Revenge Costs Interest

RVC Chapter 7

Chapter 7

“I need to stop the bleeding quickly,” Leah said, her heart pounding as his blood revived her shoulders.

She walked down the path, supporting Taran  with her body, through the lush bush. Fortunately, she wasn’t directionally challenged, so she remembered the path she had seen once.

“I didn’t know there would be a band of thieves.”

“They’re… escaped slaves, that’s all.”

Taran, writhing in pain, replied to Leah’s question.

But now, the rain started to pour even harder than before. It was still early spring, so it was cold enough to make one’s teeth chatter.

“Just a little further.”

Finally, the two emerged from the forest onto a wide meadow.

“Th-the cabin is… up on that hill.”

Leah’s voice trembled too. Supporting a big man like Taran with her small frame for over an hour had exhausted her.

Leah  mustered all her strength and climbed the hill with Taran.

Her breath was caught in her throat, but she didn’t want him to notice, so she pushed herself as hard as she could.

When she opened the crude wooden door, fortunately, there was a space where they could escape the rain. But all that was there were wooden planks and a worn-out blanket.

“Pl-please, sit here.”

Leah sat Taran on the planks and quickly began to remove his clothes. Soon his bare torso was revealed, and as expected, his right shoulder was covered in blood.

“The bullet went through.”

At least that was fortunate. They wouldn’t have to dig out the bullet from his flesh.

Leah looked around anxiously.

“I need bandages.”

Of course, there were none. Then at least there should be cloth to wrap around Taran’s shoulder.

That’s when she remembered her layered underskirts and hurriedly removed her dress.

“W-what… are you doing?”

Even in the midst of pain, Taran seemed surprised by Grace’s actions.

But she didn’t answer, tearing her underskirt into long strips like bandages.

“First, let’s stop the bleeding.”

Leah  used the cloth to staunch the bleeding from the wound. But Taran’s complexion was pale, and his lips were turning blue, shocking her to the core.

“His body temperature is dropping.”

After finishing the hemostasis, Leah took out whiskey from the bag she had brought from the carriage.

“Before wrapping it with bandages, let’s disinfect it.”

“This… where did you learn all this?”

“From attending a girls’ school.”

“A girls’ school… Grace went to school?”

“Sorry, I misspoke. I saw it in a book.”

Leah hastily made excuses to make up for her slip of the tongue.

Leah  attended a convent school until she was fifteen, where she even learned basic first aid.

Of course, it was Leah  Hamilton who attended, not Grace. She didn’t know whether Grace had attended school or not.

“Shut up, Leah.”

She couldn’t afford any more mistakes.

She wrapped the bandage around the wound, tucking her lips inward.

Taran  silently watched Grace do so.

“She’s definitely not just anyone.”

Grace showed quick judgment, composure, and patience that she hadn’t seen in Grace before.

Not only that, her fingertips handling the wound were very skillful. Above all, it was strange that she didn’t cry out of fear.

“Uh… Grace, could you give me some alcohol?”

Taran’s throat was dry.

“It’s not good for the wound.”

“It’s okay. Alcohol was medicine on the battlefield.”

He had suffered many injuries like this before and knew that he wouldn’t die easily.

Leah  reluctantly handed him the bottle of whiskey. Taran immediately took a swig from the bottle.

Meanwhile, Leah  searched for something in the cabin to start a fire.

“There’s no way there is.”

In her heart, she wanted to smash the cabin and make a fire, but there was no such feeling.

Leh a hurriedly shook out an old blanket and wrapped Taran’s body with it. He fell asleep, probably due to the alcohol.

“He’s asleep, but…?”

His half-naked body caught her eye. Firm chest and distinct abs.

Even in this situation, his appearance didn’t lose its luster, stealing Lea’s gaze.

Belatedly realizing that she was staring at him as if enchanted, Leah  shook her head to clear her mind.

The outer clothes were soaked and couldn’t be worn. Right now, the torn petticoat under the corset was all that was left. It would be better to take it off. Luckily, she had long underwear, which was a relief.

“Ugh! It’s cold.”

“Otherwise, I might freeze to death before Taran does. Leah  took a deep breath and searched for a solution.

Allen got out of bed and put on a silk robe. He poured a drink into a crystal glass and headed towards the window.

‘Taran Courtier, he said he took care of Leah’s body and also took some heirlooms.’

It was what the bishop told him after Taran and Grace left on the day of the funeral.

That heirloom must be the necklace. With that, he would completely own Hamilton Manor.

‘Am I not considered Leah’s family? His gaze was really annoying.’

Sharp eyes like a black panther. It was so intimidating that it made people shrink.

Above all, he read Taran’s wariness towards him from his face.

‘Damn! Why does such a guy have to get the necklace?’

Allen gulped down the drink.

In fact, he had heard about Taran’s reputation a long time ago. He was a hero of Rubec and a member of the highest nobility with astronomical wealth.

‘Grace Bizaac, I heard she’s his fiancée.’

His expression changed in an instant. From annoyance to something strange…

Honestly, he was quite surprised when he saw Grace. Uncommon in recent times, with elegant manners and rich sensibility, she was like a spring day in full bloom.

Yet, there was also a strange charm that stimulated a man’s instincts.

‘I should get to know her a bit.’

It was the first time in his life that he felt attracted to a woman.

Leah  Hamilton was smart, but… how should I put it… too much of a lady?

Her appearance didn’t catch my eye either. She had too much on her mind, resembling my father, the owner of Hamilton Manor, in her understanding of the political situation.

‘So, I didn’t like Leah . She tried to surpass me arrogantly.’

Allen’s gaze turned to Sarah  lying on the bed.

‘It’s not suitable to keep such a lowly person in power. Grace Bizaac should be at least… worthy of my dignity.’

He wanted to create an opportunity to meet Taran and Grace again.

The white smoke of exploding gunpowder, the bodies of soldiers piled up like mountains, and the stench of blood permeating the air were all repulsive.

Even as Taran was moving the bodies of his subordinates, he did not feel sad.

‘What right do I have?’

These soldiers only pitied having such an incompetent commander.

Taran saw the world painted in shades of gray.

‘Hell is not far away.’

The place where he stood was hell itself. At that moment, a bloodied hand grabbed Taran’s ankle.

“Save me! We died because of you!”

Countless corpses reached out, clinging to Taran’s body. No matter how much he struggled to break free, they wouldn’t let go.

“Why do only we have to die? Why are you sending us to hell?”

The cries of the dead soldiers trampled mercilessly over Teren.

Then, Aidan stood before Taran. He was covered in blood, missing a leg.

“Teren, did you intentionally lead me to my death?”

“No! Aidan!”

Taran cried out. Then, the piled-up corpses rose and reached out towards Taran. They choked him.

“I didn’t mean to kill you!”

He screamed towards the cloudy sky. Perhaps a miracle happened. The clouds parted, and light began to shine through.

“It’s not the fault of the Kortuah General.”

The voice, as gentle as sunlight breaking through, was very warm.

Taran faintly opened his eyes. Grace was there, gently holding his face in her hands.

“The deaths of your subordinates weren’t your fault. War isn’t something one person does.”


“It’s because of your sacrifices that peace has come to Rubeck. If you hadn’t fought, more people would have died. Children, women, the elderly, and their protectors.”

“But… because of me, Aidan…”

“That was Aidan’s choice, not the fault of the Kortuah General.”

She wiped the tears from Taran’s eyes with her hands.

“The Kortuah General devoted his whole body to fight and restore peace. So don’t blame yourself.”

Taran looked at Grace with a bewildered expression.

At first, he thought it was a dream, but he could still hear the sound of rain outside, and she and I were wrapped together in a blanket.

It was only then that he realized he had been having a nightmare.

It was the first time someone had caught him in such a vulnerable state. Even without looking, it was probably obvious; I must have been babbling in my sleep like a child.

“It’s rude, but if we’re going to endure tonight, there’s no other choice. Please bear with it, even if it’s uncomfortable.”

Leah wrapped us both in a blanket and snuggled up against me.

For now, only the warmth of the two of them could sustain life. Soon, her small head gently touched his sturdy chest.

But that’s not all. She wrapped her delicate arms around his waist.


Taran felt a lump deep in his chest burst with a clear sensation. His lungs, which had been filled with stifling smoke, cleared.

His soul had always been trapped in the smoky battlefield, but now it seemed to burst outwards.

But why did his nose feel stuffy and a melancholy emotion rise?

This small woman was a comfort he had never received from anyone, anywhere.

In hindsight, he had never sought great encouragement.

He just endured it alone.

The words he longed to hear were ultimately sincere consolation.

Taran tightly hugged the white dove that had flown onto his product with his left arm.

“The Kortuah General is a good person. He didn’t harm anyone.”

Leah inadvertently realized his suffering. But only her heartfelt desire to comfort him was sincere.

Taran never made anyone unhappy. He was also a victim of war and a deeply troubled patient because of it.

“The real sinner blinded by love, unable to kill himself, even sent his father to hell, is Leah Hamilton.”

It’s an unbearable thing to say. Leah shed tears without realizing it.

“Don’t cry, Grace.”

Taran’s voice, which broke earnestly, enveloped Leah.

“I don’t deserve to cry. But enduring the pain is too hard.”




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