Save Me

I am regretful I couldn't get her killed.

07. I am regretful I couldn’t get her killed.


One of Izar’s eyebrows slightly rose at Jeremy’s words.

It took only a moment before the expression disappeared from his face.

“You are regretful you couldn’t get her killed…”

The sound of Izar’s thick, straight fingers tapping the armrest in a rhythmic manner was extremely clear.

“Why does it sound like she has committed a sin that deserves death?”

Although his speech was slow, Izar was urging his next words.

At least that statement seemed to have piqued his interest.

Jeremy’s voice became softer.

“It is really not easy for the crown prince of a country to recite the shame of his mother country.”

“But you have to explain it to this Emperor.”

“Yes, that would be the right thing to do.”

Jeremy continued politely.

Izar’s attitude was still cold.

But Jeremy knew…

When he apologized for not being able to kill Bianca, Izar’s gaze was momentarily filled with faint contempt.

Izar, the young Emperor of Cartan, was as sensitive and difficult as he looked.

Even now, what he was wearing was a Cartan-style robe as white as snow.

One has to know that to travel between Termina and Cartan, you had to cross a rugged mountain range, and with the way Izar looked he couldn’t believe he had just passed through that.

His clothes, without a single wrinkle, looked as if they had just been ironed, and his combed black hair, like ebony, didn’t have a single strand out of place.

He was a person who pursues extreme perfection.

That was Izar.

Jeremy knew why he wanted Bianca.

That’s because he wanted the best woman of the empire.

Some crazy idiot even dared to compare Bianca with the founding father of the empire, the first great Emperor.

The imperial descendant who inherited the first Emperor…?

That hybrid whose only resemblance to a perfect person, like the founder of the empire, was the eyes and hair color.

Someone like him, what if he heard that rumor without knowing anything?

I’m sure he’ll have craved her even more.

But what if that perfection disappeared?

Jeremy felt his excitement boiling over and looked down.

“Izar should know that Empress Sabrina, who gave birth to Bianca, was originally…”

“I know.”

“As much as it was not an easy marriage, he really cared for Empress Sabrina, who stayed with His Majesty the Emperor.”

Izar lifted his chin as if to continue.

Jeremy lifted the teacup in front of him and took a couple of sips.

And only after hesitating for a long time was Jeremy able to speak again.

“And then Bianca was born.”


Izar quickly lost interest at the sound of nothing special, even though he paused as if there was something going on.

His tone of voice was quite cold, as if all the faintly remaining curiosity had evaporated and what was left was irritation.

However, Jeremy smiled at Izar’s expression.

“In six months, very healthy.”

Izar’s angry face hardened.

“In six months?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Jeremy kept his gaze focused on his toes to avoid accidentally making eye contact with him.

“The born child was healthy?”

There was no one on this continent who did not know that Emperor Eclipse of Termina fell in love with Sabrina Horshir’s beauty and committed a marauding marriage.

No one cared that Baron Horshir had died long ago.

On the other hand, It was of great interest that the new head of the Horshir family, a widow who had lost her husband after less than a year of marriage, was earnestly courted by the Emperor.

‘I have decided to become the head of Baron Horshir. your majesty.’

‘How about using your good intentions for Termina instead of Horshir?’

The story of the two spread throughout the continent through the mouths of bards.

The eastern part, surrounded by rugged mountain ranges, was no exception.

Izar jumped up from his seat.

“That means!”

Jeremy bowed his head deeply at the angry shouts of the young Emperor.

“You know my father, but he doesn’t really care about lineage.”

‘He might have know this from Empress Sabrina….’

The small, painful addition was quite intentional.

“I understand that your Majesty visited last year while I was on an inspection tour of the southern part of the country. Had I been present then….”

“No, no, no, wait.”

He tried to control his rough breathing as he circled the city’s most spectacular sun hall several times.

How long had it been since then?

He reached in front of Jeremy with hurried steps and opened his mouth again.

“Wait, wait. So… I understand.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“But there’s something I don’t understand. What does failing to kill her have to do with sending her to Duke Baloch?”

He fell for it.

Jeremy grinned.

This time he didn’t hide his smile.

On the contrary, he had a bright expression on hid face, as if he was happy for him.

“Due to the feud between the Emperor and Baloch, the previous Duke was executed.”

“Oh my.”

“But since we couldn’t abandon the beast, we needed an offering to soothe the heartbroken beast.”

Izar nodded silently.

The explanation wasn’t long, but the expression on his face meant he understood everything.

“What even Termina couldn’t guess is that the beast took Bianca alive.”

“But, if it is Princess Bianca, isn’t she worth it…?”

Izar’s tone of voice was quite calm, as if he understood Duke Baloch’s actions.

He probably remembered the fact that Bianca was the best in the empire.

Jeremy snorted softly.

What a moron.

Would Baloch, who was so outstanding that he didn’t even look like a human being, have a nobody like Bianca enter his eyes?

Jeremy, who had a flawless expression on his face, suddenly nodded slightly.

Ah, has Izar never seen Baloch?

Jeremy decided to kindly explain it to him.

“Baloch doesn’t know about Bianca’s birth, your majesty.”


“Didn’t I tell you that she was a disgrace to Termina? My father didn’t make an issue of it, so I just let it go…”

Izar quietly nodded towards Jeremy, who was speechless.

“Anyway, the princess is Termina, and murdering the royal family is treason.”

Even if I pointed it out like this, you still couldn’t understand it.

They took the mongrel alive thinking it was of Termina’s blood, wouldn’t it be absurd to assume that Baloch was afraid of murdering the royal family?

It was a natural guess for Izar, who did not know the legend, but Jeremy felt sorry for Izar for being mistaken.

However, he did not bother to explain it in detail.

It was annoying, but even if he didn’t have to explain it, the Termina Imperial Family’s scandal that unfolded through his speech must have been quite frustrating, because his expression was very sour.

A faint smile was the evidence on his face(Jeremy).

Jeremy bowed deeply and gave a polite greeting.

“The situation was quite urgent, so I’m really sorry that I couldn’t give you any tip in advance.”

“I understand that too.”

The atmosphere had become much softer than before.

But this wasn’t the end.

“I think this is not the only story we need to share. What do you think, Prince?”

“Of course. your majesty. Termina is a place known by its morality.”

“Haha. Cartan is not a martial country, so don’t be too nervous.”

Izar’s laughter was loud.

The bright blue eyes almost looked black with the pupils wide open.




Jillian felt like she was suffocating as she held her head with her eyes closed without a single sound of pain.

Bianca’s eyes were unfocused.

“Ma’am, lean on me.”

She was paying attention to what he was saying, but he wasn’t confident about that after some time passed.

Her expression was vague, as if she was looking somewhere far away from here.

“Shh, it’s okay.”

Bianca said it was dizziness, but how could this be caused by slight fatigue?

Although he felt like he was being lied to, Jillian coaxed Bianca with the kindest voice he could muster.

“It was a forced march. It’s natural that it’s difficult for you.”


“Are you okay now? Just take a nap like this.”

At some point, her body, which had been holding on stiffly, collapsed like water mist.

At that moment, Jillian hugged Bianca tightly.

Her weight was incredibly light for an adult woman.

I wasn’t as surprised as the first time, but I felt like I wouldn’t be able to get used to this.

Jillian carefully let out a soft sigh, gently wrapped a thick blanket around Bianca, and leaned against the carriage seat.

“Is that called dizziness…?”

My low self-talk felt very bitter.

When she entered the reception room alone, I noticed that she had been abandoned by the Emperor.

  1. However, even though she was not extravagant, he thought that despite her meticulous grooming and rumors, she must have lived quite a princess-like life.

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