Save Me

At the Duke's castle.

08. At the Duke’s castle.



“Madam, we have arrived. If it’s okay, would you mind opening your eyes?”

Bianca’s eyelids fluttered at the soft sound tickling her ears, and then her big eyes were revealed.

“Would you like to get up now? We arrived at the Duke’s castle.”

What is he talking about?


Bianca, who finally understood Jillian’s words after a long time, moaned softly.


I fell asleep?

“I could have carried you, but I thought you would definitely refuse.”

Jillian added, putting his hand behind Bianca’s neck and helping her up.

When the blanket covering her body fell down, Bianca felt a chill and unconsciously hugged Jillian.

He got startled.

For a moment, Jillian stiffened at the feeling of the small, slender body touching his body, and then casually wrapped Bianca in a blanket.

He could have carried her in his arms, but he didn’t think Bianca would want it.


“We arrived at the Duke’s castle. Everyone is out to say hello to you.”

“The Duke’s Castle?”

Bianca’s eyes, which had been half-asleep and dazed, returned to focus.

Jillian smiled briefly and opened the carriage door.

As soon as the door opened, a cold wind that took her breath away blew in, but instead of flinching, Bianca took his outstretched hand and calmly got out of the carriage.

It’s embarrassing that I fell asleep, but as soon as I open my eyes, I have to be greeted by the Castle staff!

Even though she didn’t show it, Bianca was quite nervous, but as she lived as a princess and became disciplined in the social world, she didn’t want to show an unsightly and unkept appearance.

When I managed to straighten my back and stood next to Jillian, someone approached me as if they had been waiting.

“Welcome back, Duke.”

“Well, madam, this is Hailey, she’s in charge of the Duke’s mansion.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“I am Hayley Armor, the head maid. It is an honor to serve you, madam.”

Although it wasn’t polite, Bianca nodded slightly at the appropriately formal and friendly tone.

It was foolish to judge someone based on barely a greeting.

However, Bianca quite liked this neat-looking maid with her brown hair tied up neatly.

She didn’t look directly at her eyes, and she didn’t sneakily criticize her.

Her posture was straight, her pronunciation was clear, and her movements were disciplined.

I had never seen a person like this even in the Imperial Palace…


At that moment, Bianca realized something important.

This was not the imperial castle.

There was no reason for her to be mock.

However, this is Baloch land.

There was also no reason to be friendly to one’s enemy’s daughter.

“My lady, may I lead you to the bedroom?”

Bianca’s complexion hardened at Hailey’s next words.

Jillian was clearly next to me, so the head maid is going to show me the ‘bedroom’?


“You can go, madam.”

It was Jillian who stopped Bianca from rejecting Hailey’s words.

The word “why” was on the tip of her tongue, but Bianca swallowed them down.

Hadn’t I already experienced it in warp camp?

‘I mean it’s not a mean prank to embarrass you, wife.’

“Is it difficult for you to come with me?”

So Bianca cautiously asked for his explanation.

I guess he didn’t expect me to ask him outright.

After a brief pause as if surprised, Jillian smiled so brightly that I couldn’t see his eyes.

“Yes, I think I’ll be called in soon.”

There was no need to ask for an explanation for the strange answer.

“Duke! A monster was discovered on the outer wall of the 7th Fortress!”

Jillian tapped his ear as Bianca looked at him with wide eyes.

“My ears are a little sharp.”

Can you call this just a little sharp?

I didn’t hear anything until a moment ago.

The messenger wasn’t even visible yet.

It meant that they were screaming as they ran.


Bianca was purely amazed.

Although she knew about Baloch’s ability, which was far superior to that of a human, but there was a big difference between hearing about it and seeing it in person.

“Have a safe trip.”

Bianca took a step away from Jillian.

It was clear that the situation was urgent.

Although she knew him only for a short time, Bianca had perceived Jillian as a smart and attentive man.

Is it difficult for you to come with me?’

He must have sensed the anxiety contained in the words.

They said a monster had appeared, so now was not the time to be so foolish.

Bianca took another step back.


With the sound of stepping on the snow, my thin shoes quickly began to get wet.

“I will go in with the head maid. Please go quickly, isn’t the situation urgent?”

“It’s not urgent.”

“But you have to go, right?”

Jillian didn’t answer.

Bianca waved her hand at him.


“What on earth happened that Blatt sent a messenger to the main building?”

As soon as Bianca was out of sight, Jillian rode off with the knight.

The tight vest, fluttering cravat, and frock coat worn to give shape were quickly taken off before getting on the horse.

All Jillian was wearing right now was a thin shirt.

The good quality shirt that was tailored to fit the body looked great, but it was not suitable for combat.

Although he wished he could get rid of it, Gillian held on, remembering who was behind him.

“There are a total of four movements detected in the Seventh Fortress.”

“Oh my.”

Monsters usually move in groups.

Since these monsters have poor eyesight, they react to the movements at a close range to them, even the movements of their own species are perceived as a stimulus that make them blindly chase after each other.

By the way, what was the attacked place again?

The 7th Fortress, where Director Blatt was in charge of the defense, was surprising.

“Aren’t they the ones left out of the last group?”

“It’s that group of four.”

“Blatt is amazing.”

“Could it be a wave?”

Seeing the Knight having a serious expression, Jillian burst into laughter, saying, “Haha.”

His red lips were wide open, as if he were about to die of joy.

And his golden eyes were shining brightly under his well curved brows.

The knight who was riding next to Jillian was momentarily speechless at the beautiful sight of his master.

“Don’t worry. This is Baloch’s land. Monsters don’t dare to invade Baloch’s land.”

“Well, of course. Duke.”

The knight nodded his head as if he was fascinated by the arrogant declaration.

Some might think it was a bluff, but everyone living in Baloch knew it.

Monsters cannot harm Baloch.

Perhaps because they were afraid of the beast hidden beyond the appearance of a human, the monsters did not touch the beast.

Therefore, when a wave started, it was always the Duke who was at the forefront.

A true ‘master’ who sweeps away monsters with unbelievable, overwhelming power and always stands in the middle of the melee.

The knights of Baloch served the Duke wholeheartedly.

The Baloch territory, which was protected in this way, had never given up a fortress since the beginning of its history.

Ever since Baloch took his place in front of this ice wall.

When the Knight realized that fact, he felt his nerves quickly subside.

There was no need to be scared.

This is Baloch territory.

A place that had never given up its fortress to monsters.

As long as there was a Duke, and as long as there were Baloch knights following him, this place would always be safe, and it was a place he would protect until his last breath.

The knight, who was suddenly excited by the overwhelming feeling, was unable to look at Jillian’s expression in detail.

Even after listening to the story about the monster, he was calm and did not seem nervous even once.

Bianca, who had been standing there until Jillian was out of sight, suddenly came to her senses when she heard a gentle voice ringing next to her.

“Now, would you mind if I show you to the bedroom?”



I thought I stood for just a moment, but the white snow piled up on top of Hailey’s head told otherwise.

How long had I been lost for?

“I prepared warm bath water. You had a hard time coming all the way, right?”

As if she noticed that Bianca was embarrassed, Hailey was the first to change the topic.

It even seemed natural because it was something a competent maid would say.

“What hard time?”

“It usually takes about two days to travel from the capital to the Baloch Territory.”

Hailey guided Bianca one step ahead, deftly adjusting the loose curtains.

It was a gentle urging that even Bianca realized only after walking for a while.

“Well, the Magic transport is hard on the body. It also takes half a day to come from the magic circle.”

For a moment, Bianca didn’t quite understand Hailey’s words.

“We left from the last circle just this morning…?”

“So, I’m telling you that you overdid it. It’s just midnight.”

Oh my god.

Bianca frowned as Hailey recited the time.

I had no idea that the distance from the magic circle base to the Duke castle was that far.

“It’s late, so I’d like to help you take a light bath today and prepare a scented oil massage for you tomorrow, how about that?”


Since we arrived late, it was probably a remark made out of consideration for the fact that I wanted to rest as quickly as possible.

But unfortunately, Bianca couldn’t hear those words properly.

How many hours did I sleep in his arms?

Why did I hear a voice at that time?

Although it was too late to regret it now, Bianca could not stop blaming herself.

But in the meantime, Bianca’s legs were moving diligently as she passed through the huge hall of the main building and climbing up to the second floor.

“Can you help to support me a little?”

“It is okay.”

“Baloch Castle was built with a focus on defense against monster waves. The ceiling is high because battles could happen inside the castle.”

At the end of the conversation, Hailey politely held out her hand.

“The stairs in the main castle are designed to be narrow so that monsters cannot easily climb them. The monster’s feet are big and stubby.”

I see…

Bianca held out her hand and listened to Hailey’s thoughtful explanation.

Unlike Hailey, Bianca was wearing the long, wide, puffy dress she wore in the imperial castle.

Originally, when wearing a dress like this, it was common for two maids to help her walk.

One to hold the hem of the dress that was dragging from behind, and the other to support the owner whose feet could not be seen.

It would be dangerous to just climb the regular stairs, but if there were a lot of stairs and their width was narrow, you will definitely need support.

There was nothing more foolish than being stubborn and falling down the stairs.

“I guess I should change my shoes too.”

“I’ll call the designer when you feel refreshed.”

Hailey answered Bianca in an extremely polite tone, and before she knew it, she opened a door on the third floor.

The moment the large, oiled and polished wooden door opened wide on both sides, Bianca thought.

If I were to die, wouldn’t it be now?




Hello everyone,

Starting from next week, if time allows I will post an additional chapter every week.

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Alright, enjoy the rest of your day ~

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