Save Me

Things getting out of control.

13. Things getting out of control.



As if the sound of the lock on the heavy wooden door being clicked behind her was a signal, the eyes of the young maid called Julie also suddenly changed.

Unlike when she was grumbling childishly and confronting Celine, her expression became incredibly hard and made her look like a different person.

“I found her.”

Hailey wrinkled her face without responding to Julie’s words.

It was an expression closer to annoyance than anger.

“Who is it?”

“It’s just as you guessed.”

“Celine was always sick of the cold in the North.”

Although she was clicking her tongue as if she felt sorry, there was no sign of sympathy anywhere on Hailey’s face.

“But I never thought she would move this fast.”

It was natural for Hailey to be suspicious.

Not even a day had passed since Princess Bianca arrived.

But, someone was already spreading stories about her?

“What exactly did Celine say?”

“You dare call someone who has been removed from the imperial family a Termina? Do you want to be accused of insulting to the imperial family?”

Julie recited exactly what Celine said.

“Was she really removed from the royal family?”

“I haven’t heard anything about it.”

I knew that she was an abandoned princess.

However, I have not heard any news of him being removed from the royal family tree.

Celine’s attitude as she scolded the maids was strangely confident.

How should I handle this?

If what Celine said was true, it meant that there was a higher-up who handed Celine ‘high-level information’ that she did not know about.

Things turned out to be bigger than what I thought.

This wasn’t something that could be done by Celine alone, nor was it something that could be handled arbitrarily.

“What about the Duke?”

“I believe that things are going astray.”

Hailey, who seemed as if she was going to run away at Julie’s words, couldn’t hide her frustrated expression.

“Tell me.”

“A monster came over from the ice wall.”

“At this time?”

“So the Duke went to check.”

It is unusual.

At this time.

Other than that, there was nothing else to say.

Unfortunately, on the day the Duchess entered the country, trouble occurred twice in a row.

At this time of the year there should still be a long time to go before the wave begins.

I felt anxious about the things that are happening uncontrollably.

The north is rumored to be infested with monsters, but this has never happened before.

Even making the duke get involved twice a day.

It was still the beginning of winter.

It was too early in the season for monsters to move.

It felt like everything was suddenly tangled up in a hurry.

“Why suddenly…”

That was a question I was asking myself.

“What are you worried about? Anything that is bound happen will happen anyway.”

Hailey turned her head to the clear voice.

“Being worried doesn’t make what’s going to happen go away, nor does it solve what happened.”

Speaking again, Julie shrugged and smiled.

What Hailey Armor hated the most was talking about such nonsense instead of a solution.

However, at this moment, Julie’s words seemed quite plausible.



She grabbed Julie by her hair, bent her head back, and at the same time kicked her in the stomach and brought her to her knees.1Ouch….

It happened in an instant.

Julie didn’t resist.

Instead, he looked up at Hailey with a more docile expression.

Her eyebrows were gently drooped, and her slightly red eyes made Julie look pitiful.

Even though her eyes were full of tears, Julie never let her go.

Hailey bent down and stared at the figure.



Julie was panting and trying very hard to sound polite.

“That’s a pretty good advice.”

Hailey, who was looking at Julie expressionlessly, burst into laughter with a brief compliment.

It was then that Julie’s face, which had been smiling the whole time, turned white.

“Why, why are you like that? It is giving me an awful feeling.”

“I will appoint you as the Duchess’ personal maid.”

“Oh my god.”

The force that had been violently squeezing her down had completely disappeared, and it had been a long time since the hand that had been holding her head so hard that she couldn’t even shake it had loosened.

But Julie stiffened as she looked up at Hailey and did not move.

“Me…? You’re going to have me as the Duchess’s dedicated maid? Well, what you’re saying is…”

Before she could speak further, Julie covered her own mouth.

Oh my god.

A sound that she couldn’t tell whether it was exclamation or sighing came out non-stop from within her grasp.

Julie acted like she was slightly out of her mind.

However, considering that escorting a ‘lady’ as a knight was a great honor, Julie’s reaction was only natural.

So, instead of scolding Julie for acting like a fool, Hailey held out her hand and helped Julie up.

“Wow…this is really….”

“You can do well, right?”


Julie lightly clenched her fist and placed it on her left chest.

Julie looked extremely happy, her cheeks slightly flushed with pride.

“Lord Armor, as you know, I am confident in using my body. It is second to none. I will quickly got used to things like being a dedicated maid, ah!”


Julie, who had been talking excitedly, fell down clutching her head with the sound of something breaking.

“Ugh! Oh really!”

“Chief maid.”


Julie, who was peeking at Hailey between her fingers, opened her mouth and made a silly face.

“Chief maid.”


Only then did Julie realize why she had been hit.

She was so happy and excited to be the duchess’s dedicated maid, that she dared to make expose Hailey Armor by calling her Lord.

I couldn’t tell what I was doing because of excitement and ran my mouth so much.

Wasn’t that the reason why I secretly infiltrated the mansion?

“Sorry, Arm…, no, the head maid.”

Julie’s neck got red and she lowered her head.

“Be careful what you say, Julie.”

“Sorry. Head maid, I will do better from now on. I will do well.”

“If you make a mistake, I’ll cut you right away. No second chances.”

“Of course, head maid, I will keep that in mind.”

“Let’s go, you should watch her now then get eavesdrop on her later in the evening.”

“Yes, head maid.”

Looking at Julie’s back as she ran like a gun, staring straight ahead, Hailey sighed.

What kind of maid can run like that while wearing a skirt that reaches her ankles?

There was more than one thing to teach, and my eyes suddenly became dark.

But Hailey knew.

There was no one better suited than Julie to be the Duchess’ dedicated maid.

Hailey clearly remembered the Duchess straightening her back when she heard that the Duke would not be able to enter the palace with her.

Also, the way she coldly pushed away the attendants, as if she was wary of them.


Hailey also felt unfair, wondering if there was any use in doing all that.

She had lived her entire life as a knight.

Didn’t she become the head maid after Jillian said that he would welcome the princess as Baloch’s hostess?

We need someone to take responsibility for the princess safety.’

That’s how Creta and herself were selected.

I put in a lot of effort for over a month, but it was an attitude I had been accustomed to for a lifetime and my accent did not change easily.

She still says, ‘Hello.’ It is more natural to say, ‘Welcome.’

Although Hailey tried to speak kindly, she ended up seeing Bianca making a subtle expression at her words.

Although it was a faint response, Hailey Armor was an outstanding knight.

It was could read all the emotions that appeared on her face in a split second.

She was clearly surprised by the reaction, which was not typical of an ordinary maid, and pushed her away with a strict command that was different from that of other noble ladies.

For a moment, her tone was so stern that I thought she had discovered her true identity, so she backed out without even being able to say anything.

Proper service is impossible in this way.

Sometimes someone like Julie who was petite, young, and clueless was better at winning someone’s heart.

Moreover, Julie was a knight who showed off outstanding skills for her age.

In times of emergency, she would be excellent as an escort, so it was difficult to find someone as good as Julie to be the Duchess’ dedicated maid.

Suddenly, Hailey looked at her reflection in the window.

I was constantly told that I was small in the knights’ order, but since coming to the main castle, I have been constantly being told that I am very tall.

By any chance, was this height also a problem?

Hailey, who was thinking of Julie barely reaching her shoulders, suddenly sighed softly.


It must be intimidating to the Duchess.

No, it would be threatening.2And to think Bianca just didn’t want to indulge so much in the good treatment she received:⁠^⁠)






Though I thought I wouldn’t be able to sleep.

I slept soundly until the sun became bright like this.

The feeling of being ill was not good.

The most embarrassing thing about it was that she felt so heavy that she couldn’t get herself up even after sleeping so much like this.

Bianca tried to get up, but her vision was so distorted that she could only roll her eyes.

It felt like the world was spinning, or I was holding on to a boat with waves crashing against it.


I didn’t want to make a sound, but the unbearable dizziness made me moan.

“Oh my? Are you awake?”

As I closed my eyes tightly and waited for the dizziness to go away, a cute voice rang out from somewhere.

When I opened my eyes and looked around, I saw a girl with blonde hair.


I had to ask who she was, but my voice was so hoarse that I couldn’t make a sound.

Why was my throat like this?

That wasn’t all.

When I open my eyes, it felt like my head was splitting open.

I tried to hold my head in unbearable pain, but for some reason my hands wouldn’t move.

My hand, hanging down as if someone had placed a heavy weight on it, it looked like it belonged to someone else.

What’s happening.3A cold is happening 🤧


At that moment when the embarrassed Bianca let out a hoarse sound, the girl next to her came up to her.

“I’ll give you some water. Then, your throat will clear up.”

After waiting for a moment, the girl put her hand behind her neck to help her up and brought a pillow to support her.

All Bianca had to do was to stay still.

When I poured water into my mouth with a small teaspoon4Excuse me, a teaspoon..💀, the dried flesh became soft and my throat cleared up.

I felt like the area from the tip of the tongue, through the rough roof of the mouth, to the throat was as dry as an old tree.

After drinking water several times, Bianca was able to make sounds properly


“Hello, Duchess. My name is Julie. I will be your dedicated maid from now on and will serve you.”

Dedicated maid?

The girl in front of me must have been sixteen at most.

She had a youthful face, not even an adult’s.

But a young lady like this was working as a maid?

Although speaking was still difficult, Bianca had to do it.

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