Secrets of the Azure Sea

TL: Leila
Editor: Anon


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The Marriage Ritual

How much time had passed? Was it just a few hours or a whole day?

The speed of the ship, which had been racing full throttle, gradually slowed down.

When the rocking motion almost ceased, the door suddenly opened, revealing a beautiful woman slightly older than Floria. She had long black hair tied back neatly and was wearing a simple dress that seemed to be made of linen. Her waist was adorned with a belt featuring seashell decorations, clearly wearing a tropical-style outfit different from that of Floria’s country.

Floria had been on guard, expecting that man to appear, but she felt relieved and her body relaxed when she saw the woman.

“Oh, thank goodness. Who are you? Where are you taking me? Is Aura, the girl who was with me, safe?”

In rapid speech, Floria bombarded the woman with questions, and she looked slightly puzzled.

“Princess, this is an island ruled by Lord Zanarf. My name is Kyrie, and I am a healer on this island. If you behave yourself, you will be able to meet Lady Aura, your companion.”

“Oh, thank goodness… Aura is safe. Please, let me see Aura. And please, take me back to my country.”

The woman named Kyrie, shook her head subtly.

“You cannot return. You are the noble spoils of war for Lord Zanarf. I’m sure tonight… a ceremony will be held.”

“A ceremony? What kind of ceremony?”

Floria’s anxiety grew with the woman’s suggestive words.

“Lord Zanarf has taken a great liking to you. Surely, I’m sure a wedding ritual will be performed.”

“A… a wedding ritual?”

Kyrie nodded slowly.

“Yes, on this island, when a man brings a woman he has plundered to the island, he marks her as his possession. In front of everyone,” Kyrie explained.

“His… possession? Why?” Floria asked.

“…Long ago, a beautiful princess washed up on this island. There were bloody and terrifying disputes among men over this princess. In the end, she threw herself into the sea to end the conflict. It is believed that the princess transformed into a pearl at the bottom of the sea. As a lesson from that, a rule was established on this island that noble women who washed up or were brought here would become the property of the man they first formed a bond with on this island. It is to prevent unnecessary conflicts among men over women. The people of the island call it the Wedding Ritual,” Kyrie explained.

“That doesn’t apply to me. I am already married. To Lord Franz,” Floria protested, unable to accept what she was hearing.

Despite her objections, Kyrie silently shook her head. Her eyes seemed to convey that since Floria had been brought to this island, she had no choice but to adhere to its customs.

“Now, Lord Zanarf awaits,” Kyrie said.


Without having time to think of a plan to somehow return to her homeland, Floria was immediately taken out of the cabin. Besides Kyrie, there were women dressed similarly to islanders who appeared and led Floria, guiding her off the black ship.


Anyone else think Zanarf name is weird? everyone else has somewhat normalish sound but Zanarf? it’s similar to another word in my language so maybe that’s why I feel its weird

For Kyrie, her actual name is Kirie; which one do you think is best? I think Kirie sounds a bit better 🤐

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Hi! Leila here, a random person on the internet and I translate Asian web novels for funzies


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