Save Me

Oh my, that’s pitiful

17. Oh my, that’s pitiful


This marriage is invalid.

The wedding letter signed by the Duke of Baloch was sent in the name of ‘Bianca Termina’ a month ago.

There is no way an actual marriage can be established with someone who does not exist.

This marriage is invalid.

It’s invalid!

Baloch doesn’t know what he’s missing.

“Poor Baloch.”

Izar chuckled, unable to withstand the thrill that was welling up to his bone marrow any longer.

His fine black hair was wavy and flowed over his shoulders.

Bring her with you when those idiots still don’t know, Your Majesty.’

“Ah, you idiots!”

Izar, who had been unable to hide his irritation a moment ago, laughed until tears came to his eyes.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Pick up the barracks, the tour is over. Let’s get out of here quickly.”

It was only two hours ago that even though he was advised to go to the palace, he insisted that he needed mental and physical stability and forced him to open his barracks.

It took an hour and a half to set up this gorgeous and huge barracks.

It would have been dissatisfying for him, but instead of frowning, Salvar went to sleep, answered ‘yes’, and retreated.

Because it was his job as a servant to follow his master’s orders.

“Salvar, send a bird to the main palace. Tell them to choose a soldier who is agile, tall, has white skin, and is slim.”

If he is tall, has fair skin,  a slender frame, then hee was definitely a northerner.

“Can I add the word ‘light-toned’1I searched a little to understand the meaning of light toned and that is what I came with, the voice is a little higher and not loud or forced. “Not bold” might be another way to think about it or “gentle”. ?”

Izar grinned at Salvar’s question that seemed to pierce his heart.

Standing in the growing sunlight and smiling, Izar had the arrogant and beautiful appearance of a master holding the Kartan of Abundance in one hand.





The wind blowing gently was moderately cool and the seasons were changing.

Bianca quickly regained her strength under utmost care.

Only Baloch didn’t seem to know that.

“Oh my gosh, what are we going to do if you get sick again after being exposed to the cold air?”

“I’m really healed. I’m fine now.”

“It’s very windy. Aren’t you cold? How about I bring you a blanket and cover you up?”

“Julie, I really think I’m going to die if we fight here any longer, calm down.”

Bianca looked at Julie with a straight face and tried to dissuade her from bustling around.

Even now, Bianca was wearing a coat made of leather with some furr on it.

The coat, which fit her body perfectly as if it had been made to Bianca’s measurements, looked very pretty, but was also light and very warm.

Just wearing it makes my body heat up.

But as if these things weren’t enough, Julie lit a suffocating stove in the bedroom and drawing room!

In the end, my cheeks got red and I found it difficult to breathe, so I gave the ‘order’ to open the window.

When Julie heard the word ‘order’, she opened the door just a little bit and was now in a mess.

My body, covered in a coat, was still hot and my head wass spinning and she wants to put a blanket on me on top of that!

“It’s stiflingly hot.”

“But the cold in the north….”

“It’s not like this, there is winter in the capital too.”


Although she seemed to be muttering, Julie had no choice if Bianca kept insisting.

In the end, Julie drooped her eyebrows pitifully and said a nagging request.

“If you feel even the slightest bit cold, please let me know.”


It was an overprotection that made people tired.

However, the reason I endured it to this point was not because of the awareness that I was a ‘sacrificial offering.’

I guess I couldn’t believe the affection and interest that was clearly depicted before my eyes.

‘Then why did I become a maid!’

‘Bianca, please hold on for a little while. Because my uncle will find a way. huh?

Deborah and Marquis Elien.

Aside from those two, all I received from others was always sharp ridicule and outright hostility.

The Emperor and the Crown Prince were openly hostile to her, so who would have dared to embrace Bianca?

Not only did they neglect Bianca as if they were showing off their superiority, but some of them also harassed Bianca as if it wasn’t enough to just ignore her.

That’s why I couldn’t believe it, even when I saw it, that a complete stranger was giving Bianca a favor.

It will be over soon, so I will enjoy it just a little.

I watched them, wondering if it was just a bad prank, and it ended me up in this situation.

After arguing for a moment, my head started spinning again.

I feel like I’m melting while standing under the midsummer sun.

Bianca tried to cool down her fever by breathing in the wind blowing through the cracks in the window.

If I took off these hot clothes, my body temperature would cool down immediately, but I knew what kind of commotion happened last time when my body cooled down, so there was no other way.

One disturbance was enough.


To Bianca, who was taking a cool breathe and breathing out the hot air between her teeth, Julie said, ‘Ah!’ as if she had just remembered something.

She opened her mouth and said,

“They said it would be okay to eat a proper meal starting from lunch today.”


Bianca’s eyes sparkled and she couldn’t hide her joy.

The watery soup without any heavy ingredients was delicious, but not being able to chew something was quite disappointing, so I wanted to have a proper meal now.2What!! I won’t live a single day with just watery soup even if I was sick, that’s just too miserable!


“I’ll go get it right away.”

Bianca’s cheeks stiffened slightly when she heard that a meal would be prepared in the bedroom.

When I arrived in Baloch, I stayed in my bedroom the entire time.

It was because I had been sick as soon as I arrived, but my body felt lighter now, so I felt stuffy and wanted to go out.

“I’ll just make the bedding and go get it quickly.”

Even if it’s not possible to go outside yet, wouldn’t it be okay to take a look around to learn the inside geography of the Duke’s castle?

“No, I’ll just go down and eat. Would you mind helping me get there?”

For a moment, Julie, who was busy making up the bedding, stopped as if she was embarrassed.

Seeing that, Bianca felt a chill in her heart, as if she had been doused with cold water.


“Am I not allowed to leave the room?”

It was embarrassing that my thoughts came out of my mouth, but the most harrowing thing was the sight of Julie avoiding eye contact.

Bianca stiffened without realizing it.

Could it be that I was trapped?

But obviously…

This is your home.’

Oh my god.

I got so excited by what a polite and kind person said to me out of courtesy that I ended up acting as if something had changed.

My mind understood, but for some reason, my vision went dark and my lips trembled.



Don’t call me in an apologetic tone.

Bianca swallowed the words that were on the tip of her tongue and whispered her habitual words.

“I’m okay.”

The room was extremely quiet.

How long has it been?


Bianca, startled by the heavy sound and vibrations rising through the floor, turned her head to see Julie came in front of her without making a sound and kneeled there.

“Sorry. I didn’t know how to talk, so I made you misunderstand.”

Although her heart was still pounding in shock, Bianca barely managed to keep her expression from falling.

“I definitely didn’t mean this in a bad way….that..”

“Julie, your knees are going to hurt. Get up.”

Julie suddenly stood up in response to Bianca’s distancing words, put one hand behind her back and held out the other as if the driver was asking for an escort.

“I will engrave today’s events in my bones and never make a mistake like this again.”

Even the way she spoke changed.

“I will definitely learn how to speak nicely to my master as not to hurting your feelings and not to be heartbroken like this next time, so please give me just one chance.”

Hearing her saying this made me petty.

Bianca held Julie’s hand.

“Julie, I’m sorry. You had your own circumstances, but I couldn’t figure it out and I put you in trouble.”

Julie’s face, which had been tense as if she was expecting a harsh reprimand, suddenly brightened.

“No, that’s not really the case.”

Julie, who was stumbling around in embarrassment, suddenly looked even more desperate at Bianca’s words.

Then, as if she had decided on something, she pulled Bianca with force and led her out of the bedroom.

But she didn’t move much until she stopped.

As soon as she opened the bedroom door, what the tips of Bianca’s slippers touched was not the cold marble floor.

Instead she saw, a carpet that soaked her up to her ankles.

In fact, Bianca didn’t know what it was called.

She just expected it to be called a carpet because it was just spread on the floor.

She had never seen anything like this in the first place.


“The Duke has prepared it for Madam to not be hurt by the cold.”

Julie applied strength to her joined hands and dragged Bianca, who had stopped hesitantly, out of the bedroom.

“The Duke told me to keep it a secret.”


Bianca covered her mouth even though she didn’t even say anything.

“I heard the Duchess will feel burdened if she finds out.”

Julie, too, continued to look everywhere to see if they were being heard, but continued to speak stubbornly until the end.

What did I do..

Bianca found it difficult to hold her face up at that time, so she raised her free hand and covered her face.

My face, which had cooled off at first, was so hot that it felt like it was about to explode.


Bianca was so pathetic that she couldn’t stand it.

Even when she was subjected to all kinds of cruel treatment in the imperial castle, she remained courageous.

After meeting Duke Baloch, she wondered where all her patience and shame had gone, as she kept acting ridiculous and foolish like this.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Bianca, why are you like this.

I knew Julie was fidgeting and moving around, but I couldn’t raise my face.

Until I felt a large hand wrapping around my shoulder.


Bianca raised her head and as soon as her eyes met Jillian’s, she opened her mouth in a fit of rage.

“I came out because it was hot. It was too hot… Julie tried to stop me, but..”

I couldn’t let young Julie get into trouble because of my foolish actions.

As soon as she saw Julie standing next to her flinch as if she was about to jump at Bianca’s words, Bianca added another word as if to rearrange her words.

“It’s really hot,..”

“Well done.”

Jillian cut Bianca off and smiled.

His reaction was calm contrasting with the fact that she was talking out of nervousness.

“Your cheeks are red.”

So cute.

His long, straight fingers brushed my cheek as if tickling.

Was it because my cheeks were so hot?

I loved the feeling of his cool fingers.

Bianca blinked and looked at him.

“Your clothes suit you well. It’s worth catching it.”

“Hold on… what?”

I know it’s not the time to ask questions, but I felt like I heard something that shouldn’t be ignored.

“No way……?”

Jillian nodded at Bianca’s words.

“The cold in the north is unusual, but your wife doesn’t seem to feel so.”

It’s not cold anymore, right?

Jillian asked as if to gauge her mood, and his expression looked very expectant, so Bianca nodded in confusion.

“It’s hot.”

“Enough to lose your cool?”

Seeing the desired answer clearly, Bianca closed her eyes tightly and the tip of her nose twitched.

“It was unbearably hot.”

Jillian laughed, his laughter echoing in the corridor at the cute voice she couldn’t believe she had made.

“Oh my. That’s pitiful.”

Unlike his usual way of speaking, his low purring voice sounded like the sound of a satisfied animal.




There are still 5 chapters left..

Don’t mind me, I am just keeping count so that I don’t forget.

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