Romélia Senki

Chapter 10 The Cashew Region (3)

Spears, lined up in a row as if they were piercing the heavens, all swung down in unison. The soldiers shout and thrust their spears while advancing forward. When they reach the edge of the square, they turn around and repeat the steps.

At the training ground set up right next to Fort Carles, the new recruits were training.

Having completed basic training and physical conditioning, they were in excellent shape.

However, there were no veteran soldiers with actual battle experience, and the training was only routine. It’s hard to tell how they would do in a real battle. 

Another problem was that there were no archers and they could only engage in close combat. Since none of the new recruits had experience with a bow, there’s not enough time to train them to become proficient in archery. I’ll continue to train them according to their aptitude.

Speaking of aptitude, I also want to find out their aptitude for magic.

It is said that there are only a few people who have an aptitude for magic, and only one in a hundred that are good enough. But perhaps there’s at least one with aptitude among them.

I have a catalyst on hand to check for magical aptitude.

It’s a powder called “magic paint” that changes its properties in response to magic power. 

After holding the powder in your hand, you throw it in a fire to see if the color of the flame changes. The color of the flame shows your aptitude.

The test can be done at any time, but it is expensive and, above all, a difficult item to obtain. Right now, I only have what the Serra Chamber of Commerce has made available to me. There’s just barely enough for about twenty men, and I’m hesitant to use it on recruits whose fighting ability I still don’t know.

Another problem is the lack of healers. Originally, at least one wizard and two healers were supposed to be stationed at the fort, but since the Demon King’s army appeared, wizards and healers have been pulled out from all over the country, both positions vacant at the moment. 

The lack of a wizard is one thing, but the lack of healers to heal wounds is a problem. It is natural that there will be wounded people in battle, and even in training, injuries can occur. At least one healer needs to be recruited as soon as possible, but this is simply impossible right now.

It’s a headache, but for now, we have to make do with what we have.

“Al, how are you doing?”

There’s no rank or pecking order among the new recruits. For the time being, the brawny Al was made temporary captain of the group.

“As you can see, I’m perfect.”

It is an overconfident statement, but I won’t point it out. I’ll leave the captaincy as it is until it also fails.

“I’m glad to hear that. Well then, training is over for today. I have just received some information. Monsters were spotted near a village two days south of here.”

A villager who went into the mountains reported that he had encountered ten small monsters.

Monsters are wild animals that have been transformed for some reason and have become violent.

Until now, there have been only occasional reports of monsters. But the Demon King Zergis had succeeded in creating them at will with an unknown method.

Moreover, the monsters created by Zergis seem to have the power to turn other animals into monsters, and those monsters, released by the Demon King’s army, have multiplied in various places, becoming a plague that is crippling the entire country.

“The monsters created by the Demon King’s Army are particularly ferocious, hostile toward humans, and attack without regard. If left unchecked, it will only be a matter of time before they attack the village.”

The village in question has been trying to protect itself by staying out of the mountains since the encounter with the monsters. But it is likely that the monsters will eventually come down the mountain and attack the village regardless. We have to exterminate them before that happens.

“All right, you guys, let’s get to work!”

Al shouted vigorously. Some of the soldiers shouted along with him. He was cocky, but his bravado seemed to help a little.

The next day, I left the fort with the soldiers as I had declared.

Including myself, three of us were on horseback, with a wagon loaded with food at the back.

Before we left, Grandma Cairo stalled us several times, but we could not stay.

The speed of the march was reasonably fast. There were only twenty of us, so we were moving forward at a quick pace. Besides, some of the soldiers were enamored by the rewards and seemed eager to defeat the enemy as soon as possible.

Morale seems to be reasonably high, but I couldn’t count on it. It is a mere pretense made up of their desire for money and a sense of mission, a bluster that will crumble when everything blows. I can only hope that it will not be blown out in the actual battle.

As I rode my horse along with the soldiers, I noticed the soldier riding next to me was watching me.

His name was Rey.

He was a tall, gangly, young man with a freckled face and pale skin. He looked like a radish that never saw sunlight. He was a little older than me but his face made him appear younger.

“Can I help you?”

“Oh, no. I was just thinking how good you are at riding horses.”

Ray answered with a slurred expression as if he had not expected to be spoken to.

“When I was traveling with the Prince, I had the opportunity to ride a horse.”

Our travels were mostly on foot, but sometimes we would borrow horses to get around. At first, I could not ride well, but I learned horsemanship from the steppe people I met during the journey, and in the end, I became the best rider out of the five of us.

I know people would say that women shouldn’t be riding horses, but I have no intention of being a liability to them.

“I like horses, and I can even drive a carriage. When I traveled in the windswept frozen North, I also drove a dog sled.”

I like animals. I think horses in particular are beautiful creatures.

“That’s amazing.”

As Ray made the compliment, I heard a whistle next to him.

“A true wild child.”

Next to Ray, Al, who was also riding a horse, was laughing with a pompous look on his face.

Ray whispered a warning to Al, but Al didn’t seem to care. I didn’t mind him either.

“I was wondering how you guys learned to ride horses. Weren’t you both farmers?”

It’s rare for someone from a peasant background to be able to ride a horse.

“Yeah. I was brave enough to ride a farm horse.”

Al brags about it, but I think he is mistaking bravery for recklessness. Nevertheless, recklessness is a necessary element for a soldier

But if he has a farm horse, he may be a very wealthy farmer.

“oh, I’m not a farmer. I grew up in a church orphanage,” Ray modestly insists.

“Heh, yeah. So that’s why you can read, write, and do arithmetic.”

Besides being able to ride a horse, Ray can read, write, and do simple math.

Usually, farmers would already be considered educated if they can write their own names. Now I see why Rey was so well educated for a peasant.

“Did you help out at the church?”

“Yes. The priest, who was like a father to me,was familiar with medicinal herbs so he was a substitute for a nearby doctor. He often went out to villages here and there, but when an urgent patient is brought to the church, he has to be called, I would ride out to bring him back.”

“That’s wonderful.”

It is commendable to use your skills to help others.

When I praised him honestly, Ray looked away while scratching his nose. It looks like, he’s not really accustomed to being praised.

Al poked at him and they started bickering with each other. It seems they get along well.

I have high hopes for both of them.

Al is cocky, but he has a good physique, and is looked up to by the recruits. He is temporarily serving as captain but if he doesn’t fail, I would like to make him the official captain. Ray is too feeble for a soldier, but he can read and write. Eventually, I would like to have him be responsible for some administrative work.*

Both of them have their faults, but for now, I am looking forward to what they can do.


  1. AvatarGallia says:

    Thank you for the chapter.

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