Secrets of the Azure Sea

TL: Leila
Editor: Anon


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The heron man continued to stride forward on the deck. The surrounding men taunted him with mocking voices and occasionally whistled through their fingers.


“You lot are annoying. Go and move all the cargo!” The heron man shouted angrily at the mocking men, then descended the stairs while still carrying Floria, heading towards the dimly lit corridor inside the ship.


“No, please, stop. I want to go back to my country. Someone, help me!”


Her desperate cry echoed through the empty corridor in vain. As soon as they entered the ship’s cabin at the far end, she was roughly thrown onto an oversized bed. She immediately tried to get up and make her way to the door, but her waist was grabbed, preventing her from doing so.


“No! Let me go!”


She struck the man’s chest with her fists, wildly and frantically. But in an instant, he effortlessly grabbed both of her wrists.


Just as she thought she was about to be struck, her lips were covered by something hot and slippery.




She couldn’t quite grasp what was happening to her. Suddenly, she felt suffocated and gasped for breath, parting her lips. And through the small opening, something slimy was forcefully thrust into her mouth.


Her skin shuddered and tingled with a vivid sensation for a brief moment, and then something hot and fleshy entangled her tongue, taking possession of it.


“Calm down.” With an unwavering determination, the man’s tongue entwined sensually and dominantly within Floria’s mouth as if it were his own.

Floria’s tongue was tossed and turned like a small boat on a stormy sea.


“Mmm… Nngh…”


In between her gasps for air, she let out a few hot sighs, then began to feel more dizzy as she leaned against the man. Held tightly by his strong, unyielding body, she suddenly snapped back to reality.


‘What am I doing?


No, what will happen to me from now on?’


A fear of what would become of them after engaging in this obscene and lascivious intertwining of tongues swirled within her.


She tried to push against his bare chest with her hands, but his hard muscles pushed her back, instilling fear in her.


Even when she attempted to separate their lips, his large hand inserted itself into her rose-blond curls, firmly holding her in place, leaving her unable to move.


The heron man pressed his lips against Floria’s mouth as if savoring every inch of it. Occasionally, he would suck on the base of her tongue tightly, changing angles to thoroughly indulge in the sensations within her mouth.


No matter how much she pushed against his exposed chest, his solid chest muscles remained unyielding. In fact, the warmth of his heartbeat transmitted through her palms, conveying his strength.


“It’s futile. Behave yourself…”


“Fu… Ugh… Nngh…”


The man’s tongue was thick and fleshy compared to Floria’s, and its rough surface scraped against her small tongue. It moved slowly, as if teasing the insides of her mouth, claiming it as his own.


“So sweet…”


For some reason, the man chuckled with delight.


The aroma of the ocean emanated from his body, enveloping Floria and gently teasing her nostrils. Unlike the popular men’s cologne worn by Franz in the capital city, this scent undeniably marked him as a man of the sea.


“You’re addictive…”


Tracing her gumline slowly, and tracing her pearls like teeth, a tingling sensation ran through Floria’s back. It spread throughout her entire body, making her head spin.


No, no, to be at the mercy of such a barbaric man… No way…!


Just as the man was about to savor the kiss even more deeply, Floria instinctively clenched her teeth.




The heron like man, abruptly pulled away and glared at Floria.


Now in a place with more light than before, the man was unexpectedly handsome. He also noticed blood trickling down from his lips, forming droplets that fell onto the floor. 


With a bewildered expression, the man wiped away the blood seeping from his lips with the back of his hand.


‘I’m going to be killed…!’


Floria couldn’t hide her surprise at what she had thoughtlessly done.


She had bitten his lips.


She had inflicted a wound, defying the savage tribes of the sea…


Surely, she would be killed right away.


In an instant, her body grew cold, and she trembled in fear with a pallid face. Then, a chuckle escaped from deep within the heron-like man’s throat, and a gleeful flicker danced in his eyes.


“You’ve got guts. Not bad. I’ll make you my wife tomorrow night. I’ll take everything that belongs to Franz and make it mine. Is that clear?”


With those parting words, he swiftly turned and headed towards the door. Leaving Floria alone in the cabin, which had nothing but a bed and no windows, he locked the door with a resounding click from the outside. 


The sound sank into the depths of Floria’s heart, as heavy as an anchor.

okay I’m not team heron-like man but we can all collectively agree that Franz was awful :))

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Hi! Leila here, a random person on the internet and I translate Asian web novels for funzies


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