wailing, “My poor daughter… how could you leave your mother like this? Look, everyone, look at my child. Isn’t it obvious she died from poisoning caused by the wrong medicine… Chen Qing, what do you have to say for yourself?”

Wen Qingchen remained silent.

Her gaze was not on Lanlan’s body but on the only small wooden bed in the room.

On the bed, a figure was curled up.

No, it was more like a ghost.

It was the little girl named Lanlan.

She was hugging her knees and crying silently. When she sensed Wen Qingchen’s gaze, she slowly lifted her head and met her eyes.

Lanlan opened her mouth as if trying to speak, her face filled with hope, just like the look she had given yesterday.

Wen Qingchen felt a tightness in her chest.

Finally, Lanlan’s voice reached her, “Sister… are you a healer? Do healers save people? Can you save me, please?”


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