Yin Chenming’s eyes grew increasingly murky and inscrutable.

“Continue following her.”

“Yes.” Sixteen quickly led the men to pursue her.

No matter who this woman was, she had stolen the master’s personal clothing, and they still didn’t know what she intended to do with it!

In ancient texts, there was a type of witchcraft that used personal belongings to cast curses.

The power she wielded was so strange that it might be a form of sorcery!

Worried that she might endanger the master’s safety, Sixteen pursued her relentlessly.

They followed Wen Qingchen through streets and alleys, turning left and right. At one point, Sixteen wondered if they had been discovered and if Wen Qingchen was trying to shake them off.

Until Wen Qingchen stopped in front of a pawn shop.

A pawn shop?!

What was she doing at a pawn shop?

Could there be some secret at this pawn shop? Was it her base of operations?

As Sixteen pondered these questions, Wen Qingchen entered the pawn shop and very naturally placed the three pieces of clothing with blue sapphires on the counter, saying, “Boss, I’m here to pawn these gemstones!”

Sixteen: “……”

Yin Chenming: “……”

No witchcraft.

No hidden lair of a witch clan.

Just… here to pawn some gemstones for money?

The master and his subordinate shared a strange silence.

Inside the pawn shop, Wen Qingchen was unaware that her every move was being observed. She spoke enthusiastically, “Boss, look at these three gemstones. Each one is full and smooth, with even and bright colors. These are high-quality gemstones!”

The pawn shop owner looked down and saw three pairs of underwear! And they were men’s underwear!

He looked up at Wen Qingchen, a thin young man in coarse cloth clothes! Clearly, these underwear did not belong to him.

Thinking this, the pawn shop owner looked at Wen Qingchen with a gaze as if seeing a ‘pervert’.

Wen Qingchen was puzzled. “Boss? What’s with that look? Do you think I’m trying to trick you?”

The pawn shop owner said, “These gemstones are certainly high-quality… but…”

Wen Qingchen was unhappy. “But what? Are you doubting that these are real gemstones? I’ll tell you, these three gemstones are a family heirloom passed down through three generations, they can’t be fake!”

Pawn Shop Owner: “……”

Yin Chenming: “…………”

Three generations of inheritance? These underwear?

Wen Qingchen picked up one of the items. “They’re definitely real. If you don’t believe me, just smell them. They still have a fragrance!”

She held the clothing up to her nose and took a deep breath. “See, they’re definitely real gemstones.”

Pawn Shop Owner: “…………”

Yin Chenming: “……………………”

Suddenly, he felt a slight… itch in his groin.

The pawn shop owner’s expression grew very complex.

It was a mixture of hesitation and difficulty in expressing his thoughts.

Wen Qingchen was truly puzzled. “Boss? What’s the verdict? If you don’t want them, I’ll just go to another pawn shop.”

The pawn shop owner cleared his throat and spoke slowly, “Young man, is this really a family heirloom passed down through three generations?”

Wen Qingchen replied with righteous confidence, “Of course, do I look like someone who would lie to you?”

The pawn shop owner looked at Wen Qingchen’s coarse cloth clothes. He clearly didn’t look like someone who could own such valuable gemstones.

Furthermore, the underwear was made from exceptionally fine fabric he had never seen before. Just the material itself was worth a lot of money, let alone that it was brand new and didn’t look like it had been passed down for generations.

So, it was either stolen or… found.

But a normal person wouldn’t just casually throw away their personal belongings, would they?



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