Romélia Senki

Monster Subjugation (1)

Eighteen spears lined up in a row as if they were piercing the heavens, and the soldiers holding the spears stared straight ahead.

The forest stretched out in front of us.

As we stare at the forest with bated breath, we hear the sound of rustling in the treetops and see small animals and birds fleeing from the forest.

A black shadow leaps out of the forest. For a moment, the soldiers brace themselves, but soon realize it is their comrade.

It was Al, who had been entrusted with the job of decoy, riding his horse out of the forest.

He came straight at us, with tree branches and leaves sticking to his body as he plowed through the forest.

A few seconds later, five more black shadows came flying out of the forest after him.

Supporting their huge bodies with their hooves, demonized boars charged at us.

The boars with vertical stripes on their backs were furious at Al for attacking their nest and chased after him with raged-filled eyes.


“Make room for Al to escape.”


I ordered two soldiers to retreat and make a hole in the formation, and Al on his horse, galloped through the hole.

The hole is quickly closed, and the soldiers wait for the boars.

The boars, which rushed forward, did not change direction but came straight at us when they saw us.

I measured the distance and drew the boar close.


“Bring it down!”


With my command, the standing spears swung at once, forming a bed of spears. The boars could not change direction and came to thrust themselves directly into the spears.

The soldiers caught the boars, which were like rocks falling from a cliff, with their spears.

The soldiers were able to support the out of control speed and weight, even though they backed up slightly.

The massive mass and speed of the boars caused some spears to bounce off, but three boars were skewered by the densely packed spears and died instantly. The remaining two boars were not mortally wounded but instead entered inside the spears, shook their heads, and bounced the spears off.

However, two soldiers standing nearby showed excellent coordination and released their spears at the same time. The boar has nowhere to run and is pierced by the spear. The soldiers unhurriedly pulled out their spears and stabbed the boars to death.


All right!


I was pleased with the soldiers’ movement. They weren’t intimidated by the enemy’s attacks and were able to resist calmly.

This is their fourth actual battle since their first. They are getting better with experience.

Seeing the soldiers who had killed all five boars, Ray, who was riding his horse beside me, seemed to want to step forward.


“Calm down, Ray. I know you want to fight, but I need you to protect me.”


Cavalrymen are useless against a charging boar. And I need a fighting force at hand, not just as a guard, but in case something goes wrong.


“That’s right, Ray. The real work begins here.”


Al, who had ridden through as a decoy, returned to his horse and came to the back.


“Was it still there?”


“Yeah, a big one.”


I looked at the boars that had been killed. They were already as big as or bigger than adult boars but had vertical stripes on their backs.

In other words, they’re still children.


“Ray, please take the reins.”


I dismounted from my horse, passed the reins to Ray, and took out a round object from the pouch on my waist belt.

It was a sphere wrapped in cloth, and when I removed the cloth, I found a tag with strange letters attached to it. Peeling off the tag revealed an unglazed sphere.

Careful not to drop it, I carefully shifted one to my right hand and kept the other in my left hand as a spare. Immediately after, the quiet forest exploded with a roar.

As the soldiers cowered at the roaring sound and looked at the exploding forest, branches, dirt, and stones scattered in the sky, pushing through the dust clouds to reveal a huge black body.

It was a boar as big as a horse-drawn carriage.

Its entire body was covered in wire-like fur, and its huge, white tusks towered over the sky. It stared at us with its jet-black face and red eyes filled with murderous intent, and it roared as if it were blowing dozens of horns at the same time.

It is the mother of the monsters we just defeated.

When the demon found us and saw the bodies of its children lying at our feet, it simply burst into a mass of murderous rage.


“There it is, the three legs!” Al shouted. As he said, the giant boar has no right front leg and uses three legs to support its huge body.

The boar had been caught in a steel trap set by a hunter once, but the boar tore off its leg and escaped.

A boar that loses its leg in the wild usually does not survive, but the three legs survived with incredible vitality. Three days ago, it crushed the house of the hunter who had set up the trap for it and devoured his entire family.

The three-legged one, whose children we killed, rushed forward at a speed that did not match its huge body. If the children were falling rocks, then it was a huge boulder tumbling down the cliff. No number of spears could stop it.

But I did not run away, and the soldiers, though startled by the three-legged behemoth, didn’t either.

I caught my breath and threw what I was holding in my right hand toward the approaching three-legged monster.

Flying through the air in a parabolic pattern was the exploding magic tiger stone that I had been provided with. The magic stone struck the head of the three-legged creature that was rushing toward me. The moment the pottery cracked and the contents of the black magic stone were revealed, the stone exploded, blowing off the three-legged monster’s head.

The impact of the explosion caused the three-legged boar to lunge forward at an angle and fall to the ground as if he were crashing.

The impact was so strong that its body floated.

The soldiers cheered as the three legs collapsed, but it was still too early to rejoice.


“Not yet; finish him off!”


The explosive magic stone went off on the left side of its head, and the fur on the three-legged head was blown off, exposing the skull, but the strong skull was only cracked, and the brain was not destroyed. All it got was just a concussion from the impact of the explosion.

I gave instructions to finish the enemy off, but right after that, a horse ran past me. It’s Ray.


“Ray, no!”


With a shout, Ray rushed forward with his spear ready. But the sound brought the three-legged one back to consciousness, and its eyes rose, it shook its head, and it swiped away Ray’s spear with its huge tusks.

The horse was startled and rose to its feet, and Ray fell off.


No, no, no, no!


I held the spare explosive magic stone in my right hand, but in that position, Ray would be caught up in the explosion.

Three legs looked down at Ray, who had fallen off his horse and onto his buttocks.




Al jumped out and launched his spear at the three-legged monster. It noticed Al and caught the spear with its fangs.

Al puts all his strength into the spear, but with a swing of its neck, the spear is knocked away.

But Al’s action was not in vain. In the meantime, several of the soldiers who had formed a line jumped out of the way and headed for the three-legged monster.

Two soldiers lead the way. They moved, mirroring each other, and when they turned to the left side of the three legs, they trusted their spears into the base of the arms of its left front leg.


Very good!


It was a good decision not to aim for the internal organs but to pierce the base of its legs. Even if they pierced its internal organs or vital points, considering the vitality of the monster, there is no telling how long it will go on a rampage until it dies. The three legs had no right foreleg, so only the left foreleg supported the upper part of its body. It was stabbed in the base of his left forefoot and lost its balance.

A soldier with a stocky build came in late. He was small in stature but sturdy, and he stabbed the underarms of the three legs with all his strength.

He stabbed it where its heart was located, and the three legs roared in pain. More soldiers rushed in, and several spears were thrust into its guts.

The three-legged boar met its end with a death cry that could be heard over the mountains.


  1. Tamiko says:

    Woah, I thought this was dropped. Glad that it doesn’t! Thank you very much for the translation, it’s a great reading and work!

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