Romélia Senki

Chapter 3: Returning Home after Three Years.

 It’s been a month since we boarded the magic ship, and those days were tougher than words can describe.
 When we came here, it was comparatively easy because we only had to hide among the slaves being carried, but this time we had to steal the eye of the demon king’s army.
 The Demon king’s army was also wary of stowaways, as there are some who stow away and try to return to their homeland in this manner. Life was tougher than I had imagined, we had to steal food and collect drinking water while under the watchful eye of the guards.
 Fortunately, the Demon King’s Army had sent a large number of immigrants to our continent and was embarking on a full-scale territorialization. Their behavior was unpredictable and we had our moments of close calls, but our theft was never revealed because they, like us, were also skimming supplies.
 Finally, after weathering several storms, we could see our homeland, the continent of Axis.
 We had finally returned to our homeland, but even here it was far from safe.
 This land had been destroyed by the Demon King’s army, and in order to establish it as a territory under their control, they were recruiting immigrants, building towns, and constructing new defense facilities.
 Here, too, the people who helped us were those who were forced to work as slaves.
 They sheltered and helped us to escape.
 They also risked their lives to escape and keep our presence away from our pursuers in order to announce the Demon King’s death to the nations.
 Thanks to their efforts, we were able to escape the Demon King’s domain and enter the borders of our homeland, the Kingdom of Lionel.
 When we reached a town near the border and the prince told the mayor of the town about his status and reported the death of the Demon King, there was great commotion.
 Rumors had already been spread by those who had fled that Prince Henri had defeated the Demon King Zergis, and everyone was surprised that the rumors were true.
 Soon the messenger’s horse was running and the knights of the kingdom were coming to pick him up and escort him.
 The mayor asked the prince to stay at his mansion until the knights arrived, and he agreed.

“I guess this is goodbye then.”

 While the mayor was away, I said goodbye to the prince. His safety was assured, and it was safe to assume that our journey was over. Then there was no reason for us to be together.

“Hmm? Oh, yeah. That’s right.”

 Apparently, he had forgotten that he had said so himself after defeating the Demon King.

“I also have business in the Royal Capital, so we will return together. But rest assured that I will not participate in the triumphal return and will keep a low profile. The crown around the Demon King’s neck, the staff, ring, and necklace, you should take them home as spoils of war. May I take the other items?”

 Since the others didn’t know about the seal and other items I’ve obtained, I shall put them to good use.

“Oh, yes. That’s fine.”

“And I’m sorry, but I’ll take the rest of the roadside silver as well. I can’t stay here.”

 I shall not be entertained in the mayor’s mansion along with them. I’ll stay at a cheap hotel in town. I don’t have that much money left. I must send out a messenger and ask my father to send some money.

“Hey, Romelia!”

  As I’m making plans in my head for the future, the prince called out to me.


 I think I’ve gone over everything, but was there anything left to do?

“! No, it’s nothing!”

 For some reason, the prince had raised his voice and then stopped. I tilted my head, then turned my back to him and started to walk away.
 This was our farewell.

“Well, then. Let’s get going.”

 After parting with the prince, I moved to a cheap hotel and immediately began to take action.
 There are still many soldiers from the demon king’s army remaining on this continent. The prince said he would defeat them himself, but I can’t rely too much on him. Of course, it would be best if he did do well, but considering what would happen if he failed, I should take action too.
 I’ve traveled with the prince for the past three years and experienced many things. During my travels, I was not able to make much use of them, such as standing up to the others, but from now on I’m free to do as I see fit.
 I had actually planned to do something after I became queen, but now that the engagement is broken, I have to do it myself from scratch.

“I have to hurry up and start with the Operation Letter.”

 First, I bought some paper and wrote some letters.
 The first letter I sent was to the royal palace. I mailed the documents and the seal that I obtained when we defeated the Demon King.
I could have given them to the prince, but he might forget, so I needed to send them to someone I thought could use them effectively.
 I then recommended that the soldiers of the Demon King’s army be captured, informed of his death, and have them bring back these documents and the documents with the seal stamped on them.
 At the time we escaped from Gordia, the Demon King’s death had not yet been made public. But it’s not something that can be hidden. There will be chaos on the Demon Continent sooner or later. If that happens, there will be a struggle to decide who will take his place, and regular service of the magic ship will be disrupted.
 It will take longer for the Demon King’s death to reach his army, which is invading this continent. It will take even more time for the soldiers at the end of the line to know about it. In order to spread the word of his death as quickly as possible, we should capture the Demons alive and inform them about his death.
 Of course, the enemy commanders will try to contain this as false news, so we must make them have convincing material to spread the word of the Demon King’s death among the other soldiers.
 On the boat ride home, I only had time to think, so I wrote down every possible method I could think of, just as if the prince had been the one to come up with them.
 Furthermore, since there was a possibility that the royal court might ignore this proposal, I’ll send similar documents to other influential nobles and to the generals fighting on the front lines.

“That’s good, is that all?”

 I think I’ve done everything I had in mind for the most part. But I feel like I’m forgetting something. What was it?
 Lost for a while, I finally remembered to send a letter to my parents’ house.

“Oh yes, I have to tell them I’m alive and have them send me some money. Also, I need to tell them that my engagement has been called off.”

 I forgot something important. What should I write?
 My pen, which had been running so smoothly just a moment ago, stopped. I was struggling with the first line of the letter.
 After much deliberation, I decided on a short, conventional greeting and a short administrative message, then I closed with a standard greeting.
 It was a terrible letter, not like the first letter one writes in three years, but I’d have to ask for their forgiveness.
 After sending the letter, I stayed for a few days to recover from fatigue, and then a line of knights came to the town.
 Thousands of elite knights greeted the prince, and he made a triumphant return to the royal capital.
 The prince was dressed in the glittering armor brought by the knights and astride a white horse. He looked like a hero straight out of a picture scroll.
 The other three were also given dresses and costumes, and rode in a luxurious carriage with the roof removed, a triumphant return.
 I, too, received a letter and money from my father, which I used to hire the cheapest carriage I could find. The letter was short, like mine, and said only that he wished to see me in the capital.
 The princes’ triumphal return was already being celebrated by all the people. Wherever they went, people kept lining up to see them, and they were showered with every praise imaginable.
 I couldn’t keep up with the princes’ triumphal return, so I passed them on the way and continued on.
 Everywhere I went, preparations were being made to welcome them, and I could feel the joy of the people at the return of their heroes.
 Then, preceding the streets where preparations were underway, I reached the royal capital.
 The carriage came to a stop in front of the Count Graham’s house in the royal capital, and I looked at the towering mansion.
 A large gate, followed by a magnificent garden, and a symmetrical pavilion with open arms stood at the end of a straight road.
 I was home for the first time in three years.


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