Secrets of the Azure Sea

TL: Leila
Editor: Anon


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“Hey, Floria, are you okay coming out of your room now? How are you feeling?”

Upon hearing the voice of the person she longed to see, Floria quickly turned around. Prince Franz, accompanied by the ship’s captain, approached Floria on the deck.

As soon as Floria caught sight of Franz’s refreshing appearance, her eyes sparkled, and a radiant smile overflowed on her face.

Her Lady in waiting, Aura, watched this reaction with a smile, and to avoid intruding on the newlyweds, she took a step back and stood behind Floria.

“Yes, Prince Franz. I apologize for the inconvenience. My stomach still feels a bit upset, but thanks to the medicine you provided, I can finally come out onto the deck. I appreciate it.”

“I couldn’t bear to see you in so much pain. Your complexion has indeed improved. But please don’t push yourself too hard.”

Franz pulled Floria closer and gently planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Despite feeling joy seeping through her lips at this unexpected display of affection, Floria lowered her gaze and blushed shyly, behaving like a young maiden.

“Hahaha, Prince, you have truly married a lovely wife. I suppose you’re eager to spend your honeymoon on a southern island. Floria-sama, I have adjusted the course to the shortest route. If we follow the usual route, it would take seven days, but with this route, we will arrive tomorrow night.”

Franz and Floria’s wedding had taken place aboard this ship, which had docked in the harbor to symbolize their kingdom’s close relation to the sea. After the wedding, they set sail for their honeymoon, blessed by royal families, guests, and the citizens of both their nations. Three full days had passed since then, during which Floria had been mostly confined to her cabin.

Thanks to the devoted care provided by her Lady in waiting Aura and the special medicine prepared by the ship’s doctor at Prince Franz’s request, Floria’s nausea finally subsided this morning, and on the fourth day, she could finally breathe the fresh air outside.

Still, due to her lack of familiarity with the ship, Floria occasionally felt dizzy and lightheaded. For her, any reduction in the duration of the voyage was good news.

To arrive at their destination within a total of five days meant that they would reach it tomorrow night.

“Really, captain! You shouldn’t say unnecessary things. Floria, I wanted to make you more comfortable sooner; that’s why I instructed the captain to take the shortest route,” Franz remarked.

“For me? Thank you very much. But won’t it be dangerous to deviate from the usual route? I’ve heard that pirates appear in these waters. I wouldn’t want to put everyone in danger…” Floria’s expression clouded as she recalled her father and brother talking about the pirates in this area.

“It’s true that occasionally pirates known as the ‘sea barbarians’ or Vikings may appear. However, please rest assured. This sailing ship is fast, and it won’t be caught by some barbarians’ ships. And even if, by some chance, they do catch up, with Prince Franz’s marines, there’s nothing to fear. Just like in the previous battle, we’ll knock them out completely,” the sturdy captain said with a hearty laugh, slapping his own belly.

“Floria, there’s no need to worry. The barbarians who roam around this area were hired as mercenaries for our army in the previous naval battle. Of course, they were generously rewarded for their services. Also, the sails of this ship bear the falcon emblem, the symbol of our army, so even if they don’t feel indebted to us, they won’t attack us,” Franz said with a smile as he took Floria’s hand and walked towards the front of the ship deck.


Can we have few comments on the novel main page? pretty please 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


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Hi! Leila here, a random person on the internet and I translate Asian web novels for funzies


  1. Uma says:

    Idk but Franz sounds so fake

    1. Leila says:


  2. Eleme Nopee says:

    For some reason, I suspect Franz’ character.

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